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The Unity Party has petitioned the Supreme Court of Liberia to issue a Writ of Mandamus against the National Elections C...

The Unity Party has petitioned the Supreme Court of Liberia to issue a Writ of Mandamus against the National Elections Commission to compel the electoral body to produce, publish, and distribute the Final Registration.

The legal challenge by the former ruling party is rooted in its belief that timely access to the roll is a key requirement that would ensure the credibility of the October 10 elections.

The electoral body which has, however, not committed to a specific date for the publication of the roll, has insisted that it is working diligently towards making the list available possibl in a secured format and available to all stakeholders as soon as possible.

The Unity Party and other opposition politicians have for the last few weeks contended that the NEC failure to provide access to the roll violates the principles of transparency and fairness that underpin democratic elections.

They argue that without timely access to the crucial document, political parties would find it tough to adequately identify any irregularities or discrepancies in the roll and have it correct.

Meanwhile, NEC is yet to issue a formal response to the Unity Party’s petition since the case was filed on Tuesday September 26, 2023, but it is expected to proceed swiftly through the legal process, given the urgency surrounding the impending national elections.

The Supreme Court is expected to carefully review the merits of the Unity Party’s argument and assess whether a writ of mandamus is warranted in this particular situation.

Story by: Thomas Kojo Roulhac
Photo credit: Google

Liberia’s strive for girl’s education receives setback as seven counties including Grand Kru report drastic decline in g...

Liberia’s strive for girl’s education receives setback as seven counties including Grand Kru report drastic decline in girls enrollment

The counties are Gbarpolu, cape Mount, Bomi, Sinoe, Grand Bassa, River-Cess and Grand Kru.

Abraham Kiazolu who is the Coordinator and technical lead at the ministry of education said the survey was conducted recently in the seven counties.

Mr. Kiazolu who failed to tell journalists about the cause that led to the drastic increased of female drop out in the counties said the statistics are alarming.

Caterpillars invasion in several counties continues to threaten survivals of crops and farmers; but Ministry of Agriculture report progress in fighting the strange invaders

The situation according to report is also affecting the cultivation of farmland in areas such as Kpain and Domah towns and electoral districts one, of Nimba County.

According to the farmers, the caterpillars continue to destroy their crops and safe drinking water in several towns and villages.

But earlier this week the Minister of Agriculture constituted an Incident Management System assisted by an Incident Coordination Unit to provide coordination and collaborate with stakeholders and partners at international, national and local levels to address the current caterpillar infestation in the country.

According to a release, the MOA deployed technicians in the affected areas quipped with bio-pesticides, and motorized sprayers to stop the invasion and curb the damages to crops.

The pest is aggressive, feeds on plants and seriously deprives them of their leaves.

President George Weah commissions first ever football museum in Liberia; says the museum is in membrane of Liberian football legends and contributors to football

The Museum which is name "the Shoes we Aspire to Fill" was dedicated over the weekend and is located at the Invincible Park.

The new Museum is made mostly of Mr. Weah's footballing artifact and some photos and records of other players including legends that are only heard of through oral history.

At the dedicatory ceremony President Weah said the museum was constructed to ensure that players who contributed to the nation’s most cherished sports are not forgotten.

Breaking NewsMr. Stanton Witherspoon has appointed Madam Tete Kanneh as the new CEO of Spoon Network while going through...

Breaking News

Mr. Stanton Witherspoon has appointed Madam Tete Kanneh as the new CEO of Spoon Network while going through his legal process.

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"Simeon Freeman Again"Movement for Progressive Change Political leader Simeon Freeman describes President Weah Liberia’s...

"Simeon Freeman Again"

Movement for Progressive Change Political leader Simeon Freeman describes President Weah Liberia’s biggest threat to peaceful elections

The Political leader of the Movement for Progressive Change Simeon Freeman says President George Weah is biggest threat to peaceful elections in Liberia.

President Weah recently assured the American government and the people of Liberia of peaceful, free, fair and transparent elections in October this year.

But Simeon Freeman said at the moment, state security officers are wearing party outfits, while many arms and ammunitions were arrested recently, as there is so much fanfare about the situation that is yet to come to logical conclusion.

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency Wednesday February 8, 2023 set ablaze huge consignment of co***ne worth US$37-millio...

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency Wednesday February 8, 2023 set ablaze huge consignment of co***ne worth US$37-million.

According to Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean says burning of the drugs reaffirms government zero tolerance on the usage of harmful drugs.

Minister Dean however disclosed that the government will soon commence legal proceedings on the US$100-million worth of co***ne that were also confiscated at the Freeport of Monrovia recently.

Follow Local News- LIB for more on this story.

To see a very beautiful Liberian girl of this kind as a Comedian in this Country is not easy. What do you think motivate...

To see a very beautiful Liberian girl of this kind as a Comedian in this Country is not easy.
What do you think motivated her?

Do you agree with madam President?

Do you agree with madam President?

Breaking News From The CDCReports just coming from the Coalition for Democratic Change Headquarters say, efforts to ensu...

Breaking News From The CDC

Reports just coming from the Coalition for Democratic Change Headquarters say, efforts to ensure the NPP and LPDP renew their agreement as part of the Coalition did not materialize.

Local News LIB (LNL) have gathered that the Congress for Democratic Change, National Patriotic Party and the Liberia People Democratic Party were expected to renew their commitment to the trapaitie arrangement that found the Coalition in 2017, but the LPDP and NPP refused to sign.

According to sources within the NPP and LPDP who attended the meeting told Local News LIB that Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor presided over the meeting, because President George Weah did not attend.

Report say, additional efforts are expected to be made tomorrow, Saturday to ensure the LPDP and NPP sign the document.

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor accuses election magistrates across the country of being corrupt; says they have over...

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor accuses election magistrates across the country of being corrupt; says they have overstayed thus rendering them compromised

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor said magistrates in most cases take financial inducements in advance to decide the winners of electoral processes in the various counties.

According to her, most of the magistrates have overstayed in their areas of assignments which has rendered them compromised.

Speaking at the eighth edition of the Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis Intellectual Discourse Thursday, the Vice President called for the immediate rotation of Election magistrates to ensure a peaceful elections comes October.

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This is reportedly the oldest man in Liberia, he is reported to be146 years old. His name is Nifo Doe, and he is reporte...

This is reportedly the oldest man in Liberia, he is reported to be146 years old.

His name is Nifo Doe, and he is reportedly the oldest man living Liberia.
He was allegedly born in 1877 in Sasstown and lives in Grand Kru County.

Breaking news!A family of six in Bomi County has been arrested by the Liberia National Police for murdering a 2-year-old...

Breaking news!

A family of six in Bomi County has been arrested by the Liberia National Police for murdering a 2-year-old boy and removing some of his body parts.

The child’s right eye, right hand, right leg, private part and all internal organs were removed.

The Liberia National Police was able to retrieve the body parts, which were found with the child’s grandfather and that led to his arrest along with 5 others.

Those arrested include the child’s mother, grandfather, aunt, uncle (who allegedly committed the murder) and other relatives.

SPOON GROUP OF COMPANIES CEO Writes....My fellow Liberians, With a very heavy heart, I bring you greetings today. Despit...


My fellow Liberians,

With a very heavy heart, I bring you greetings today. Despite all we have heard about my challenges, I feel a sense of obligation to address you all today.

However, I certainly hope that we can all appreciate that I am restricted from going into additional details beyond this, for now, on the expressed advice and instructions of my legal team.

While I am very aware of your desire to get even more details on these charges, I can only appeal to you all to let the investigation and legal process play out. While temptation pushes me to address this matter in far more detail, I have to abide by my legal team's instructions.

Like a patient following a doctor's orders, it is my legal team's work in this matter that will bring the best legal resolution. It is my legal team, and not even myself personally, who is in direct, regular contact with the investigating authorities and it is their advice that guides me in addressing it.

My friends and fellow Liberians,
to those of you, who out of humanity, decency, and sheer kindness, whether you vehemently disagree with me or not, have reached out with messages of encouragement, publicly rejected the condemnation, or just remembered me and my family in your prayers, I thank God for the better angels that you are and wish you all well. I only ask for your continued prayers and encouragement for my family and me.

At the appropriate time, I hope that the full facts will provide the necessary clarity on this matter.

Going forward, in this very pivotal election season, Spoon Talk will continue its commitment to keep the Liberian people informed globally and provide education leading up to the presidential and general elections. Our commitment to our people does not take a backseat to our trials and challenges.

There is a greater being who orders our paths and steps, certainly mine.

I thank you.

Chief Patron of Sports, George Manneh Weah has modernized the famous West Point Sports Pitch in West Point Township.The ...

Chief Patron of Sports, George Manneh Weah has modernized the famous West Point Sports Pitch in West Point Township.
The pitch was once a sandy and dusty playing ground in the densely populated slum community.

Breaking News on Child Killing! Two years old child discover dead in Bomi County with body parts extracted, as Police ar...

Breaking News on Child Killing!

Two years old child discover dead in Bomi County with body parts extracted, as Police arrest and investigate six individuals in connection to the act

The Liberia National Police says it has arrested and is investigation six persons in connection to a reported ritualistic killing and extraction of body parts of a two years old child identified as Saah Momo.

The incident occurred Tuesday, January 23,2023 in Zealay Town, Dowein District in Bomi County.

Police Superintendent for crimes services in Bomi County, James Cartoe said they got information on Tuesday that a child was kidnapped and killed in Dowein district.

According to him, upon hearing the news, the police arrested two females and four males who were allegedly involved.

Follow for more on this story and other stories.

Breaking News!! Angry motorcyclists in Grand Bassa County have set ablaze the only police depot at the St. John River Br...

Breaking News!!

Angry motorcyclists in Grand Bassa County have set ablaze the only police depot at the St. John River Bridge which is few miles away from Buchanan City

The angry mob accused the Drug Enforcement Officers assigned at the police depot of embarrassing one of cyclists which led him to drowning in the St. John River.

It is reported that Austin Davis, a motorcyclist jumped into the river for fear of being arrested by the LDEA officers.

Details surrounding his reported fear of being arrested remain unknown.

Details to follow.

National Elections Commission releases Revised Electoral Dates for 2023 General Elections, but maintains October 10, as ...

National Elections Commission releases Revised Electoral Dates for 2023 General Elections, but maintains October 10, as Elections Day

The Key Electoral Dates for the 2023 General Elections were announced on Tuesday with a meeting of Senior Executive Members of the Political Parties and elections partners, under the Inter-Party Consultative Committee meeting at the headquarters of the Commission on 9th Street, in Sinkor.

According to the Commission, the first phase of the Biometric Voter Registration will start on March 20th and ends on April 9, 2023, and will cover six counties, including Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu.

The Commission named Rivercess, Sinoe, Grand Kru, Maryland, River Gee, Grand Gedeh, Nimba, B**g, and Lofa as the remaining nine counties within phase two of the Biometric exercise which will commence on April 21 to May 11, 2023.

Simeon Davies who is accused of making away with U.S. $70,000 intended for “We Tire Suffering Rally opens up for the fir...

Simeon Davies who is accused of making away with U.S. $70,000 intended for “We Tire Suffering Rally opens up for the first time; says he knows nothing about the missing money

Simeon Davies told the Spoon Talk on Monday that he knows nothing about the money adding, that Martin Kollah and Lewis Brown should be asked.

He disclosed that his Boss, Mr. Kollah only gave him US$100 on the day of his depature to seek medical attention.

Simeon Davies, who is believed to be out of the country, promised to turn himself over to the Liberia National Police for investigation, upon his return from the sick bush.

At long last, Liberty Party Political leader breaks silence over claims linking her as running mate to Joe Boakai; Senat...

At long last, Liberty Party Political leader breaks silence over claims linking her as running mate to Joe Boakai; Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence says she will accept if picked

The embattled Political leader of the troubled Liberty Party, Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence says she will accept to become running mate to Unity Party Standard Bearer Joseph Boakai, if she is picked.

After being quiet for nearly a year in the midst of claims and counterclaims linking her to becoming running mate to Mr. Boakai, Senator Lawrence finally broke silence on Wednesday, January 4,2023.

At a news conference on Wednesday, Senator Lawrence mentioned that she had observed wave of political support towards her, ahead of the pick for a running mate to former VP Boakai.

Monsterrado Senator Darius Dillon vows to resist Western Cluster from transporting iron ore by truck through the populated Duala market; says it is causing health hazard

Monsterrado County Senator Darius Dillon has wowed to lead the charge to prevent any Western Cluster truck transporting iron ore from western Liberia, through the populated Duala to the Freeport of Monrovia.

Senator Dillon said it creates health hazard seeing Western Cluster transporting iron ore publicly by road through a densely populated region without using a rail-road.

The senator warned that he will resist any attempt by the company to transport ore by road, and insists that anyone who may have taken money from western cluster for such purpose must stand ready for him.

Reports says a lifeless body of a man believed to a criminal laying in the Coca Cola Factory Community has begun to smel...

Reports says a lifeless body of a man believed to a criminal laying in the Coca Cola Factory Community has begun to smell.

The body has been laying in that area for approximately four days without any attempt to have him buried by either family members or the government.

Local business owners and other vendors along the route are calling on government institution responsible to immediately intervene and have the decaying body removed.

They expressed fear that the decaying body may lead to health hazard for residents of the community.

Breaking...The National Patriotic Party under the Chairmanship of James Biney says Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor is...

The National Patriotic Party under the Chairmanship of James Biney says Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor is no longer Standard Bearer of the NPP.

According to Chairman Biney, Madam Taylor's tenures as Standard Bearer of the Party have come to an end as per the constitution of the NPP.

He said the NPP Constitution only allows for two terms and as such the Vice President will not be allowed to participate in a process for a new Standard Bearer.

He told this station that the Executive Committee of the NPP has mandated its Secretary General Andrew Peters to proceed to a process by the soliciting names of those who want to be Standard Bearer of the Party.

PLP have confirmed the death of it's standard bearer. Rest In Peace Dr. Cassell.

PLP have confirmed the death of it's standard bearer.
Rest In Peace Dr. Cassell.

Social media in Liberia begin flooded with news of the death of Dr. Daniel Cassell of the People's Liberation Party (PLP...

Social media in Liberia begin flooded with news of the death of Dr. Daniel Cassell of the People's Liberation Party (PLP)

According to family sources, Dr. Cassell was found unresponsive in the early hours of Sunday evening at his home in Philadelphia.

Dr. Cassell founded Kwenyan Professional Health Services, a mental health/behavioral and substance abuse agency and worked as Behavioral Specialist Consultant in the Philadelphia and Bucks County areas in the United States.

In 2008, he became licensed as a professional counselor in Pennsylvania and became a licensed clinical drugs and alcohol counselor in New Jersey in 2009.

This enabled him to begin his career in private practice. After a year in private practice, his agency was approved by the New Jersey Division of Child Behavioral Health as an intensive in-home and community provider

In 2022, Dr. Cassell announced his intention to run for president of Liberia in the 2023 elections, forming the People Liberation Party to back his candidacy.

Dr. Cassell’s quest for the presidency took a rocky turn in September when indicted by a Grand Jury in the United States of America on allegations of insurance fraud among other counts.

A statement from the office of the Attorney General of New Jersey disclosed that the Acting Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (OIFP) announced that a state grand jury had indicted Dr. Cassell on charges of first-degree money laundering, second-degree theft by deception, and multiple counts of conspiracy, insurance fraud, and other charges outlined.

Officials said Dr. Cassell used the mental health clinics to hide unreported income and failed to report “more than $11 million in additional New Jersey-earned income on NJ non-resident income tax returns” from 2016-2018. Bindu Cassell was an officer for the Kwenyan entities, Platkin said.

Two of Cassell’s employees submitted thousands of false claims to Medicaid for mental health services that were never performed or were billed incorrectly.

Despite the charges, Dr. Cassell consistently maintained that the PLP would be a key contender in the 2023 general and presidential elections in Liberia. He said the Party as a grass root political institution, is fixated on rescuing Liberia from its current state of demise.

Dr. Cassell’s death has now left the PLP in a state of uncertainty amid mounting speculations that the party could be headed into a merger with another political party.

Breaking NewsReports reaching Local News-LIB says People’s Liberation Party Political leader, Dr. Daniel Cassell  is dea...

Breaking News

Reports reaching Local News-LIB says People’s Liberation Party Political leader, Dr. Daniel Cassell is dead.

According to a PLP Sources, Dr. Cassell died early Monday morning December 26, 2022 in the USA.

Cause of death is currently unknown.

Meanwhile, more details are expected from People's Liberation Party later today.

Officers of the Liberia National Police during the much publicized ‘We Tire Suffering’ protest organized by the Collabor...

Officers of the Liberia National Police during the much publicized ‘We Tire Suffering’ protest organized by the Collaborating Political Party yesterday arrested a man identified as Justine Zigbuo with firearm.

It is however not clear if Zigbuo who was allegedly caught with said firearm is an executive of the CPP or a personal bodyguard of Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, head of the CPP.

According to reports, the firearm in question was marked with the code ‘NSA 020’.

According to sources, lawyers from the CPP including Cllr Lafayette B Gould Sr., were seen at the Liberia National Police headquarters allegedly making arrangement for the reported release of the man in question.

On December 17, 2022 thousands of supporters of the CPP joined a demonstration, protesting over economic hardships and President George Weah’s prolonged absence from the country.

Large protests have taken place sporadically during Weah’s five years in office, but anger over his government’s management of the economy has grown as Liberians grapple with rising food and fuel prices linked to the Ukraine war and fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The C.H. Rennie Hospital in Margibi County rejects a motor accident victim without reason, as County Health Officer stru...

The C.H. Rennie Hospital in Margibi County rejects a motor accident victim without reason, as County Health Officer struggles to defend the act

The C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi County reportedly turned down a motor accident victim, who was experiencing severe pain as a result of serious injuries he sustained.

Eyewitnesses said the 20 years old victim only identified as Sunneyboy was ran into by a speeding vehicle on the Monrovia – Kakata Highway, and later taken to the Morris’ Farm police depot.

Upon reaching at the police deport which is a stone throw from Kakata City, the police immediately contacted the C.H. Rennie ambulance for help.

According to the Police, the ambulance transported the victim to the hospital but returned with him to the police depot in less than an hour, on grounds that the hospital had rejected the victim.

APPROVED!! CPP planned December 17 rally in Monrovia have been approved by the Ministry of Justice

CPP planned December 17 rally in Monrovia have been approved by the Ministry of Justice

Former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has appeared for the second time on the world stage as rumors of her dea...

Former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has appeared for the second time on the world stage as rumors of her death continue to circulate in the country mainly on social media.
Long live madam President

The Honorable Chamber of the Liberian Senate, as usual, was lit up on today, Monday, December 5, 2022 with cross-cutting...

The Honorable Chamber of the Liberian Senate, as usual, was lit up on today, Monday, December 5, 2022 with cross-cutting national development issues, with particularity on the appearance of Authorities of the Ministry of Public Works led by Minister Ruth Coker-Collins as they faced that august body under the able gavel of the Chairman of the Senate's Committee on Public Works and Rural Development, Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, Jr.

The appearance was twofold: first the confirmation of Deputy Minister for Technical Services Designate, Amos Yarkpawolo Barclay and the update on the RIA Modernization Road Project.

Consistent with the mandate of H. E. President George Weah to his able infrastructure lieutenants on the timely implementation and development of the country's transport facilitation programmes, the national discourse at the Senate today aimed at reaffirming the Government of Liberia's commitment to roads connectivity, as well as the overarching significance of the iconic RIA Road Project.

Ministry of Finance presents 2023 draft fiscal budget of over $700-millon US Dollars; House Speaker Bhofal Chambers assu...

Ministry of Finance presents 2023 draft fiscal budget of over $700-millon US Dollars; House Speaker Bhofal Chambers assures the budget will work in the interest of Liberians

Presenting the draft budget Monday, Deputy Finance Minister for Budget planning, Tenneh Brunson said the total revenue envelope is estimated at seven hundred, seventy seven point ninety four million of which external resources amount to 110-million United States Dollars.

Deputy Minister Brunson claimed that domestic economic activities have been reasonably robust with revenue performing better than expected at mid-year.

Receiving the draft budget, House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers commended authorities of the Ministry of Finance for the efforts exerted in the formulation of the draft budget.

National Elections Commission postpones voter registration Exercise with less than a year to election; confirms growing disagreement amongst commissioners

The National Elections Commission says it will not start the voter registration exercise as planned on December 15.

NEC Charirperson Davidetta Brown Lassanah stated that the Commission is developing a new timeline detailing the voter registration schedule.

Meanwhile, Madam Brown Lassana confirmed a growing disagreement among commissioners of the country’s electoral body.

In a senate committee hearing on Monday, she disclosed that the disagreement stance from her co-chair’s tempering with results of the PPCC process regarding the selection of Vendor to conduct the biometric process.

But, the NEC Co Chair, Teplah Reeves said her recent leaked communication against the the Commission Chairperson’s interference into the selection of LAXTON Company for the biometric process was not meant for public consumption.







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