FilmPool Inc.

FilmPool Inc. Film Pool is a full service music, television, and film production house. FilmPool is owned by former Major League Baseball star Kenny Lofton.

Founded in January of 2004, Filmpool, Inc has emerged from a boutique Post-Production Company into a blossoming Television and Film/Production Company. FilmPool began as a DVD duplication business, and within six months added a Standard-Def telecine bay that transfers film to videotape for post-production purposes. Since then, the company has expanded by adding two Hi-Def editing suites, tapeless

Hi-Def color correction suite,
Pro Tools 5.1 Audio Mix Bay, a digital tape room and a second DVD duplicator. Clients for post-production include: MSN, NBA’s Paul Pierce and Baron Davis, Trace TV, National Lampoon, NYFA, LA Film School, Carsey-Werner AFI, Artist View Ent., Vision Films and many Independent Filmmakers. Having made its mark in the post-production sector, FilmPool is now poised to continue growing by building out the production segment of the company. From the beginning, our goal has always been to produce original content, and by using the profits from our post-production facility to purchase our own Hi-def production equipment, we are now
creating and producing our own content at a fraction of the rate that it would cost most production companies. FilmPool is currently developing nine separate reality television shows, as well as one scripted television show. We also own the rights to the cross over film “Scrambled Eggs,” a hilarious family film that appeals to all
demographics, and we have a number of other exciting TV and film projects underway. FilmPool is made up of an exceedingly creative and diverse team who commit themselves to the highest level of production values and quality. Our mission is to produce entertaining, compelling creative, and we welcome the opportunity to work with anyone who shares our vision.

FilmPool Audio

FilmPool Audio


1112 W Magnolia Boulevard
Burbank, CA


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