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Finally, Senator Prince Y. Johnson signs the resolution for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court!While Sen...

Finally, Senator Prince Y. Johnson signs the resolution for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court!

While Senate Protem Lawrence observes carefully...


Protem Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence writes:

I am pleased to announce that, Twenty-seven (27) of the Twenty-nine (29) Senators have signed a resolution endorsing the establishment of the war and economic Crimes courts in Liberia.

Thanks to Senators who have trusted in my leadership on why they should sign this resolution and also thanks to those who have other view on this matter.

We have communicated with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Cllr. Fornati Koffa and members of the House of Representatives seeking their concurrence.

We believe this decision will bring an end the perception in the public that Members of The Liberian Senate are against establishing war and economic crimes court. We believe this decision is the beginning of ending impunity in Liberia.


News Flash

For insulting President Boakai, his Family and even threatening to kill him (President) yesterday at his press conference, the NSA has invited Representative Yekeh kolubah to turn himself over in 24hours for questioning over comments he made against President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr.

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World Health Organization in collaboration with Ministry of Health celebrates World Health Day.

Government/ Street BeggingUNCONTROLLABLE STREET BEGGING ENGULFS LIBERIAPrior to 1990 armed conflict, Liberia was a model...

Government/ Street Begging


Prior to 1990 armed conflict, Liberia was a model of civilization across Africa, with a low rate of 1% street bagging according to a report by the Consortium for street children.

Research has shown that Liberia has no legal framework to prohibits street begging especially among children.

However, the Children’s Law of Liberia of 2011 (“Children’s Law“), i.e. Article VII, Section 1.2, Children’s Law of Liberia, 2011, Article VII, Section 2, Children’s Law of Liberia, 2011, An Act to Ban Trafficking in Persons within the Republic of Liberia, 2005, and Article 12, 1986 Constitution of Liberia, classified children who are begging on the streets a child in a situation of special vulnerability. Under Section 3 of this law, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is required to work with other ministries to develop, implement, and promote public policies and programs that alleviate, mitigate, and address the effects of situations of vulnerability, but unfortunately the department of Social Welfare was detached from the Ministry of Health in 2010, making this portion inapplicable by Health authorities.

Liberia’s Anti-Trafficking Law also prohibits the trafficking of persons, including children, to force them into labour. Forced labour, itself, is prohibited under Liberia’s 1986 Constitution. Forced begging has been classified as a type of forced labour.

Thus, while it is not unlawful for children to beg under the laws of Liberia, forcing children to beg is considered illegal.

Currently, there are at least 366,584 street children of Liberia who are scattered across the country, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection. The data revealed that 17%of street children between the age of 5 to 14, in Liberia work in agriculture, while a similar amount in services, and about 4% in industries.

The lives of these children, the Ministry says, are neither positive nor sustainable as they are unable to meet their basics, which makes them susceptible to violence, trafficking and sexual exploitation as well as drugs.

“A survey conducted by the Ministry and partners discovered that over 366,584 children across the country are living in the streets in dehumanizing conditions,” says Maminah Gorlon Carr-Gay, former Assistant Gender Minister for Children and Social Protection on June 12 at a program World Day against Child Labor at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town.

Child labor has been one of the major problems the Government of Liberia has tackled, adding that children who should be in school are rather forced to labor for their families.”

Liberia’s protracted civil war, which lasted from 1989 to 2003, left an indelible mark on the nation, perpetuating a cycle of poverty that disproportionately affects its children.

The conflict resulted in widespread displacement, loss of life, and the destruction of infrastructure, leaving the country’s social systems in tatters. Today, as Liberia joins other nations around the world in marking the International Day of the African Child (DAC), the extent of the problem can be seen in the statistics. However, the true depth of the African child’s struggle in Liberia is revealed in their personal stories. Each statistic represents a young life seeking the chance to thrive and a voice longing to be heard.

An estimated 270,000 people died while another 850,000 were displaced. During this war, over 10,000 children were recruited as child soldiers.

After the war ended the children could return to civilian life, yet in many cases former child soldiers had no surviving relatives or could not locate their families post-conflict. Those that were reunited with their families often did not remain and chose a life on the street instead. The subsequent lack of resources and limited access to quality education has perpetuated the vicious cycle of poverty, making it increasingly difficult for children to escape the clutches of destitution.

It is a situation where perhaps those who are to mitigate think that they cannot be harmed,” Livingstone says. “Perhaps they think they have security in any form, but i tell them they are still not safe if we don’t handle this situation.

“And i will not even be able to walk with a bottom phone in the street. So can you imagine if we were to have anything that will get into a war like situation the entire nation will perish,” she added.

Social issues have played their part in the growth of street children. While Liberia was attempting to rebuild, it suffered from war and disease which have, in turn, crippled the economy, destroyed the education system and devastated many communities.

In 2014, Liberia was struck by the Ebola virus, orphaning as many as 7,500 children. By that time, most of the former child soldiers had grown up, but the massive fatality rate of Ebola in Liberia (as indicated by CDC – 45%) fostered a new generation of street children.

In addition to losing entire families, the surviving children were subject to stigmatization and ostracization from their peers.

“All in school the drugs have entered and no one thinks about it. No one is doing something about it. When I speak of no one, I am speaking in a bracket of leaders who are supposed to take the lead is not just a ceremonial thing. It’s practical steps, practical action,” Livingstone say.

In Montserrado, the statistics from the Ministry of Gender paint a grim picture of a future generation growing up lacking education and at risk of drug addiction, physical trauma, and trouble with the law. Number of street children in Montserrado stands at a staggering high of 153,982 out of 366,584, the Ministry data shows.

The lack of economic opportunities and the declining education system have also played a role in children migrating to the streets, experts say. The World Bank estimates that 50.1 percent of Liberians live below the poverty line (US$1.25/day), with about 1.3 million living in extreme poverty.

This poverty has prompted parents to force their children to work on the city streets for extra income. Destitute and desperate rural parents often send their children to the city with local businessmen who promise an education and more opportunity.

Unfortunately, once in the city, children are exploited for their labor. Even if they flee the situation, they remain living in the city, where they resort to prostitution and selling in the street to survive.

According to UNICEF, approximately 60 percent of Liberian children live in poverty, while nearly half of all girls aged 15-19 have experienced sexual violence. The statistics are disheartening, but the reality is even more stark. In Monrovia, children can be seen anywhere on the streets, barefoot and hungry, selling goods or begging for money. Many are forced to drop out of school to help support themselves and their families. For girls, situation is dire.

The same UNICEF report states that approximately 64% of primary school-aged children are out of school, a disheartening figure that highlights the alarming rate of educational deprivation. Factors such as limited infrastructure, a scarcity of qualified teachers, and the unaffordability of school fees all contribute to the exclusion of children from educational opportunities..

Liberia, as a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) — a legally binding international instrument for the guarantee and the protection of child’s rights in 2011, passed laws to safeguard children from harmful vices that can hamper their growth and development, such as trafficking, forced labor, and other forms of bad behavior.

The Children Rights Law (CRL) is a piece of legislation that requires the Ministries of Gender, Labor, and Justice to address rapid growth of street children but, after more than ten years of legislations passed, there are still many unmet needs.

Activists say ten years since the creation of such a landmark instrument, no progress has been made as child labor still remains another pressing concern that continues to plague Liberia.

Due to economic hardships and limited job opportunities for adults, children are often forced to engage in hazardous and exploitative labor to support their families. They work in mines, plantations, and other dangerous environments, risking their health, safety, and overall development.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) also estimates that more than 50% of Liberian children between the ages of 5 and 17 are engaged in some form of child labor, effectively robbed of their childhood and the chance to thrive.

The Director of the Child Justice Session at the Justice Ministry, Atty. Alben Greaves, in 2021 told the Daily Observers that the country is heavily challenged in addressing the issue involving children at risk and children both in conflict and contact with the law.

It is the Justice Ministry’s role to enforce the Children Rights Law but the government has nowhere to take the kids when they are taken off the streets, which Greaves says is the biggest challenge of the government.

“The government lacks safe and transit homes, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and feedings,” Greaves says. This is still a serious challenge that has stopped the government from being proactive in the process today.”

It is not like the government had not tried. In 2013, the then administration of President Ellen Johson Sirleaf tried taking the kids off the streets but had no facilities to care for the children. The project then became a failure and the number of children on the street has since grown significantly.

Amidst all this, other countries across Africa have now adopted new measures to control widespread street bagging by imposition of bans.

Last week, authorities in Ivory Coast’s biggest city, Abidjan, have joined the likes of Rwanda, Senegal to announced a ban on begging to try to combat what they call urban disorder.

The city’s Deputy Governor, Vincent N’cho Kouaoh, said begging in all its forms – including the use of handcarts – was forbidden in order to improve people’s living conditions, ensure their safety and improve traffic flow.

In 2013, the interior ministry prohibited begging at street junctions, but it failed to curb the practice.

Attempts in other African cities have also resulted in a similar lack of success.

The latest ban follows mass evictions and demolitions in several of the city’s slums.

The Ivorian capital is one of the most gridlocked cities in Africa with a population of about six million.

In 2020, ban begging in two states – Nasarawa and Kano – in Nigeria. There are some similarities as well as some differences between the two bans, and to a prior one in Kaduna state.

I have been reminded several times that the bans are street begging bans rather than a ban on the practice of Almajiranci – a system of Qur’anic schooling predominant in Northern Nigeria which sees young boys sent off to live with a Malam (teacher) to study the Qur’an. The boys often end up begging on the streets.

Nevertheless, based on my insights into Almajiranci during the course of my research, I would argue that the bans are really aimed at the practitioners of Almajiranci. In the case of Kano, the statement by the government went as far as to make this clear.

Also in 2019, Ethiopia is banning street begging by Syrian nationals who have startled people by showing up in growing numbers in recent months in major cities around hotels and mosques.

“We are now coordinating our security services to effectively ban Syrian citizens from begging. We have tolerated them for some time but we have now decided to ban the illegal practice. … They are becoming a burden,” the deputy head of Ethiopia’s immigration office told The Associated Press on Friday.

Some 560 Syrians entered between mid-August and mid-December and the majority leave when their tourist visas expire, said the deputy, Yemane Gebremeskel. While street begging is not illegal in Ethiopia — there is a large presence of children — the act of entering the country as a tourist and begging is, he said.

Nearly 120 other Syrians have applied for refugee status in the East African nation that hosts one of the world’s largest refugee populations, and they were provided with support equaling around $73.

“We gave them what we could afford but they are still begging,” Yemane said.

Many Ethiopians were baffled when the Syrians began appearing on the streets of the capital, Addis Ababa, displaying signs written in the local Amharic language appealing for help.

One Syrian told the AP his family fled the war at home and has moved from place to place as life in other countries became too expensive.

Khalid Youssef said he, his wife and three children first sought refuge in Lebanon then a year ago moved to Sudan, which neighbors Ethiopia, with the help of the United Nations. They finally moved to Ethiopia.

“We don’t have any money,” he said. “Besides, there was no work in Sudan even though people were generous. Here, people are even more generous and they help us a lot.”

To survive, he said, the family asks for charity during the day. “At night we go to sleep at the mosque.”

The U.N. refugee agency told the AP in December it was supporting Ethiopia’s government in caring for close to 80 “Syrian refugees and asylum seekers” whom it said started arriving in the country in 2014.

After several interviews with Syrians on the streets, the agency “was able to establish that these were new arrivals,” it said. Over the previous month three Syrian families composed of 20 people had applied for asylum, it added.

Ethiopia currently hosts 900,000 refugees mainly from neighboring Somalia, South Sudan, Eritrea and Sudan. Earlier this month the U.N. praised the government for a new law that will allow refugees to obtain work permits, go to primary schools, open bank accounts and more.

Ethiopia’s refugee law is now “one of the most progressive refugee policies in Africa,” the agency said.

Alongside Ethiopia that same year (2019), Uganda’s capital Kampala passed a law to ban giving money or food to children living on the streets.

Kampala’s Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago, said the law aimed to curb the commercial and sexual exploitation of children.

According to government estimates, as many as 15,000 children live on the streets in Kampala, aged from seven up to the age of 17.

Additionally, in 2010, Senegal’s former President Abdoulaye Wade stated that he had reviewed placed a ban on his country’s begging spree following the arrest of seven Koranic teachers. Some human-rights observers have expressed concern that this means the recent steps taken to reduce forced child begging will suffer.

Human Rights Watch Researcher Matt Wells said since the country’s prime minister declared last month the law against begging would be strictly enforced, there have been visibly less child beggars in the streets of Dakar, the capital.

“We have seen a marked decline at least in downtown Dakar, of kids that are being forced to beg on the streets, and I am sure after this the message is going to be loud and clear, [it will] go right back to the way it was,” said Wells.

Human Rights Watch issued a report earlier this year that condemned the practice in which some Koranic teachers in the country force the students in their care, known as talibe, to beg on the streets during the daytime.

But Senegal’s Minister of Religious Affairs Mamadou Bamba Ndiaye said the president’s statement last week should not be taken as a repeal of the begging law. He said the ban on begging will still be applied, and that Mr. Wade is hoping to better organize the collection and redistribution of alms in order to help those who need it most, whether they be talibe or others.

In his statement, Wade also said that the giving of alms is required in Islam, the religion of more than 90 percent of Senegal’s population. But Ndiaye again said this did not mean that begging should be allowed in Senegal. He said that Islam invites no one to beg, but rather requires that people give to those who need it most. Ndiaye added that begging would still be punished and the law still applied in Senegal, and that talibe did not belong in the streets, but rather in schools.

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Government/ National Budget  𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀  𝗕𝘂𝗱𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀The Legislative Budget Office (LBO) of the 55th Legis...

Government/ National Budget

𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗕𝘂𝗱𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀

The Legislative Budget Office (LBO) of the 55th Legislature has unveiled the calendar of events for the Fiscal Year 2024 Draft National Budget Hearings, with a primary focus on the revenue component of the budget.

According to a press release from the House of Representatives, the budget hearing is set to commence on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 9:00 AM. The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Board of Tax Appeals, Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), National Port Authority, and the Ministry of Mines & Energy will be the first to take the stand before the joint Legislative Committee on Ways, Means, and Finance. The honorable Joint Committee Chair, Hon. Dixon Wlawlee. Seboe, will preside over the proceedings.

Day two of the hearings is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024, and will feature presentations from six key agencies: the Liberia Maritime Authority, Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA), National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NAFAA), Forestry Development Authority (FDA), and the Ministry of Transport.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, the spotlight will be on another batch of government agencies. The Ministry of Commerce & Industry/Liberia Business Registry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Liberia Immigration Services (LIS), Liberia National Police, Liberia Petroleum Refining Corporation (LPRC), Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority, and the National Road Fund are among those expected to appear.

Day four will witness presentations from the Ministry of Public Works (MPW), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), and the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications (MPT).

The House’s Press and Public Affairs release, quoting the LBO, underscored that all presentations will be led by heads of institutions. Additionally, team and sector head ministries will remain present to facilitate presentations by sector members.

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Religious/First Sunday Service

Mount Nebo Baptist Church
Cheeseman Avenue, Airfield
Monrovia, Liberia

Sunday , April 7, 2024

Text: Matthew 6:24-25

Preacher: Rev. Erastus E. W. Kahn
Worship Leader: Dea. Dr. Louise M. Kpoto

FACEBOOK: We own no copy right to songs played during this broadcast

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Devotional Quote

Devotional Quote

Government/ Public Works Ministry of Public Works Launches Demolition Exercise in Monrovia and Surrounding Areas In a bi...

Government/ Public Works

Ministry of Public Works Launches Demolition Exercise in Monrovia and Surrounding Areas

In a bid to ensure proper city planning and safety, the Ministry of Public Works has commenced a Demolition Exercise in Monrovia and its environs. The goal is to clear structures that are encroaching on alleys and right of ways, which pose a risk and hinder the development of the city.

According to the Minister of Public Works, R Laygette Gifdings, the exercise aims to create cities in Liberia that can be compared to others and set a standard for the nation. He added that the Demolition Zoning Taskforce will be actively present in the streets every weekend, working diligently to identify and demolish structures that violate zoning regulations.

The Ministry advises residents and property owners to avoid building in the alley or right of way to prevent future embarrassment and potential demolition of their structures.

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Government/ Health Liberia Launches Anti-Malaria Vaccine April 25th for children 5-18monthsLiberia’s Minister of Health,...

Government/ Health

Liberia Launches Anti-Malaria Vaccine April 25th for children 5-18months

Liberia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Louise Kpoto, announced to the House of Representatives that the country has received 88,780 vials of the malaria vaccine out of the allotted 112,000, as part of the World Health Organization’s initiative to combat malaria in Africa. The remaining doses are anticipated to arrive in July 2024, marking a significant step forward in Liberia’s efforts to address the burden of malaria.

The distribution of the malaria vaccines is a crucial component of the WHO’s Malaria Vaccine Implementation Program, aimed at reducing the incidence of malaria-related illnesses and fatalities across the continent. Liberia is among 12 African countries benefiting from this initiative, with a particular focus on areas with high malaria prevalence, especially among children.

Dr. Kpoto emphasized the Ministry of Health’s commitment to prioritizing the rollout of the vaccine in six Southeastern counties, targeting children aged 0-23 months in 39 districts within these regions. The arrival of the RTS malaria vaccine in January 2024, made possible through collaboration with organizations such as GAVI, WHO, and UNICEF, signifies a significant milestone in Liberia’s public health efforts against malaria.

Meanwhile, Liberia will join Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Cameroon to immunize its young population 5-18 months the anti-malaria vaccine.

The anti-malaria vaccine will be launch on April 25, 2024, and rollout in six counties in Southeastern Liberia which has shown increased cases of malaria over the last months according to Health officials.

Health officials tell IPNEWS that the anti-malaria vaccine will be administer at all health facilities across the six southeastern counties including Rivercess, Sinoe, Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, River Gee, and Mayland.

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Interment of the late Dea. Mth. Mary Zor Ajavon

Saturday, April 6, 2024

FACEBOOK: We owned no copyright to the song played during this broadcast


Funeral Service over the remains of the late Dea. Mth. Mary Warway Zor Ajavon
Held at the Mount. Nebo Baptist Church
Airfield, Sinkor
Monrovia , Liberia
West Africa

Saturday, April 6, 2024

FACEBOOK: We owed no copyright to the songs played during this broadcast


Removal of the late Dea. Mth. Mary Warway Zor Ajavon
Held at the Samuel A Stryker Funeral Home

Saturday, April 6, 2024

FACEBOOK: We owed no copyright to the songs played during this broadcast


Government/ Appointments

President Boakai Nominates More Officials of Government

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has made new nominations and appointments in government affecting the Ministry of Finance Development Planning, the Civil Service Agency, the Financial Intelligence Agency, the Liberia Land Authority, the Bureau of State Enterprises, the Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority, and the Office of the Ombudsman.

The institutions and nominees are:

Ministry of Finance Development Planning
1. Paul Lamin, Assistant Minister for Administration
2. J. Wellington Barchue, Assistant Minister for Development Planning
3. Alice Williams, Assistant Minister for External Resources and Debt Management
4. Henry Yanquoi, Assistant Minister for Economic Policy Macro and Financial Sector
5. Dede Sandimani, Assistant Minister for Expenditure
6. Andrew N. Ngolloe, Assistant Minister for Revenue and Tax Policy

Financial Intelligence Agency
7. Mohammed Nasser, Officer In Charge

Office of the Ombudsman
8. Cllr. Findley Karngar, Chairperson

Bureau of State Enterprises
9. Varlee Sarnor, Deputy Director General for Administration

Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority
10. Prince Wreh, Executive Chairman

Liberia Land Authority
11. Joe K. Williams, Vice Chair for Administration and Customer Affairs

Civil Service Agency Board of Appeal
12. Dr. Jarso Jallah Saygbe, Member
13. Cllr. Cooper Kruah, Member
14. Dwight Momolu Harvey, Eds., Member
15. Atty. John F Dexter Puieyou, Member
16. Cllr. Samuel Zaza, Member
17. Mr. Gwee Porkpah, Member
18. Mr. Josiah F. Joekai, Jr., Member

These nominations, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.

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Lifeless body found at Redemption Hospital, BUSHROD ISLAND

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Government/ NASSCORPSenate Places Hold  On Cllr. Kanneh's Nomination , Confirmation What is described as a slap in the f...

Government/ NASSCORP

Senate Places Hold On Cllr. Kanneh's Nomination , Confirmation

What is described as a slap in the face has surface over the nomination and confirmation of Cllr. Moifee Kanneh as Deputy Director General Designate at the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation of Liberia by the Liberian Senate.

Even though Kanneh's name up till press time is yet to be published on the Executive Mansion official Website and face book pages respectively but a letter by President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to the Liberian Senate copy of which is in our posession calls for the designee to be confirmed by the Senate.

However, the House of elders has placed a hold on the confirmation of all tenure positions or officials because matters surrounding such are already before the Supreme Court.

Even though Members of The Committee on Social Security, Pension and Insurance received President Boakai's letter but did not act on such because they argued that it will be in violation of the very laws that they have enacted over the years should they confirm Cllr. Kanneh who is also a lawyer and should be knowledgeable about legal proceedings.

The decision by the Liberian Senate which appears to be a slap in the face of the nominee marks the second of its kind but in different factions.

It can be recalled that Cllr. Kanneh was recently appointed as officer in Charge at NASSCORP but his attempted taking over ceremony was a failed one following questions and inquiries from the former Deputy Director General Cllr. Carmerna Cephas Yeke.

Cllr. Yeke's decision though taken in right faith as a good administrator but was seen by some hierarchy of the ruling party as an affront and subsequently led to her alleged arbitrary dismissal as a tenure official with an unexpired term left.

Mrs. Yeke as a law abiding citizen, very knowledgeable about the legal issues ran to the court to seek proper redress.

But to the contrary, Cllr. Kanneh was covertly and alledgedly nominated by President Boakai as Deputy Director General at NASSCORP when the position and matter surrounding such is currently before the court.

According to the Senate, matter surrounding the position is before the Supreme Court as such, they will not violate said legal issue.

According to pundits, it appears like , President Boakai's nomination was done unknowingly in the wake of the court proceedings while others argued that his decision was alledgedly done in violation of the Constitution of the Country which he took oath to uphold and protect.

As the Court continues the hearing, Cllr. Kanneh's hope for such position to serve his people hangs in the balance.

Critics also believe that the decision by the Senate is a political minus to the current government especially the nominee who also is a lawyer but appears desperate for the position thereby ignoring the legal aspect.

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Citizens Action Committee Condemns Green Revolution Hired-Gun Attack Against MPC Simeon FreemanThe Citizens Action Commi...

Citizens Action Committee Condemns Green Revolution Hired-Gun Attack Against MPC Simeon Freeman

The Citizens Action Committee has condemned in its strong terms recent hired-gun attack by Green Revolution purported national chairman Varney Kromah, against the high earned reputation of the Political Leader of the Movement for Pressive Change-MPC.

In a statement issue in Monrovia, the Citizens Action Committee calls on the leadership of a hired pressure group- ‘the Green Revolution’ to desist from a hobbit of baselessly maligning the reputation of prominent citizens in Liberia.

The Citizens Action Committee states unequivocally that Mr. Manja Varney Kromah statement was an outburst of inducement by some undemocratic elements of the Unity Party government who have become unease by recent reshaping of national issues by Mr. Simeon Freeman, ranging from poor governance, to unachievable and unattainable national budget forecast presented by the Ministry of Finance to the National Legislature.

“Manja Varney Kromah, a former frustrated diehard and intransigent CDCian has been involved with character deconstruction and that he has no option but to take his paid for debate against the reputation of Mr. Simeon Freeman, a man with impeccable reputation who has always bent on the path of speaking to the economics nature of our country, sadly this paid agent in Kromah doesn’t know the fact behind the analytical skills of Mr. Freeman, but to trend on a path to derail his character.”

“Distinguished members of the press, fellow Liberians, we want to state very clearly that we are aware that Manja Varney Kromah is a carpet Baggar who bags government officials for money, once it’s established that said government official doesn’t have money at the moment, all he does is to drag the reputation of that person, and Mr. Simeon Freeman is no exception. We from the Citizens Action Committee want to make this clear that this former Disenchanted and crestfallen CDCian once went to Mr. Freeman demanding US$10,000 for the purpose of pushing the agenda of the MPC and that of Mr. Freeman’s businesses but Mr. Freeman declined and told Manja he already has a media team, something that didn’t go down well with him.”

“We are aware that right now Manja is on his knees to seek employment at the LPRC, the brother is now begging Amos Tweah to made him inspector General at LPRC.

In order to obtain the job at LPRC this frustrated job seeking former CDCians was seen in the offices of the head of the LPRC continuously.”

“We are aware that Information Minister Jerolinmick Piah gave the sum of US$5,000.00 to Manja to attack the reputation of Mr. Freeman, we are also aware that he’s using his attack on Honorable Freeman as a justifiable means to get the job he is currently seeking at the LPC, we are aware that you took over US$5000.00 to issue a statement that you cannot easily defend in all given time, your campaign to gain relevant at the expense of Mr. Simeon will not work, because the CAC is fully inform about your motive and the Unity Party people shouldn’t trust.” Michael Lawrence, The Citizens Action Committee national leader stated.

The group further indicate that the Green Revolution is an auxiliary to the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), who is trying to make way into the Unity Party government after a failed reign over the last six years characterized with massive corruption, mysterious murders, looting of public assets, underrated economy, and unspeakable unhygienic environment.

“In this regards, we want say this precisely that the statement issued by him is a packages trash and scrap, which will not be given credence by Mr. Freeman, the last time we checked, this Manja Varney Kromah was at the AMEZU reading Criminal Justice, so it’s sad that this issuer of that release was misplaced, ill-advised and illogical, No Criminal Justice degenerate will question the economic understanding of a man like Mr. Simeon Freeman and go unnoticed, a man with immense comprehension of the economy value of Liberia.”

“We the Citizens Action Committee, unequivocally that this disenchanted CDCian who is currently begging for job at the LPRC must desist from dragging the character of this stateman. Will not allow any act of bilaterian posture against Mr. Freeman. Let this be known that the next time this hired-gun spill out unsubstituted comments against Mr. Freeman, The Citizens Action Committee, will take placards at the doorsteps of Manja Varney Kromah.”

“ We call on members of the Green Revolution to immediate passed a vote of no-confidence in Varney Kromah for his continued posture to use the organization for personnel gains at the detriment of well-positioned characters of the Green Revolution. Manja Kromah is dangerous and is self-seeking against the policies of the Green Revolution of must booted out now!” The Citizens Action Committee, National chairman, Michael Lawrence, statement concludes.

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