SELAH Moments: Tokens: Harvest Letter Mementos

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SELAH: This is an hour of unveiling saith The Lord. The witchery and chicanery that many of you have been experiencing is about to be unveiled; exposed. That is confirmation to others of you who have spoken the same thing. This unveiling is due to the unwise choices that have been made to be-friend or not to befriend individuals based upon your preferences. God shares that many of the old that you have been drawn too seeking wisdom are enemies unaware; as many of the young you have avoided have been the ones that have carried you. Vice-Versa. Only you will know the difference; who you have be-friended, and whom you have shunned. The hour is upon us, thus, watch and pray; for their aim is to prey upon those who have now become their prey. selah. Unveiling the foolishness you have allowed yourselves to become partakers unto so the Grace of God that abounds will find you humbled, sorrowful, and repentant. InJESUSMIGHTYNAME!
Seek The Lord while He may BE FOUND, Call Upon HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR! Say unto The Lord You are my Refuge, a very PRESENT HELP in the time of trouble. My Fortress, and, My GOD in YOU Will I TRUST. Not in ‘who will I trust?’ In YOU, LORDJESUS I WILL PLACE MY TRUST! All of My Help comes from YOU, OH GOD! selah.


SELAH: Awakened this early, addictions is on the mind of God. The Lord shares, an addict only wants to pull ‘you / ie.. another’ in so they can continue to be what they have been, ‘an addict,’ on another level, and pull you .. ie.. another person .. along with them. Therefore, never being accountable to themselves and justly wronged for damaging another person’s life … ‘ Psalm 1:1. May God hold you accountable for the damage done to the innocence of another person’s life; knowingly, willingly, and intentionally INJESUSMIGHTYNAME!!! Get and BE DELIVERED! IN JESUS NAME!

SELAH:  God’s out to restore the fig leave season.  The fig leave seasons of your life with proper covering.  He is Prot...

SELAH: God’s out to restore the fig leave season. The fig leave seasons of your life with proper covering. He is Protector; Provider; Care; and Concern. We are finite in all of our ways; He is the Infinite, Omnipotent, Omnipresent ONLY ALL-KNOWING GOD; He cannot be directed to the East if He has set His Mind on the West; we make our request known unto Him; and in great petition He gives or grants consideration. Remain faithful unto Him in the days ahead, and He shall not only grant the request of thine heart yet supercede it; For ‘ I•Am•God,’ and shall do exceedingly abundantly above ALL, that you can ask or think, according to the power at work in ‘us.’ Saith the Lord. The days ahead are full. Full of nourishment; faith; strength for the journeys; and days ahead. There is use for you in the Kingdom ; each and every one of you; avail unto the Lord and see what He shall make of you; for He is the Potter and we are His clay. Psalm 34; I have heard the cry’s of My People and Mine Ears are open unto their Prayer. SELAH.


SELAH: Believers shall come forth from the seeds you have sown. I pray they have been sown favourably and wisely; nevertheless, God will still get the glory from every sinful conversion! Ministry is never waisted. Isaiah 55:10-13. Amen&amen

SELAH: [I know it’s been a minute since I have posted] this blessed me …

SELAH: [I know it’s been a minute since I have posted] this blessed me …

and as I goggled the lyrics, for the first time I saw how desperate the people were in NEED OF A SAVIOR at the time CHRIST was BORN.

The lyrics read, long•lay•the•world•in sin [and] in•error• pining [ a definition of pining is toiling/laboring/ possibly heavily or wearily] then it says .. until HE APPEARED or APPEARS [He is born/brought forth/ or delivered] and the ‘soul / of man or mankind / felt’ its' [itself•worth] from the WORTHINESS OF THE SAVIOR’s BIRTH! CHRIST’s Birth brought worthiness unto the soul’s of mankind ‘ thus, the need to be BORN AGAIN! GLORYHALLELUJAH!!!!
and !

One more part … Oh what a … A thrill of hope, [as] the weary world rejoices, … this brought NEWLIFE! [as in birth, as Mary’s water breaks] so does the flood gates of Heaven open up unto mankind!!! unto the newness of life!!! For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn … OMG!!! GLORYHALLELUJAH!

! Love yall … until next time!!!


SELAH: This has been with me for 3 days now .. God clearly spoke and I share His message with you: many people are comparing themselves with others in the category of ‘wealth.’ God said: the only difference that matters between a broke sinner and wealthy sinner is for one to get saved; otherwise, without Salvation, they will both meet and entertain each other in a burning hell. selah.


SELAH: Isaiah 54:13 ‘ … and your children SHALL BE TAUGHT OF The Lord; and GREAT SHALL BE THE PEACE OF THEM..;’. if your children have ‘ no peace, consider what they are being taught.’ selah … if your child is being taught of The Lord and is having satanic attacks or having bad dreams or nightmares, consider what God is doing in developing their anointing, gift, or talent and REBUKE THE DEVIL disrupting their development INJESUSMIGHTYNAME!


SELAH: Here’s a great reminder for the Saints on today.., for that ‘stubborn devil about your life,’ tell him to GO BELIEVE GOD!, cause apparently he doesn’t. selah at THE NAME OF JESUS!EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! He is LORD OF ALL! of things in Heaven, in the Earth, and things ‘under the earth![.]’ Periodt. selah.


SELAH: Me God and the Rainbow Revelations on today!!!! Glory to JESUS! Per Isaac Newton; …’when we break white light apart using a prism (or rain drops), we get the visual spectrum of colored light (otherwise known as the rainbow).’ Who else ‘BUT GOD!’ can break apart light with water, and give us an array of COLORFUL TAPESTRY? . GLORYHALLELUJAH!!!!


SELAH: Sin is sin [an offense set by the moral order set by God], to be condemned in the light of God’s law], and is present in many categories. Moral sin, social sin, emotional sin, physical sin, and Spiritual sin. selah …

SELAH: The first SELAH Moment of 2023, and God shared with me … how awesome of a God we serve to make provision for us b...

SELAH: The first SELAH Moment of 2023, and God shared with me … how awesome of a God we serve to make provision for us before He even created us .. that He would place the very ‘fabric of our lives’ on the back of the insect and animals He created before He even thought about making us! Omg! Genesis 1:1-27 … selah …
PRAISE God for your silk, spun from worms, your wool from sheep, lamb, goat, your leather from cattle, your feathers from feathers 🪶fowl of the air, and even your cotton from seed!!
[Im sure I left a few out, however, this is more than enough to pause, and think about! God Bless you, make it a great year.

SELAH:  The Christmas Tree Pine has been on my mind continuously for the past three days.  The fragrance and aroma that ...

SELAH: The Christmas Tree Pine has been on my mind continuously for the past three days. The fragrance and aroma that it gives is par none and I do believe it has been God-Sent in this time. Not because it is Christmas, but because of the many healing properties it represents. God has us on His Mind Saints. See below a few of the blessings that have come with the pine Tree’s Christmas message!

Did you know that the cypress pine secretes a healing oil? It is good for Toning the Respiratory System

Cypress oil might tone up the respiratory system and increase the efficiency of the lungs. It may help eliminate the phlegm accumulated in the respiratory tracts and lungs. In this way, it may clear up congestion and make breathing easier when one is suffering from cough and cold.

It also Promotes Sweating

Cypress oil may be considered to be a very powerful sudorific substance. A sudorific substance is something which can cause sweating or perspiration. Periodic sweating may make you feel lighter, fitter and may help remove toxins, excess salt, and water from the body. This might help clean the skin pores as well as the openings of the sweat and sebum glands while keeping away acne and other skin diseases.

Pine needle tea can be used to break up stubborn congestion in the upper respiratory tract, support healthy digestion, calm the nervous system and act as a mild diuretic. The needles can be added to a bath to soak away exhaustion or ease arthritic joints. They can also be used in a steam to relieve sinusitis and congestion.

Pine Buds

Collect pine buds in the spring. This is the primary part of P. sylvetris that Russian traditional medicine has used in the way other traditions use the needles: to relieve chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis and to add to baths for skin ailments and arthritis. [and so much more]!!! selah!!!


SELAH: I’m so full of revelation by God right now!! it’s ridiculous!!! Thank You FATHER!for SPEAKING! I’m listening!!! I really am listening! selah.. Isaiah 55:1-11.

SELAH:  , and as God allows, time should stand still for the honoring of Christ’s birth.  For time itself, obeys God!  s...

SELAH: , and as God allows, time should stand still for the honoring of Christ’s birth. For time itself, obeys God! selah.


SELAH: Every ‘hero’ had to RISE. You might or may have been born into greatness, yet, we, still had to ‘grow up!’ …. ’s ministry started at twelve years old! Luke 2:49.


SELAH: God is also dealing with issues of abuse and pediphillia. For it is better that a millstone be tied about Thy neck and be drowned in the sea than you offend the least of My little ones says The Lord. Suffer the little children to cover unto Me[God speaking] and forbid them not. Matthew 18:6-7; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2; Mark 10:14-16. Christ blessed them and NEVER HARMED THEM. selah.


SELAH: a Word of warning: Wow to them that carry the spirit of Nabal. In both male and female. The spirit of nabal will lead and end in Destruction. Follow apply Wisdom this season calls for the spirit of the learned apply wisdom. 1 Samuel 25:14. selah. It is a time of recompense and for those who have selfishly endangered others God is watching.


SELAH: An neither does ‘ being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses mean a smoked up v**e party.’ The devil got jokes, but they all gone lead the laughing followers straight to a real hell.’ The fire there will burn with a fervent heat.2Peter 3:10; v.11-12.


SELAH: Zephaniah 3:1-2. Be warned. Bc you were told. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, does not mean ‘incomprehensive chemical dependency.’ BEDelivereD INJESUSMIGHTYNAME!


You can not be upset with a person for ‘not knowing who you are or whom you represent.’ Christ didn’t do that. Matthew 16:13-20. Let it be revealed, by God, so you don’t have to explain.


SELAH: I understand what LOVE HAS TO DO WITH IT. John 3:16. Romans 6:23. 1 John 4:16. selah.


SELAH: Knowing that where you rest is one of the most important things in the world, why not do so in the arms of JESUS and consistently in His presence? He Is The Prince of PEACE. Have you found a better place to rest than in the presence of JESUS? selah.


SELAH: Our fight with the devil is because he is no longer a chosen’ and we [Followers of Christ!] as CHRISTIANS ARE! Matthew 6:33. A winning choice is to Choose Jesus Christ! selah.


SELAH: I truly believe one of the reasons God goes so ‘hard for us’ is because He truly knows what we are up against and what we have to overcome to see Him again! Luke 22:32; Job 1:6-7; Luke 13:24.


SELAH: When a person is cared for, pampered, and served, it is easy to become ar.rog.ant. Stay humble. Be grateful and not proudfully [en.titled]. Proverbs 16:19. selah.


SELAH: When The Lord begins to ‘pamper you’ be grateful and tell Him THANK YOU LORD! Humility is a powerful blessing. Proverbs 16:18. selah.


SELAH: I heard it said; ‘you’re not the boss of me; and I heard this on a commercial shared with excitement …‘I’m the boss of me.’ The truth is, if you’re the boss of you, and you lack discipline, you should fire yourself! Bc Proverbs 6:6-11 is true, and we need motivation.


SELAH: Dear friend. When someone invites you ‘to talk,’ if there is no threat, that is an invitation toward unity [Psalm 133:1], and sometimes that simply means to spend time in with/and or share conversation. Ephesians 4:3. selah.


SELAH: [Reflective in studying] Did you know the word ‘problem is not written in scripture?’ Consider the words: care/care[s]•concern/concern[s]•grief/grief[s]•[and]•sin/sin[s]. 1Peter 5:7.Isaiah 53. 1Corinthians10:13. selah.


SELAH: God is not overwhelmed by any problem. He is the problem solver and has already given His Son Jesus to take away the sins of the world. Isaiah 9:6. selah.


Charlotte, NC





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