Magic Pencil Productions

Magic Pencil Productions My name is Daniel Lambert. I am the President of Magic Pencil Productions, a small press company that creates books for sale on

We have two imprints: Magic Bullet Productions and More Cow Bell Books.

I plan to delete this post. Currently FB won’t let me.

I plan to delete this post. Currently FB won’t let me.

Unless things dramatically change with the former Fleetwood Mac bandmates, this will wind up being the last time they play “Landslide” together


Dear Friends,

My poem “Deadly Breakfast” has been selected to appear in the 69th issues of Statement Magazine (California State University Los Angeles's yearly literary journal).

I cordially invite you to join me at Statement Magazine’s launch reception on Monday, April 29, 2019 in the Golden Eagle Ballroom at California State University, Los Angeles. I and other contributors to this year's issue will read our work.

Doors open at 5:30 PM for check-in, dinner, and socializing. Programming will begin at 6:15 PM.


Daniel E. Lambert


Dan reading one of his stories at a meeting of the Southwest Manuscripters writers club.


9602 Felton Avenue
Los Angeles, CA


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