African Consciousness

African Consciousness Igniting African Consciousness. Embracing heritage, celebrating culture, and empowering minds.

Conclusion of the Mobile Application development training. The Journey was amazing....

Conclusion of the Mobile Application development training. The Journey was amazing....


Since giving up is not 🚫 an option is the reason giving up is not an option then I have just been too legit to Quit.

In the tapestry of time, our journey has woven a story steeped in deep emotions, a tale where each thread narrates the s...

In the tapestry of time, our journey has woven a story steeped in deep emotions, a tale where each thread narrates the story of our shared experiences. In the crucible of life, you've not only been a friend but a confidant, a solid pillar of support. Together, we've uncovered the true meaning of "Blood is thicker than water," building a connection that goes beyond family ties.

As our laughter echoes and intertwines with the shadows of our tears, it's evident that your pain resonates within the chambers of my heart, just as mine echoes in yours. Today, as we acknowledge another year in your life, it's more than a birthday celebration; it's a heartfelt commemoration of our intertwined existence. Happy birthday to us, a moving symphony of souls navigating life's complexities side by side.

In this intricate dance with destiny, may our steps be guided by grace, and may our shared victories stand as a testament to the strength that blossoms amid life's challenges. As the candles flicker atop the cake, let them symbolize not only the passage of time but also the warm illumination of our shared moments, casting a comforting glow on the path we continue to walk hand in hand. Here's to more chapters written with the ink of solidarity and the pages of our enduring friendship, especially to my cherished nephew.

Happy birthday 🎂 🎈 Solo King Ansumana Sesay Jr.


The Totota Situation is very saddened.
May the departed souls of the victims rest well. May Allah also give the wounded victims speedy recovery.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
“Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.”
― George Orwell

YEAR END POST  #2 part  #3BY SHEIKH MUHAMMED AMIN EVANSThe Qur’an in Chapter 7, verses 31-33, is quite explicit that we ...

YEAR END POST #2 part #3


The Qur’an in Chapter 7, verses 31-33, is quite explicit that we should not deny ourselves the good things of life, should dress attractively for every type and time of worship, eat and drink of what is permitted, but not wastefully through excess. Naturally, there are things that may not do but these can often be easily explained. In the days after nine eleven I visited many churches wearing my turban and cloak; the full regalia. At one church I declined a lady usher’s invitation for me to take . “I can’t do that.” And I smiled in gratitude for her kind intention to share what she thought good. She came back a moment later, tapped me on the shoulder and said very earnestly “They won’t mind you’re not a Methodist.”

I have lost count of the times that someone has apologised for wishing me “Merry ” or asked for permission to give ne a greetings card. Let me be quite candid, I don’t care what is said to me if it is well intentioned and if you wish to give me greeting or present me with a festive book token then do your worst because I will simply accept what is lawful for me, reply at least with courtesy and forgive all the rest.

Yet, here we go again as those voices sound, condemning Christmas trees, roast dinners, presents given with love, and cursing those who give civilised responses to a neighbour’s seasonal greeting. Fortunately, most Muslims have good hearts and are not at war with every stranger, do not fester in ancient grudges and rightly reject overly negative preaching. As are attempts by assorted government authorities in a misguided sense of equality to remove Christianity from Christmas in case we Muslims are offended. If it might offend us, we would have let them know.

Although we offer special prayers, give in charity, feast, and give presents at every Eid no sensible person refuses an extra holiday to mark the birth of someone holy that we love, respect and pray for at every mention of his name. Most years, but perhaps not this, even though I am more interested in the season’s spiritual aspects I roast Christmas dinner for my family and distribute (even more) presents especially to the children so that they may more fully share the season with their classmates and friends. Opting out would be unfair since we share the country where we live and should enjoy with open hearts sharing the opportunities for good our Lord Creator has provided and preferably do so adorned with many smiles.

As with the stony Commandant in ’s ‘Don Giovanni’ I must, before closing, insist that good manners demand of those giving the Christmas invitation to in turn accept my invitation to join with Muslims in the good deeds and, in healthier times, share the communal meals with which we celebrate the peace filled fasting month of Ramadhan.

I wish you all, friends, neighbours, and particularly those still strangers, with open hands and heart, I wish to you what I wish for myself: a better life, a joyful Christmas and a soberly repentant but, God willing, happily successful New Year.

YEAR END POST  #2 part 2Link to Part one: BY SHEIKH MUHAMMED AMIN EVANSMuslims Embracing  Diversity: Perspectives on Chr...

YEAR END POST #2 part 2

Link to Part one:


Muslims Embracing Diversity: Perspectives on Christmas

So, while we do not worship with or as you do there is no command to interfere even with a disbeliever’s let alone that of a Christian and neither is it forbidden to share and enjoy communal holidays. It is very disappointing, to me, that each year as we approach to hear the voices of those who wish to treat Christians and other Muslims worse than people of other faiths, no faith or bad faith. Not that faith differences should ever be an excuse for rudeness, prejudice or injustice. Many of these negative preachers will take fragments from the Qur’an out of the textual and contexts to justify the divisions that they promote. However, the overwhelming influence upon their opinions was written by Islamic authors close to times of wars and invasions.

A much larger work than this article would be needed to discuss the copious polemic writings of the important, but infamous, scholar ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) in which he attacked almost all co-operation by with , Jews, foreigners, and other Muslims in defence of the vision of the perfect society he had constructed. In the UK, not long ago, there was a furore in the press when a student complained to them that he was required by his college to read a text by Al-Muhaqiq al-Hilli (1205-1277 CE) because he objected to its insulting comments about Christians and Jews. Muhaqiq is undoubtedly a pivotal scholar in the development of Islamic jurisprudence and his works are essential reading for students of law but, it should be considered, he was born one year after the Crusader sack of Constantinople and 39 years before the end of Crusader ambitions in the Holy Land. In later life he also lived through the Mongol invasions, which began in 1244, and included that led by Hulagu Khan that in 1258 destroyed Baghdad and the Abbasid . Invasions that ravaged the people, farms and cities of the Fertile Crescent until 1323. Muhaqiq’s is a voice from a world that was burning. For him the world outside the rule of Islam was peopled by monsters who looked like humans but were peoples, trampling civilisation and behaving with the heartless cruelty of beasts or demons. These and reports of them scarred him with fear and revulsion which surfaced, from time to time, in his . While these comments by Muhaqiq make very unpleasant reading they should be taken in context as important unwitting evidence of those times and the effects war, fear and horror may have even on a rational mind and an outstanding .

The majority of Christians that I know, there may be one or two that differ especially during wars, do not take their readings of the slaughter ascribed within the Bible to Joshua, Saul and Herod as paradigms for dealing with their nor do they ask their friends in faith to destroy those offensive pages. As with all texts the reader must interpret the text and decide what is opinion, to be put aside, from what is meaningful for them to act upon. This is not a Christian or Muslim precept but simply the rational method and ethical principles which we share. Books, yours and ours, are preserved not just for their firm good guidance but also to record those deeds that, though perhaps forgiven, are surely best avoided.

It may seem strange that when discussing Christmas an apology for a Muslim scholar’s excesses is included. However, what is thought and said of others are barriers found around all peoples and Christmas is one of those times time when strangers may easily pass through those obstacles to greet each other in the name of God without being thought alien to each other or to the modern world. It is a time when Christians proclaim peace and peace is a call to which Muslims must respond. It is one of the times for and reconciliation during which we may look closely at the causes of human errors and sins rather than just fighting . The ability to recognise is both a natural and essential gift but when we allow laziness to reduce, in wilful ignorance, all men to groups whose actions’ we think we can predict and whose thoughts we think we understand without listening, and considering, to what they say. Yet, when governed by indolence this God given talent develops into the diseases, with which we are all infected, of wrongful discrimination and unjust prejudice. I do not see the cry of ‘peace to all mankind’ as a call to idleness but as an invitation to unite in the struggle with the demons within us that would destroy ideal humanity. It is an invitation that in order to truly submit to my Muslim calling must be accepted.

Islam the Path

Link to Part one:

YEAR END POST  #2 part 1BY SHEIKH MUHAMMED AMIN EVANSMuslims Embracing  : Perspectives on ChristmasWhen a party of Chris...

YEAR END POST #2 part 1


Muslims Embracing : Perspectives on Christmas

When a party of Christians visited Prophet (saw), in Madinah, he invited them, while they stayed, to sleep and say their prayers in the masjid. Sometime before he had come to Madinah with the Muslims from Mecca as welcome guests and upon being informed that the citizens were fasting instructed his followers to also fast in communal solidarity. I take these undisputed events as clear indications of how Muslims should try to always behave humanely as strangers, hosts, guests, and neighbors.

The Qur’an goes even further when discussing how the polytheists of Mecca were to be treated in Chapter 109 “The Disbelievers” –

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Beneficent

Say: O disbelievers!

I worship not that which ye worship;
Nor worship ye that which I worship.
And I shall not worship that which ye worship.
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

So, while we do not worship with or as you do there is no command to interfere even with a disbeliever’s worship let alone that of a Christian and neither is it forbidden to share and enjoy communal holidays. It is very disappointing, to me, that each year as we approach to hear the voices of those who wish to treat Christians and other Muslims worse than people of other faiths, no faith or bad faith. Not that faith differences should ever be an excuse for rudeness, prejudice or injustice. Many of these negative preachers will take fragments from the Qur’an out of the textual and historical contexts to justify the divisions that they promote. However, the overwhelming influence upon their opinions was written by Islamic authors close to times of wars and invasions.

A much larger work than this article would be needed to discuss the copious polemic writings of the important, but infamous, scholar ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) in which he attacked almost all co-operation by Muslims with Christians, Jews, foreigners, and other Muslims in defence of the vision of the perfect Islamic society he had constructed. In the UK, not long ago, there was a furore in the press when a student complained to them that he was required by his college to read a text by Al-Muhaqiq al-Hilli (1205-1277 CE) because he objected to its insulting comments about Christians and Jews. Muhaqiq is undoubtedly a pivotal scholar in the development of Islamic jurisprudence and his works are essential reading for students of law but, it should be considered, he was born one year after the Crusader sack of Constantinople and 39 years before the end of Crusader ambitions in the Holy Land. In later life he also lived through the Mongol invasions, which began in 1244, and included that led by Hulagu Khan that in 1258 destroyed Baghdad and the Abbasid Caliphate. Invasions that ravaged the people, farms and cities of the Fertile Crescent until 1323. Muhaqiq’s is a voice from a world that was burning. For him the world outside the rule of Islam was peopled by monsters who looked like humans but were destroying peoples, trampling civilisation and behaving with the heartless cruelty of beasts or demons. These experiences and reports of them scarred him with fear and revulsion which surfaced, from time to time, in his writing. While these comments by Muhaqiq make very unpleasant reading they should be taken in context as important unwitting evidence of those times and the effects war, fear and horror may have even on a rational mind and an outstanding intellect.

When a party of Christians visited Prophet Muhammad (saw), in , he invited them, while they stayed, to sleep and say their prayers in the masjid. Sometime before he had come to Madinah with the from Mecca as welcome guests and upon being informed that the Jewish citizens were fasting instructed his followers to also fast in communal solidarity. I take these undisputed events as clear indications of how Muslims should try to always behave humanely as strangers, hosts, guests, and neighbours.

The Qur’an goes even further when discussing how the polytheists of Mecca were to be treated in Chapter 109 “The Disbelievers” –

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Beneficent

Say: O disbelievers!

I worship not that which ye worship;

Nor worship ye that which I worship.

And I shall not worship that which ye worship.

Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

To be continue...........

D. Solomon K. Youhn


Year End Post #1

By D. Solomon K. Youhn

In the fleeting brevity of , fortunes oscillate, turning into paupers. Amidst opulence, we've heard the heart-wrenching pleas of the wealthy for the destitute. , the pinnacle of contentment, should be eternal, yet on Earth, we've observed descents from heavenly heights to hellish depths.

In the rugged expanse of Africa, dreams of greener pastures in America have, ironically, led to impoverished realities. A millionaire devoid of positive influence mirrors the gravity of a 's actions. True lies not just in financial prosperity but in the benevolent ripples that touch those closest to us.

oneself during ascent or at the of success becomes a guiding beacon through the darkest nights. To my brethren across the Atlantic, who embarked on journeys from humble origins, transcend the geographic distance with impact. A mere transaction, like a $50 gesture, is but a fleeting whisper against the echoes of enduring change.

Let your success be the light that the path for your kin left behind. In this ephemeral existence, the depth of our transcends the temporal; it etches an indelible mark on the human . As you scale the peaks of prosperity, sow seeds of positive change, for therein lies the true measure of a life well-lived.

In the depth of your triumph, my heart swells with immense joy for you. Your perseverance and commitment have led you to...

In the depth of your triumph, my heart swells with immense joy for you. Your perseverance and commitment have led you to this remarkable achievement. May the echoes of this success resonate through your life, bringing fulfillment and continued moments of profound accomplishment. Congratulations on reaching this profound milestone; you deserve every ounce of happiness it brings.

in , signed and Seal.


"Embrace each day as an opportunity for growth and learning. Your journey might have setbacks, but they're just stepping stones toward success. Rise above challenges, believe in your potential, and let your determination reshape your story. You've got the power to turn things around – start today! 💪 "


"Aw ka don o don minɛ i n'a fɔ yiriwali ni kalan sababu. I ka taama bɛ se ka kɛ sababu ye ka kɔtigɛw sɔrɔ, nka u ye senna-tɛgɛrɛw dɔrɔn de ye ka ɲɛsin ɲɛtaa ma. Wuli gɛlɛyaw sanfɛ, ka da i seko la, k'a to i ka cɛsiri k'i ka maana labɛn kokura. I ye... fanga ka fɛnw wuli – a daminɛ bi! 💪 ".

"Dusukasi kɔnɔna na, an b'an niw fanga sɔrɔ, bawo an ka dibi waatiw de la, an bɛ hadamaden dusukun seko jugu faamuya tiɲ...

"Dusukasi kɔnɔna na, an b'an niw fanga sɔrɔ, bawo an ka dibi waatiw de la, an bɛ hadamaden dusukun seko jugu faamuya tiɲɛ na, ka muɲu ani ka wuli."(Alimankan na)

Happy Birthday, my Piken Fabian Kromah . Real legal  .

Happy Birthday, my Piken Fabian Kromah . Real legal .


Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s crown jewel, stands as a majestic dormant volcano in northeastern Tanzania. Its summit, Uhuru Peak, soars to an awe-inspiring 5,895 meters (19,341 feet), making it the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single-free-standing mountain above sea level on Earth.

In Liberia's heart, where dreams once soared,A nation born, yet still implored,To rise above the darkened cloud,Where co...

In Liberia's heart, where dreams once soared,
A nation born, yet still implored,
To rise above the darkened cloud,
Where corruption weaves its shroud.

In the cradle of democracy's breath,
Lies a tale of life and death,
Where promises of freedom's reign,
Are met with suffering, despair, and pain.

A land of riches, vast and wide,
Yet its people often cast aside,
As leaders, blinded by their greed,
Fuel a nation's pressing need.

Impurities run deep and wide,
In the chambers where they hide,
Opaque deals and secret hands,
Robbing Liberia's golden sands.

In shadows cast by power's might,
Hope's dimmed and fades from sight,
As justice wanes, and virtue's lost,
In the tempest's endless cost.

But from the ashes, voices rise,
With courage that defies the lies,
For the people's strength and will,
Can mend the wounds, and hearts instill.

Let unity and truth be guides,
To stem the tide, to turn the tides,
With love for land and kin in hearts,
A fresh, new dawn, a brand-new start.

In Liberia's embrace, let's stand,
To heal the wounds, restore the land,
With political consciousness strong and clear,
We'll cast away the cloak of fear.

For change begins within the soul,
A brighter future, a common goal,
In Liberia's name, let freedom ring,
With justice, hope, and conscience's wing.


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it


Liberia is all we have.

THE CYCLE OF BLIND ALLEGIANCE In the shadow of ambition, have we not slighted our own kin,Defending you, though aware of...


In the shadow of ambition, have we not slighted our own kin,
Defending you, though aware of your grievous sin?
Just a day ago, our hearts lacked piety's grace,
Rejoicing in cruelty, our humanity we'd misplaced.

Did we ever sit and converse, reason in our midst,
Or let our emotions cloud the issues we've missed?
In the glaring light of love, we're led astray,
The ills concealed, in the radiant display.

Six years gone by, we've little to claim or show,
Our decisions yielded naught, it's time we let it go.
Is it hatred's grip that blinds us to the fate we weave,
Heading towards a future we can scarcely believe?

Yet here we stand, in the queue once more,
Ready to elect those who've oppressed us before.

In the relentless pursuit of power, have we not forgotten our own,
Choosing to defend you, though your guilt was known?
A mere day ago, our hearts were void of piety,
And cruelty's pleasure was our favored variety.

Have we ever paused to converse, to reason and debate,
Or did we let emotion dictate our destined fate?
Your love, a blinding light, obscures our view,
The hidden ills and consequences, we fail to construe.

Six years past, our gains are sparse and frail,
Yet we're blind to the cycle, our vision set to fail.
Is it the grip of hatred that veils our sight,
Leading us to errors, shrouded in endless night?

And still, in line we stand, poised to elect anew,
A fresh set of oppressors, as we've often had to do.

AWAKENING THE PROMISE OF AFRICABy D. Solomon K. Youhn Oh, Africa, is this the life you pledged to me?Or am I but a capti...


By D. Solomon K. Youhn

Oh, Africa, is this the life you pledged to me?
Or am I but a captive, bloodline steeped in royalty?
Have I been led to believe that black's a cursed hue?
Impregnated by the of , doubting love's debut.

or war, which demon do I choose?
Is starving preferable to what you offer, to lose?
brethren for greedy, bloodsucking souls,
A joyless ritual, our hearts, it endlessly consoles.

When shall we confront reality, see the light?
For drugs and substances won't guide us through the night.
Do I empathize with the youth I'm drowning in despair?
Africa, is this the future you declare?

Am I cursed, burdened by my skin's embrace?
A prophecy, millions in Sudan should hunger and lose grace?
Why should South Korea boast SAMSUNG's grand array,
While Somalia's name's besmirched by bloodshed every day?

Oh, , what's the future that you weave?
A tapestry of pain, of loss, of hearts that grieve?
Can we dream of a different path, of a brighter day?
Shed the shackles of despair, find a hopeful way?

With every passing moment, may we seek a change,
Unravel the legacy of darkness, wide and strange.
The blood of royalty courses through our veins,
We are more than slaves to suffering, more than life's chains.

Africa, your hangs in the balance, see,
Shall we reclaim our destiny, our spirits wild and free?
The curse of color, it shall no longer define,
For love and unity, in our hearts, they'll shine.

In the face of and the horrors of war,
Let us choose a different future, seek something more.
A land where brothers and sisters thrive and grow,
A brighter, kinder Africa, where love shall flow.

African Consciousness African History Idols South Africa King Sao Boso Mande Magazine Maponga Joshua III "Farmers of Thought" Mylmo N-Sahel Benita Urey Official Global Security Issues Iba Montana Iba One Paul Kagame Isiaka A.Kromah Cristiano Ronaldo

ECHOES OF HOPE: PALESTINE'S LONGING FOR PEACEPalestine, land of valor, we stand on your ancient soil,How many more child...


Palestine, land of valor, we stand on your ancient soil,
How many more children must we lose in endless toil?
As the world turns away, we march on, hearts afire,
With the last drops of our blood, we swear, we aspire.

In the spirit of Nelson Mandela our strength takes root,
Defying the odds, with unwavering pursuit.
Hasn't the UN Security Council seen our strife,
As we plead for peace amidst the turmoil of life?

In the chambers of the UN, where peace is professed,
For three long decades, we've seen unrest, not rest.
United Nations , when will tranquility grace our land,
When will the cycle of suffering truly disband?

How many more Palestinians must be cast aside,
From their homes, their dreams, their lives denied?
When will the illegal expansion cease its creeping,
And let the Palestinian souls rest from weeping?

UN, when will Palestine's cry for peace be met,
In the world we pledged, an enduring safety net?
When will the blockade, a heavy burden, be lifted,
So Palestinian lives may be peacefully gifted?

Israel, no better than Palestinians, let us see,
In the heart of humanity, equality must be.
American children, Asian children, hand in hand,
Deserving of love, peace, and a promising land.

Palestine, your spirit endures through pain and despair,
In your resilient heart, the world finds a prayer.
For every child lost, every dream shattered or denied,
In unity and compassion, our hope will not hide.

Mylmo N-Sahel Arab League Global Security Issues

Niger President order police to expel

Niger President order police to expel

Greate Job by the  . United Nations sanctions in Mali will end on Thursday after Russia   a renewal. Russia termed it as...

Greate Job by the .

United Nations sanctions in Mali will end on Thursday after Russia a renewal.

Russia termed it as unproductive.

We welcome the news from Gabon. Bet as the revolution for liberation of the African Continent. BUT in as much as we are ...

We welcome the news from Gabon. Bet as the revolution for liberation of the African Continent. BUT in as much as we are moving for total Liberation of Africa, We remained critical while observing the situation in Gabon 🇬🇦🇬🇦.


Sources from Russian Media are suggesting that Russian mercenary group (PMC Wragner Group Inc.) chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has died in a Plane crashed north of Moscow. 7 persons plus 3 crew members were on board and all died according to independent Russian media.

The Recruitment is on. The PMC Wragners Group tend to recruit men for what African sees as Liberation for the emancipati...

The Recruitment is on. The PMC Wragners Group tend to recruit men for what African sees as Liberation for the emancipation of African from Neocolonialism.


Left speechless. How can African be treating another African this way. Where is our conscience? This is .

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