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Rise of a Business Mogul, Hon. Jeremiah Kpan Koung  to Vice PresidentCredit: Aloysious De-Boss MakorEmail:aloysiousmakor...

Rise of a Business Mogul, Hon. Jeremiah Kpan Koung to Vice President

Credit: Aloysious De-Boss Makor
Email:[email protected]

Hon. Jeremiah Koung's remarkable journey in the political arena has been nothing short of inspiring. From his early days as a diligent businessperson, he swiftly rose to prominence, earning the trust and admiration of the people of Liberia. His dedication and astute leadership qualities paved the way for his success in various political roles, culminating in his election as the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia.

Koung's ascent from a Representative to a Senatorial position reflects his commitment to public service and his ability to connect with the needs of the citizens. His business acumen, acquired from his earlier career, brings a pragmatic and results-oriented approach to his political endeavors. This background hints at a vice president who understands the intricate balance between economic development and political stability.

As the Vice President-elect, one can anticipate a period of dynamic leadership under Hon. Jeremiah Koung. His track record suggests a focus on inclusivity, where he values the opinions of diverse voices to shape policies that benefit the entire nation. Koung's experience in the Representative and Senatorial positions positions him well to navigate the complexities of governance and legislation, ensuring a comprehensive and well-informed approach to decision-making.

Moreover, Koung's commitment to transparency and accountability is likely to be a cornerstone of his vice presidency. His earlier roles have showcased a dedication to eradicating corruption and promoting good governance. This commitment bodes well for the citizens of Liberia, as it instills confidence in the integrity of the government and its leaders.

Under Hon. Jeremiah Koung's leadership, one can expect a focus on social welfare programs and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for all citizens. His background as a businessperson may translate into policies that stimulate economic growth, job creation, and overall prosperity. The Vice President-elect's vision for Liberia likely includes a harmonious blend of economic development, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Koung's international outlook, honed through years of public service, suggests a commitment to fostering positive diplomatic relations. This is crucial for Liberia's standing on the global stage and may lead to collaborative efforts that benefit the nation economically and socially.

In the realm of education, one can anticipate initiatives to enhance the educational system, ensuring that Liberia's youth are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for a rapidly evolving world. Education has been a consistent focus of Koung's career, and this is likely to continue as he takes on the responsibilities of the vice presidency.

Additionally, Koung's leadership style is expected to be characterized by pragmatism, resilience, and a proactive approach to problem-solving. His experience in navigating the intricacies of politics positions him to address challenges with a steady hand, fostering stability and confidence among the citizens.

In conclusion, Hon. Jeremiah Koung's journey from a successful businessperson to the Vice President-elect of Liberia is a testament to his leadership qualities and commitment to the welfare of the nation. As he steps into this new role, one can anticipate a period of inclusive governance, economic progress, and a focus on the well-being of all Liberians. The nation stands at the threshold of a promising era under his leadership.

SAD! NEWS.😭😭😭The African Education Legend and famous Liberian folk musician, Prof. Jones Dopoe is Dead. Prof. Dopoe is w...


The African Education Legend and famous Liberian folk musician, Prof. Jones Dopoe is Dead.

Prof. Dopoe is well known for his satirical music. His famous song, "Sweet, Sweet Cassava Leaf," is still fan favorite. He died this evening in Nimba County and his body was deposited in Saclepea funeral home.

His son can be contacted on 0777185775 ( John Dopoe). If you're an educator, please share this message on your ward in his memory and have his many students, relatives, and friends reach out to the family.


Special Interview With Original Countryman Dr. Thomas Nimene Tweh Jr.


Original Countryman Response To President George Weah Defeat

"No 18 No 13"


OCM Computer Literacy Program






NOVEMBER 17, 2023


I stand before you tonight with a heavy heart, but with the utmost respect for the democratic process that has defined our nation. As your President and the leader of the Coalition for Democratic Change, I want to address you on the outcome of the run-off elections held on November 14, 2023.

The results announced tonight, though not final, indicate that Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai is in a lead that is insurmountable. A few moments ago, I spoke with President-elect Joseph N. Boakai to congratulate him on his victory and to offer my sincere commitment to working with him for the betterment of our beloved Liberia.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to President-elect Boakai, his supporters, and his campaign team. May his presidency be marked by success for all Liberians, and may our nation prosper under his leadership.

Tonight, as we acknowledge the results, let us also recognize that the true winners of these elections are the people of Liberia. Through your peaceful and orderly exercise of your constitutional right to vote, you have once again demonstrated your commitment to the democratic principles that bind us together as a nation.

Under my leadership, these elections were organized with a promise to the Liberian people – a promise of fairness, transparency, and credibility. I am proud to say that, for the most part, we have fulfilled that promise. The Liberian people have spoken, and their choice will be honored and obeyed.

At this juncture, I would like to congratulate the National Elections Commission for a job well done. You have earned the respect of all Liberians, our foreign partners, international observers, and the world at large for completing this difficult task to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the contesting parties.

However, the closeness of the results reveals a deep division within our country. As we transition to the new Boakai administration, we must be vigilant to the dangers of division and work together to find common ground. Now, more than ever, unity is paramount for the love of Mama Liberia.

To the members of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, fellow partisans, CDCians, Weahcians, auxiliaries, first-time voters, campaign managers, and party leaders, I understand that this is not the outcome we desired. Although we did not emerge victorious, your hard work and support have been the backbone of our campaign, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

I urge you to follow my example and accept the results of the elections. Go home tonight with the knowledge that our ideals and vision for Liberia remain strong. We are a young movement, and our time will come again. Tomorrow, resume your daily activities in a normal way, and come and join me at our party headquarters to reflect on our journey and plan for our return to political leadership in 2029.


Tonight, the CDC has lost the election, but Liberia has won. This is a time for graciousness in defeat, a time to place our country above party, and patriotism above personal interest. I remain your President until the handover of power, and I will continue to work for the good of Liberia. Let us heal the divisions caused by the campaign and come together as One Nation and One United People.

May God bless Liberia, and may we continue to strive for a brighter future together.

Thank you, and good night.


President Weah congratulates Joseph Boakai

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has congratulated Former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai as winner of the 2023 presidential runoff election.

President Weah called Mr. Boakai via telephone following the announcement of provisional results by the National Elections Commission (NEC) on Friday, November 17, 2023.

The Liberian Chief Executive said Liberians are the winners of the elections and called on his support to accept the results.


Unity Party partisans on pre victory celebration

UP Takes Early Lead As NEC Announces Provisional Results Wednesday,  November  15, 2023Credit: Journalist Julius KontonT...

UP Takes Early Lead As NEC Announces Provisional Results Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Credit: Journalist Julius Konton

The National Elections Commission has begun releasing official results from the November 14, 2023 Presidential Runoff Election.

The Election contested between incumbent President George Weah of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change and former Vice President , Joseph Boakai of the opposition Unity Party was highly and closed battled for the Nation's Top job, the Presidency.

The official Provisional results shows that the opposition Unity Party won seven of the fourteen Counties results released by the NEC and at the same time, the UP top three vote rich Counties namely: Montserrado, Nimba and Lofa. Other Counties captured by the opposition Unity Party thus far are: Gbarpolu, Margibi, Grand Cape Mount and Bomi respectively.

On the other hand, the Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change maintained Supremacy in South Eastern region of Liberia thereby winning Maryland, Sinoe, Rivercess, Rivergee, Grand Gedeh and Grand Bassa Counties.

The CDC also won B**g County from Central Liberia making the total Couties won so far to seven against Unity Party's seven respectively .

The Unity Party now tops with a margin of 5,426 votes over the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change.

According to the Chairperson of NEC, Davidetta Browne Lansannah, Unity Party obtained total vote counted thus far as: 193,041 constituting 50.71% while CDC obtained 187,615 votes constituting 49.29% respectively.

However, Grand Kru County results are expected to be released on tomorrow and subsequently.

The early tally which puts the Unity Party ahead of the ruling Party also shows a partly repeat of the October 10, 2023 general elections where the both parties won and showed numerical strengths in their respective strong holds.

With more results expected to be released soon by the NEC, partisans and supporters of the opposition Unity Party are now smiling while supporters and partisans of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change are still posted and eager to await more and Final results before jumping into early celebrations.

Break down of the provisional results as of November 15, 2023 by the NEC.

Polling places _50 of 171 = 29.24%
UP_ 8,071 = 62.91 %
CDC _ 4,759 = 37.09 %

Polling places _ 102 of 555 = 18.38%
CDC _ 14,383 = 54.10%
UP_ 12,204 = 45.90 %

Polling places _42 of 134 = 31.34%
UP_ 5,610 = 55.45%
CDC _ 4,507 = 44.55%

Grand Cape Mount
Polling places _ 41 of 213 = 19.25%
UP_ 6,447 = 56.58 %
CDC _ 4,948 = 43.42%

Grand Bassa
Polling places_ 14 of 405 = 3.70 %
CDC _ 1,172 = 59.92 %
UP_ 784 = 40.08 %

Grand Gedeh
Polling places _ 65 of 163 = 39.88 %
CDC _ 15,681= 89.09 %
UP_ 1,920 = 10.91 %

Grand Kru
Polling places _ of 110 = %
CDC _ = %
UP_ = %

Polling places _ 68 of 424 = 16.04%
UP_ 12,835 = 67.56 %
CDC _ 6,162= 32.44%

Polling places _ 82 of 441 = 18.59 %
UP_ 13,600 = 57.39 %
CDC _ 10,099 = 42.61 %

Polling places _ 43 of 175 = 24.57 %
CDC _ 9,475 = 78.27 %
UP_ 2,630 = 21.73 %

Polling places _557 of 2008 = 27.74 %
UP_ 96,789 = 53 %
CDC _85,821 = 47 %

Polling places _ 127 of 736 = 17.26%
UP_ 25,360 = 74.82%
CDC _ 8,536 = 25.18%

Polling places _41 of 105= 39.05%
CDC _ 6,349= 69.74 %
UP_ 2,755 = 30.26 %

River Gee
Polling places _29 of 98 =29.59%
CDC _ 5,772= 73.38%
UP_ 2,094 = 26.62 %

Polling places 53 of 152 = 34.87 %
CDC _ 9,951= 83.67 %
UP_ 1,942 = 16.33 %


CDC And UP Supporters Fright Over Votes Protection


Tension Build-Up in District #5 Montserrado

George Weah and Joseph Boakai vie for top jobCredit To. Danai Nesta KupembaBBC NewsLiberians are voting in a presidentia...

George Weah and Joseph Boakai vie for top job

Credit To. Danai Nesta Kupemba
BBC News

Liberians are voting in a presidential run-off election after the two leading candidates were separated by just over 7,000 votes in the first round a month ago.

They are choosing between incumbent and one-time football star George Weah and former Vice-President Joseph Boakai.

The president narrowly won the first round but failed to get more than 50% of the vote, triggering the run-off.

Voting in October was fraught with allegations of fraud and violence.

The election commission said that nine of its temporary staff had been arrested over alleged ballot-tampering.

The UN reported clashes between supporters of rival opposition parties.

This is the fourth presidential election since Liberia's second civil war, which ended more than 20 years ago and resulted in the deaths of more than 50,000 people.

The BBC's Moses Garzeawu in the capital, Monrovia, says the turnout for the run-off election is expected be high as Liberians are "hungry to vote".

Images of long queues of people at polling stations have been captured in and around the city.

The head of the national elections commission, Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, said: "We want to thank all Liberians who left their bed this morning. Stay on the line and vote."

Mr Weah, 57, who got 43.8% of the vote in the first round, and Mr Boakai, 78, who got 43.4%, have both been trying to build political alliances with the 18 other candidates who ran in the first round.

None of them received more than 3% of the vote.

George Weah (L) and Joseph Boakai (R)
Image caption,
Neither President George Weah (L) nor Joseph Boakai (R) got an outright majority in the first round

Mr Boakai, who served as the vice-president to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa's first elected female head of state, has secured the endorsement of three of the four best performing candidates, according to the Reuters news agency.

In his campaigning, he has focused on investing in agriculture and infrastructure. Mr Boakai has also campaigned on the need to rescue the nation from what he calls "mismanagement" by Mr Weah's administration,

The president has been talking about improving education and dealing with unemployment.

He has asked voters for more time to see the results of his first-term promises, to root out corruption and improve livelihoods.

Liberia is still recovering from the impact of two civil wars between 1989 and 2003, and the Ebola epidemic that killed thousands of people between 2013 and 2016.

According to the World Bank, the West African nation's economy expanded by 4.8% in 2022, due to "mining and a relatively good agricultural harvest".

A woman and child dropping a vote in the ballot box
Image caption,
People are being encouraged to vote in Liberia

This is the second time the two men have faced each other in a presidential election run-off vote.

In 2017, Mr Weah triumphed over Mr Boakai, gaining 61% of the vote in the second round.

That time, his international stardom helped his popularity among the youth and voters were also attracted by his promises to clamp down on corruption, analysts say.

Polls opened at 08:00 local time (08:00 GMT) and will close at 18:00 local time (18:00 GMT), when vote counting will get under way.

The victor will be sworn into office in January next year.


CDC Holds Press Conference


Build Up_CDC Day


We Are Having Additional Burden As Physically Challenged People In Liberia


For Immediate Release

MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY (MME)/RL/NOVEMBER 8, 2023/Monrovia: The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Mines and Energy, has confirmed one death, and two injuries to employees of the Bea Mountain Mining Company, operating in Kinjor, Grand Cape Mount County, Western Liberia, resulting from an accident.

A Press Release issued by the Mines and Energy Ministry on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, stated that Turkish, Baki Capa, Muzafter Cengiz, and Thomas Haines, a Liberian were victims of an industrial accident that occurred at crosscut 810, triggered by activities from crosscut 830, an underground mining site of Bea Mountain Mining Company. According to preliminary findings from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, carried out by its Concession Appraisal Director, Fahnseth Mulbah, the impact of the accident took the life of the Liberian, Thomas Haines. Haines died while en route to Sinje in Grand Cape Mount County for advanced medical treatment.

The two Turkish employees, according to the findings by the Mines and Energy Ministry, are in critical conditions and undergoing medical treatment. The Government regrets this incident and has sent words of encouragement to families of the victims, mainly Thomas Haines who lost his life.

The Ministry further informs the public that the industrial accident was not based on the mining method Bea Mountain was carrying out as a Class ‘A’ mining company, but was due to poor decision making by the company’s operator of its tumbo or drilling/rig machine by wrongfully reversing in a section of the mine without a ‘spoter’, in an area void of natural light; “That was a mistake”, the findings are quoted as saying. Resultantly, his action caused displacement of ‘boulders’ or rocks in that section of the mine where the three underground mine engineers were working, which fell on them.

“Neither blasting, mud/soil sliding caused this accident,” the report revealed. The Ministry of Mines and Energy has assured the public that it remains robust with its fiduciary responsibility and duty of ensuring mine safety at all times, and therefore entreats all actors in the sector to abide by the Mineral and Mining laws of the Country to ensure economic prosperity for the Liberian people through job creation that benefits communities adjacent to mining activities.

Breaking News..Russia blasts Liberian flagged civilian ship in the Black Sea.Ukraine said Wednesday that Russia fired a ...

Breaking News..

Russia blasts Liberian flagged civilian ship in the Black Sea.

Ukraine said Wednesday that Russia fired a missile at a civilian ship entering a port in the Black Sea region of Odesa, injuring the ship's crew and killing a harbor pilot.

Since a UN-brokered deal guaranteeing safe passage for civilian ships collapsed in July, both Kyiv and Moscow have ramped up military activity and attacks in the Black Sea.

"Continuing the terror of civilian shipping, the enemy insidiously fired a Kh-31P anti-radar missile in the direction of one of the ports of Odesa region from tactical aircraft in the Black Sea," the Ukrainian army said.

"The missile hit the structure of a civilian vessel flying the Liberian flag as it was entering the port," it added.

It said a harbor pilot was killed, while another port worker was injured.

"Three crew members, citizens of the Philippines, were injured, one of them was hospitalized," it added.

The collapse of the UN-backed grain export deal in July prompted Moscow to warn that any ships entering Ukrainian ports could be viewed as potential military targets.
Liberia was among nations that condemned Russia invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Details on this story is on Liberia Public Radio Dot come.

Breaking News..President Weah Dismisses Minister Fahnbulleh  Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr....

Breaking News..

President Weah Dismisses Minister Fahnbulleh

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has relieved Deputy Foreign Minister Henry Fahnbulleh of his position with immediate effect.

The Liberian Chief Executive took the decision on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, for administrative reasons.

Minister Fahnbulleh has served in the position since 2020, when he was appointed by the Liberian Leader.


We Will Win The Run-off Elections


President Weah tours Montserrado County District #4

Liberia gets first passing mark on the MCC’s Scorecard for Fiscal Year 2024 which is a positive sign for the country's f...

Liberia gets first passing mark on the MCC’s Scorecard for Fiscal Year 2024 which is a positive sign for the country's future

According to a statement released by the MCC, The Millennium Challenge Corporation Scorecard is an annual assessment of a country's performance in areas such as governance, economic freedom, and investment in people.

The scorecard is used to determine eligibility for MCC funding, which is aimed at reducing poverty and promoting economic growth in developing countries.

The release noted that the country's progress "demonstrates a commitment to reform and a willingness to take difficult steps to improve the lives of people.

The MCC also urged Liberia to continue its efforts to combat corruption and improve the rule of law despite the challenges.

Liberia's passing score on the MCC Scorecard is a positive sign for the country's future, Liberia may be eligible for MCC funding, which could help to further boost the country's economic growth and reduce poverty.
Credit: BanafM 98.5 TV/News Live

Former Nimba County Superintendent Edith Gongloe Weh calls on Liberians not to trust UP Vice Standard Bearer Jeremiah Ko...

Former Nimba County Superintendent Edith Gongloe Weh calls on Liberians not to trust UP Vice Standard Bearer Jeremiah Koung with the Country, says the resources of the country will never be saved under his watch

According to her, she doubts the leadership ability of Jeremiah Koung and former Vice President Joseph Boakai in managing the resources of the County.

Madam Gongloe Weh's statements come at the time the UP vice standard bearer was booed at the Capitol building for allegedly embezzling money meant for legislative staffers when he served as co-chair on the Houses Committee on Ways Means and Finance before ascending to the Liberian senate.

She believes that the incident involving Senator Koung is just the tip of the iceberg, stressing such incident carried out by senator Koung at the time he served as co-chair on the Houses’ Committee on Ways and Means is a clear indication of the lack of integrity and disregard for the welfare of citizens.

According to our reporter assigned at the House of Representative, the incident involving the UP vice standard bearer occurred during a session at the Capitol building, after he was confronted by Legislative staffers, expressing their frustration and disappointment in his alleged actions.

Madam Gongloe Weh believes that such incidents not only undermine the country's development but also wear away public trust in the government.
Credit BanafM 98.5 TV/News Live .

3RD Place Presidential Candidate, Edward Appleton endorses the Presidential bid of UP standard Bearer Joseph Boakai, cal...

3RD Place Presidential Candidate, Edward Appleton endorses the Presidential bid of UP standard Bearer Joseph Boakai, calls on all qualified Liberians to take back their country from the reported misrule of President Weah

Endorsing the presidential bid of former Vice President and standard bearer of the opposition Unity Party Joseph Boakai Tuesday in Congo Town, Mr. Appleton claimed that Liberians are yet to enjoy the resources of their own country under the CDC government.

Edward Appleton of the GDM, a presidential candidate whose votes shocked many citizens when he took the third place during the October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections, obtained a total of 40,271 votes constituting 2.20% according to the National Elections Commission’s final results released.

At the endorsement ceremony, Mr. Appleton stressed that Liberians are suffering for hope in their own country where natural resources are in abundance due to the poor leadership style of the Weah-Taylor regime.

He named the equal participation of the citizens in the decision making process of the country, hope for ordinary people, employment, job creation, economic empowerment and justice among others as key things lacking in the CDC government.

According to him, the political manifesto of the UP aligns with the platform with his political party – the Grassroots Development Movement, adding that during their critical thinking on which way to go through a vote cast, over 70% of the total votes went the UP way.

At the same time, the defeated presidential candidate called on all citizens, especially eligible voters to ask themselves whether they are happy, if their lives are better under this regime before casting their ballots on November 14.

Meanwhile, responding to the endorsement, former VP Joseph Boakai described Edward Wade Appleton as a nationalist, who has prioritized his country over material things.


CDC Celebrates Memorial Day at Party's Headquarters in CongoTownn


Grassroots Development Movement Of Edward W. Appleton Jr. Endorse JNB


Buil Up To Grassroots Development Movement Of Edward W. Appleton Jr. Endorsement Of JNB Ahead of the round off election


Views From CPP Supporters That Support President George Weah Re-election


Special Interview With Liberia Vice President


CPP Announces Support To CDC ahead Of Crucial Presidential Runoff Elections


March For Peace Calls On Liberians To Exhibits Peaceful Elections As Re-Runs Underway


A Liberian Living In The USA Pledge Support for President Weah Re-election

Unity party receives endorsement from ALCOP

Unity party receives endorsement from ALCOP

Photos From Concern ALCOP Partisans Endorse President George Weah

Photos From Concern ALCOP Partisans Endorse President George Weah


Concern ALCOP Partisans Endorse President George Weah

House Speaker Chambers Honors the Memory of Fallen Deputy Chief Clerk...In a heartfelt tribute, House Speaker Dr. Bhofal...

House Speaker Chambers Honors the Memory of Fallen Deputy Chief Clerk...

In a heartfelt tribute, House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers paid homage to the late Deputy Chief Clerk J. Sayfurh Geplay of the House of Representatives, expressing deep sorrow and extending condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues.

Deputy Chief Clerk J. Sayfurh Geplay served the Liberian Legislature with unwavering dedication, commitment, and professionalism. His passing has left an irreplaceable void in the legislative terrain, as his invaluable contributions and remarkable work ethic significantly impacted the effective functioning of the House.

During a somber ceremony held at the Rotunda of the Capitol Building, Speaker Chambers highlighted the outstanding service and remarkable legacy left by the fallen Deputy Chief Clerk. "We mourn the loss of a remarkable individual who devoted his career to the betterment of our legislative processes. His absence will be deeply felt by all who had the honor of working alongside him, including myself." Speaker intoned.

The Speaker further emphasized the Deputy Chief Clerk's exceptional leadership, integrity, and tireless efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of the House. His profound impact on the legislative procedures and commitment to upholding the highest standards of service has left an enduring mark on this 54th Legislature.

The House Speaker, on behalf of the entire legislative body, expressed solidarity with the grieving family and assured continuous support during this challenging time. The House will forever be indebted to the exemplary service and lasting contributions made by Deputy Chief Clerk J. Sayfurh Geplay.

In an emotional demonstration of reverence and respect, the late Deputy Chief Clerk remains was honored with a solemn march led by the Speaker, colleagues and staff as the Armed Forces of Liberia Band played to the Rotunda of the Capitol.

Photos From Liberia Vice President With The  Women Of Liberia..

Photos From Liberia Vice President With The Women Of Liberia..







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