BSE TV To broadcast all the workings of the Bureau of State Enterprises, Republic of Liberia

BSE TV Just In...."Strengthening Liberia's Economic Foundation: A Collaborative Effort at the Bureau of State Enterprise...

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"Strengthening Liberia's Economic Foundation: A Collaborative Effort at the Bureau of State Enterprises"

April 11, 2024
Monrovia, Liberia

In a concerted effort to revitalize Liberia's economy, the Bureau of State Enterprises (BSE) convened a senior staff meeting aimed at assessing and enhancing the functionality of various departments within the organization. Chaired by the Director General, Hon Arthur Siaka Massaquoi Sr, the meeting served as a platform for department heads to showcase their progress, address challenges, and outline future prospects.

Representatives from crucial departments including Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Financial Regulations, Procurement, Media, IT, Policy and Training, Asset Registry, Compliance, and Management Information Systems (MIS) provided comprehensive briefings. Each presentation highlighted ongoing initiatives, obstacles faced, and strategies for overcoming hurdles to ensure the BSE operates at its optimal capacity.

The overarching goal of the meeting was clear: to foster a more vibrant and robust working environment within the BSE. By assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each department, the organization aims to bolster its effectiveness in contributing to the economic rebuilding of Liberia.

Acknowledging the dedication and hard work of department heads, Director General Massaquoi Sr, alongside his deputies, expressed gratitude for their efforts and encouraged them to continue striving for excellence. Their unwavering commitment to driving efficiency within the BSE underscores a shared vision for a stronger, more prosperous Liberia.

Moving forward, the BSE remains steadfast in its mission to serve as a catalyst for economic growth and development. Through collaboration, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, the bureau is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping Liberia's economic future.

As the nation embarks on a journey towards recovery and progress, the efforts of the Bureau of State Enterprises serve as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the power of unity and collective action in building a better tomorrow for all Liberians.

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Orlando Neymar Caine Dixon Jr., S Peter Davis II, Smg Guc...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Orlando Neymar Caine Dixon Jr., S Peter Davis II, Smg Guccibelt, Lead Harris, Melvin Jesuslovetoe Togba, Henry SK Walker, Barsion Racoz Sackie, Roseline B Williams, Emmanuel Vincent, Otis Dolo, Samuka Kromah, Joshua Allen, Flomo J. Molubah, Alesandra Belleh, Bah Abdulah, Albert Kpassawah, Benjamin S Mamudu, Blama Tulay, Edmund Nelson, Bangalee Kenneh, Abraham Tamba, Joseph G Kellie, Beyan Jackson, Robert Tarnue, Evident Tiah, Mambu Buima, Philip B. Flomo, Jerome Jah, Siafa C Sheriff, George R Koenig, Jackson Mulbah Kerkulah Jr., Boakai Dunor, Boima Gobah, Musu Weah, Joseph F. Langamah, Boima Konneh, Mark Kwarbo, Abraham O Dennis, Josephine Harris, Sidiki Kromah, March Angel, Mohamed Jalloh, Elisha Vaye, Siah S. Davies, Joseph Harris, Jennet Kponqueh

Stories in the local dailies. Grab a copy and know the unfolding.BSE TV

Stories in the local dailies.
Grab a copy and know the unfolding.


BSE TV *Hon. Arthur Siaka Massaquoi Sr Vows to Revitalize Bureau of State Enterprises*Monrovia,Liberia April 9, 2024In a...


*Hon. Arthur Siaka Massaquoi Sr Vows to Revitalize Bureau of State Enterprises*

April 9, 2024

In a resolute and impassioned address, Hon. Arthur Siaka Massaquoi Sr, the newly appointed Director General of the Bureau of State Enterprises (BSE) in the Republic of Liberia, articulated his unwavering commitment to revitalizing the agency and propelling it to new heights of success.

Assuming his responsibilities amidst a backdrop of anticipation and expectation, Hon. Massaquoi wasted no time in conveying his dedication to the task at hand. Addressing the assembled employees, he pledged his full support and shared his vision for a reinvigorated BSE that would serve as a beacon of efficiency, transparency, and innovation.

"I stand before you today with a profound sense of duty and purpose," declared Hon. Massaquoi. "Together, we will embark on a journey to transform the Bureau of State Enterprises into a paragon of excellence. There will be no room for complacency, no tolerance for mediocrity. We must strive for excellence in all our endeavors."

Central to Hon. Massaquoi's vision is a comprehensive rebranding initiative aimed at enhancing the agency's public image and restoring public trust. He emphasized the importance of fostering a culture of success-driven experiences and professional integrity, setting a new standard for accountability and transparency in the management of state enterprises.

"I am acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I am undaunted in my resolve," affirmed Hon. Massaquoi. "With your dedication and support, we will overcome any obstacles and usher in a new era of prosperity for the Bureau of State Enterprises."

The event was attended by esteemed dignitaries, including Cllr. Bushuben Kieta, Legal Advisor to H.E President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr, and Commissioner designate, Hon. Patrick Honnah of LTA, underscoring the significance of Hon. Massaquoi's appointment and the collective commitment to the agency's revitalization.

In a symbolic gesture of continuity and collaboration, Mr. Joseph Tokpa Sr, the Outgoing In Charge (OIC) of the BSE, presented the turning over note to Hon. Massaquoi, reaffirming his dedication to upholding professional standards and facilitating a seamless transition of leadership.

In his concluding remarks, Hon. Massaquoi expressed gratitude to H.E President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr for the trust placed in him and reiterated his unwavering determination to effect meaningful change within the BSE.

"There will be no business as usual," declared Hon. Massaquoi. "I pledge to do everything in my power to restore the Bureau of State Enterprises to its rightful place of prominence. Together, we will write a new chapter of success and prosperity for our beloved Republic of Liberia."

As Hon. Massaquoi assumes the helm of the Bureau of State Enterprises, his words resonate as a clarion call to action, inspiring hope and confidence in a brighter future for the agency and the nation it serves.

Bureau Of State Enterprises, Republic of Liberia
Media/ Public Relations Dpt.

Pictorial of the turning-over of authority of the Bureau of State Enterprises to the Director General Hon. Arthur Siaka ...

Pictorial of the turning-over of authority of the Bureau of State Enterprises to the Director General Hon. Arthur Siaka Massaquoi Sr, and his deputies.

A dawn of a new beginning for the BSE.

BSE Media.





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