UriArte Publishing & Consulting

UriArte Publishing & Consulting At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting we offer book editing, translations, and publishing services. We also offer language lessons and general education tutoring.


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🚀 Another Milestone in Sight! 🚀

We’re so close to reaching 400 followers on our page, UriArte Publishing & Consulting, where we currently have 398 amazing supporters! 📚✨

Will we make it to 400 by tomorrow? With your help, we believe we can! If you haven’t followed us yet, now is the perfect time to join our growing community of book lovers and aspiring authors.

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A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support. Let’s make it happen together! 🙌📖

At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting we offer book editing, translations, and publishing services. We


🎉 Exciting News! 🎉

In just one week, our Uriarte Publishing & Consulting family has grown from 103 to 207 followers! 📈✨

I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you – friends, family, clients, and followers – for your incredible support. Your likes, shares, and encouragement mean the world to us, and we couldn’t do this without you!

This milestone is just the beginning, and we’re thrilled to continue sharing our passion for books, publishing, and storytelling with all of you.

If you haven't followed us yet, now’s the perfect time to join our growing community! 📚💙

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Welcome to UriArte Publishing & Consulting! We help authors bring their stories to life with expert editing, design, publishing, and marketing services. Follow us for tips, updates, and to celebrate the power of storytelling! 📚✨

“What are you reading right now? 📚 I’m curious to know! If I’ve read it too, I’ll share my thoughts. Let’s talk books!”

“What are you reading right now? 📚 I’m curious to know! If I’ve read it too, I’ll share my thoughts. Let’s talk books!”


Turning Stories into Bestsellers Your Literary Journey Begins Here Crafting Dreams, One Page at a Time Top Quality Services We take care of all the intricate aspects of book publishing, including distribution and royalty management. We understand that authors should have the freedom to create, witho...


🌟 Libros y Textos que Marcaron mi Época Universitaria (Parte 3) 📚✨

¡Seguimos con este viaje literario! Durante mis años universitarios en Cuba, tuve la oportunidad de leer una variedad de textos y antologías que no solo me formaron como lector, sino también como profesional. Esta es una continuación de los títulos que dejaron una huella profunda en mí, con una mezcla de clásicos, poesía, antologías y obras fundamentales para el aprendizaje.

📚 Aquí están los títulos de esta nueva lista:

1️⃣ Cuentos – Edgar Allan Poe
2️⃣ Obras Completas – José Martí
3️⃣ Poemas – Walt Whitman
4️⃣ Cuentos – Ernest Hemingway
5️⃣ An Anthology of British Stories
6️⃣ An Anthology of Famous American Stories
7️⃣ Tragedias y Comedias – William Shakespeare
8️⃣ Cuentos – Horacio Quiroga
9️⃣ Cuentos de Guane – Nersis Felipe
🔟 Cuentos del Dédalo – Jorge Cardoso
1️⃣1️⃣ Antología de los 15 Escritores Más Famosos de la Novela Policíaca:
- Agatha Christie
- Ellery Queen
- Arthur Conan Doyle
1️⃣2️⃣ The History of England
1️⃣3️⃣ The History of the USA
1️⃣4️⃣ History of the English Language
1️⃣5️⃣ Stylistic
1️⃣6️⃣ Translation and Interpretation
1️⃣7️⃣ Mimesis
1️⃣8️⃣ Lo Real Maravilloso – Alejo Carpentier
1️⃣9️⃣ Ismaelillo – José Martí
2️⃣0️⃣ La Edad de Oro – José Martí
2️⃣1️⃣ Nuestra América – José Martí
2️⃣2️⃣ Platero y Yo – Juan Ramón Jiménez
2️⃣3️⃣ Poesías – Rubén Darío
2️⃣4️⃣ Poemas – Nicolás Guillén
2️⃣5️⃣ El Nuevo Testamento – Anónimo
2️⃣6️⃣ Comunicação Global – Dr. Lair Ribeiro

💬 ¿Qué opinas de esta lista? ¿Has leído alguno de estos títulos? ¿Cuál de ellos es tu favorito?
¡Me encantaría leer tus comentarios! Comparte tu experiencia y dime qué libro te marcó más durante tu época de estudiante o cuál de estos te gustaría leer.

📖 Sigamos compartiendo la pasión por los libros y creando una comunidad de lectores. Comparte este post con tus amigos amantes de la literatura.


🌟 Libros que Marcaron mi Época Universitaria en Cuba (Parte 2) 📚✨

La lectura siempre ha sido una parte esencial de mi vida, especialmente durante mis años universitarios en Cuba. Aquí les comparto la segunda lista de libros que dejaron una huella imborrable en mi camino como lectora y profesional. Cada título me ofreció algo único, desde aventuras épicas hasta enseñanzas profundas.

📚 Aquí están los títulos:

1️⃣ Temporada de Ángeles – Lisandro Otero
2️⃣ El Árbol de la Vida – Upton Sinclair
3️⃣ La Tapadera (The Firm) – John Grisham
4️⃣ Román Elé – Nersis Felipe
5️⃣ El Sabueso de los Baskerville – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
6️⃣ The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne
7️⃣ La Metamorfosis – Franz Kafka
8️⃣ El Cuchillo que Cura – Stanley A. Burroughs
9️⃣ Poder Sin Límites – Tony Robbins
🔟 Tus Zonas Erróneas – Wayne W. Dyer
1️⃣1️⃣ De los Archivos Literarios del KGB – Alexander Vassiliev
1️⃣2️⃣ El Testamento de Judas – Daniel Easterman
1️⃣3️⃣ Hipnosis: Teoría, Métodos y Técnicas – Braulio Martínez Borrego
1️⃣4️⃣ La Travesía Solitaria de Juan Cabrera – Joaquín Aguayo
1️⃣5️⃣ Los 10 Negritos – Agatha Christie
1️⃣6️⃣ Cecilia Valdés – Cirilo Villaverde
1️⃣7️⃣ Don Quijote – Miguel de Cervantes
1️⃣8️⃣ El Padrino – Mario Puzo
1️⃣9️⃣ El Avaro – Molière
2️⃣0️⃣ Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
2️⃣1️⃣ Oliverio Twist – Charles Dickens
2️⃣2️⃣ El Lazarillo de Tormes – Anónimo
2️⃣3️⃣ Eugenia Grandet – Honoré de Balzac
2️⃣4️⃣ Edipo Rey – Sófocles
2️⃣5️⃣ Crimen y Castigo – Fiódor Dostoyevski
2️⃣6️⃣ Las Cuitas del Joven Werther – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2️⃣7️⃣ La Divina Comedia – Dante Alighieri
2️⃣8️⃣ Fuenteovejuna – Lope de Vega
2️⃣9️⃣ La Guerra y la Paz – León Tolstói

💬 ¿Te animas a leer alguno de estos títulos? ¿Ya has leído alguno? ¿Cuál de estos es tu favorito?
¡Déjame tus respuestas en los comentarios, me encantaría conocer tus recomendaciones y opiniones!

📖 Comparte este post con tus amigos lectores para seguir construyendo esta increíble comunidad de amantes de los libros.


🌟 Los Libros que Marcaron mi Época Universitaria en Cuba 📚✨

Durante mis años de estudiante en Cuba, estos 30 libros dejaron una huella imborrable en mi vida. Fueron más que lecturas; fueron viajes, aprendizajes, y momentos de reflexión que me acompañaron en esa etapa tan importante.

Aquí está la lista completa:

1️⃣ El Perfume – Patrick Süskind
2️⃣ El Juicio Final – John Katzenbach
3️⃣ La Conjura Sixtina – Philipp Vandenberg
4️⃣ Amantes y Enemigos – John Crosby
5️⃣ Antes que Anochezca – Reynaldo Arinas
6️⃣ Caballo de Troya I, III y IV – J.J. Benítez
7️⃣ La Hora Final de Castro – Andrés Oppenheimer
8️⃣ El Club Dumas – Arturo Pérez-Reverte
9️⃣ French Connection II – Robin Moore
🔟 The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway
1️⃣1️⃣ La Ilíada – Homero
1️⃣2️⃣ Usted Puede Sanar su Vida – Louise L. Hay
1️⃣3️⃣ El In****no – Dante Alighieri
1️⃣4️⃣ Hamlet – William Shakespeare
1️⃣5️⃣ Otelo – William Shakespeare
1️⃣6️⃣ Romeo y Julieta – William Shakespeare
1️⃣7️⃣ Cecilia Valdés o Por qué la Tierra – Cirilo Villaverde
1️⃣8️⃣ Francisco – Anselmo Suárez y Romero
1️⃣9️⃣ La Madre – Máximo Gorki
2️⃣0️⃣ Papá Goriot – Honoré de Balzac
2️⃣1️⃣ Casa de Muñecas – Henrik Ibsen
2️⃣2️⃣ El Maestro y Margarita – Mijaíl Bulgákov
2️⃣3️⃣ El Dragón – Evgeny Schwartz
2️⃣4️⃣ El Chacal – Frederick Forsyth
2️⃣5️⃣ Pacto de Sangre – James M. Cain
2️⃣6️⃣ La Expedición de la Kon Tiki – Thor Heyerdahl
2️⃣7️⃣ El Nombre de la Rosa – Umberto Eco
2️⃣8️⃣ The Glass Cell – Patricia Highsmith
2️⃣9️⃣ King Lear – William Shakespeare
3️⃣0️⃣ Cándido – Voltaire

💬 ¿Has leído alguno de estos? ¿También te han gustado? ¿Cuál de estos es tu favorito?
¡Déjame tus respuestas en los comentarios, me encantaría saber tus opiniones!


📖 Make Your Book Shine with Professional Formatting!When it comes to captivating readers, presentation is everything. At...

📖 Make Your Book Shine with Professional Formatting!
When it comes to captivating readers, presentation is everything. At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting, we provide top-tier formatting services that align with the highest standards in the publishing world.
🖋 Your Story, Your Vision—Perfectly Presented!
Stand out in a competitive market and give your book the polished look it deserves. Let’s make your manuscript unforgettable!
📞 Contact: (786) 328-0638
🌐 Website: uriartepublishing.com
📍 Location: Miami, Fl
📸 Social Media:


🌟 My Past Year in Books 📚✨
As a publisher, writer, and lifelong reader, I’ve always believed that books have the power to expand our horizons and ignite our imagination. Over the past year and a half—since the summer of 2023—I’ve immersed myself in a diverse collection of books, each offering something unique, inspiring, or thought-provoking. Here’s my journey through stories and ideas:

Audiobooks 🎧:
1. The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros
2. The Eye of the Bedlam Bride by Matt Dinniman
3. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
4. Matterhorn by Christopher Reich
5. The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen
6. The Butcher’s Masquerade by Matt Dinniman
7. The Gate of the Feral Gods by Matt Dinniman
8. The Dungeon Anarchist’s Cookbook by Matt Dinniman
9. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
10. The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma
11. Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey
12. Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
13. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
14. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
15. Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
16. Carl’s Doomsday Scenario by Matt Dinniman
17. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
18. Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman
19. 1984 by George Orwell
20. The Hunger Games: Special Edition by Suzanne Collins

Kindle & Paperback Books 📱📖:
21. Rescates en el Más Allá (Revelaciones Mediúmnicas) by Roberto Fernandes
22. O Índio Branco: Revelações Mediúnicas by Roberto Fernandes
23. En el Principio del Fin by Aneisi Hernández Ruiz
24. Las Muertes de María by Edelmis Anoceto
25. El Indio Blanco: Revelaciones Mediúmnicas by Roberto Fernandes
26. The Drop by Iohamil Navarro Cuesta
27. La Entrega by Iohamil Navarro Cuesta
28. Leadership: Theory and Practice by Peter G. Northouse
29. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan
30. In the Beginning of the End by Aneisi Hernández Ruiz
31. The Music Box by Roberto Jimenez
32. La Odisea de Homero García by Jesús Uriarte

Each of these books left a mark on me in some way, whether it was through their storytelling, lessons, or unique perspectives.

📚 Which of these have you read or heard about? What’s on your “to-read” list? Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear from you!

✨ Follow UriArte Publishing to stay inspired by more book recommendations, publishing insights, and literary adventures!

🌟 Glowing Praise from Writer's Digest Competitions! 🌟🔥 The Drop by Iohamil Navarro Cuesta received outstanding feedback ...

🌟 Glowing Praise from Writer's Digest Competitions! 🌟

🔥 The Drop by Iohamil Navarro Cuesta received outstanding feedback from Writer's Digest Competitions, highlighting its exemplary character development and a unique, consistent writing style that keeps readers hooked.

📖 What makes The Drop unforgettable:

"Starting off with a murder in the first chapter began the thrill of the journey."
"Compelling, layered characters with unique motivations and traits."
"Sarcasm and humor bring characters to life, even in the midst of gunfire."
⚡ With a plot described as “an all-over good story line” and exemplary pacing and structure, The Drop is a must-read for thriller enthusiasts craving action, intrigue, and unforgettable characters.

🎯 Dive into this pulse-pounding adventure today!

📚 Grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/hEEyn0y

Troubled by a failing marriage, Tino Font, an undercover agent from the Cuban Intelligence Service, vacations with his family in Ronda, Spain while he plans to leak to the media a material in his possession compromising the controversial president of the United States. A failed attempt from a tra...


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Welcome to UriArte Publishing & Consulting! We help authors bring their stories to life with expert editing, design, publishing, and marketing services. Follow us for tips, updates, and to celebrate the power of storytelling! 📚✨

🌟 Your Story Deserves to Be Heard!Have a unique story waiting to be shared? At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting, we speci...

🌟 Your Story Deserves to Be Heard!
Have a unique story waiting to be shared? At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting, we specialize in turning ideas into impactful books. Let us handle the details while you focus on your passion for writing.
📚 What We Offer:
✅ End-to-end publishing solutions
✅ Expert guidance to navigate every step
✅ A seamless process tailored to your needs
Take the leap from writer to published author and inspire the world with your words.
📞 Contact: (786) 328-0638
🌐 Website: uriartepublishing.com
📍 Location: Miami, Fl
📸 Social Media:


In a world torn apart by natural calamities and wars, Airam and a resilient group find themselves on the outskirts, shunned by a society ruled under the deceptive ideology of Belusat. As they navigate the contested city, prophecies, enigmatic messages, and echoes of ancient kings intertwine with ...

🌟📚 Start the Year with a Gripping Read! 📚🌟Are you ready to dive into a story of faith, survival, and hope? Don’t miss ou...

🌟📚 Start the Year with a Gripping Read! 📚🌟

Are you ready to dive into a story of faith, survival, and hope? Don’t miss out on "In the Beginning of the End" by Aneisi Hernandez Ruiz – a powerful Christian fantasy novel now available in paperback!

In a world torn apart by natural disasters and wars, join Airam and a group of brave youngsters as they fight to survive amidst chaos and face the ultimate test of faith. Will they rise above the storm and find salvation in the midst of it all?

✨ What makes this book special? ✨
🔹 A captivating blend of fiction and biblical themes
🔹 Thought-provoking exploration of faith, love, and resilience
🔹 A unique narrative from two different viewpoints

A must-read for teens and adults who value the power of faith and hope in times of crisis.

Order your copy today and be inspired!
📖 Get Your Copy Now!

In a world torn apart by natural calamities and wars, Airam and a resilient group find themselves on the outskirts, shunned by a society ruled under the deceptive ideology of Belusat. As they navigate the contested city, prophecies, enigmatic messages, and echoes of ancient kings intertwine with ...

Start 2025 with Stories That InspireAs we embrace the new year, let’s revisit the incredible voices and captivating book...

Start 2025 with Stories That Inspire

As we embrace the new year, let’s revisit the incredible voices and captivating books that made "Miami’s Literary Voices" at Books & Books an unforgettable event. Here’s a glimpse into the stories that moved our hearts and minds:

📚 Jesús Uriarte
"The Odyssey of Homero Garcia" & "La Odisea de Homero Garcia"
“Sometimes, fear is the greatest motivator. But in the shadows, you learn who you truly are.”

📚 Aneisi Hernández Ruiz
"In the Beginning of the End" & "En el Principio del Fin"
“Dreams are not just stories. They are the maps that guide us through the unknown.”

📚 Roberto Jimenez
"The Music Box" & "Where is Benji?"
“In the depths of guilt, Lucia discovers the true spirit of Christmas.”

📚 Iohamil Navarro Cuesta
"The Drop" & "La Entrega"
“In every drop of ink, there lies a universe waiting to be explored.”

These authors brought us narratives that spanned courage, mystery, faith, and hope—offering unforgettable journeys through their pages.

💡 Missed the event? Their books are still here to inspire your year! Discover the stories behind these quotes and make 2025 a year of transformative reading.

📍 Find these books at Books & Books, Coral Gables, FL
📞 Contact: (305) 123-4567

🎄✨ The Christmas Season Isn’t Over Yet—There’s Still Time for a Great Christmas Story! ✨🎄This holiday, dive into the hea...

🎄✨ The Christmas Season Isn’t Over Yet—There’s Still Time for a Great Christmas Story! ✨🎄
This holiday, dive into the heartwarming tale of The Music Box, brought to you by UriArte Publishing & Consulting and written by the talented Roberto Jimenez.
📖 When Lucia accidentally shatters a cherished gift meant for a sick girl, she embarks on a race against time to make things right. On a snowy Christmas Eve, her journey intertwines with the lives of a loving father and his ailing daughter. The Music Box reveals the true spirit of Christmas and the power of redemption.
💫 A perfect read to keep the magic of the holidays alive and a thoughtful gift for book lovers! 🎁✨
📚 Paperback, 80 pages
💵 Price: $9.99
🔗 Available Now: https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084...
🌟 The Music Box—a story of kindness, hope, and second chances that will warm your heart this winter. Don’t miss out—order your copy today!

🌟 Ready to Share Your Story with the World? 🌟At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting, we simplify the publishing journey so y...

🌟 Ready to Share Your Story with the World? 🌟
At Uriarte Publishing & Consulting, we simplify the publishing journey so you can focus on what you do best—writing! 📚✨
✔ Royalty Management: Maximize your earnings 💰
✔ Seamless Distribution: Reach readers globally 📦
✔ Expert eBook Formatting: Make every page shine 📖
Transform your manuscript into a bestseller with a team of professionals by your side. Your story deserves the spotlight! 🌟
📞 Contact: (786) 328-0638
🌐 Website: uriartepublishing.com
📍 Location: Miami, Fl
📸 Social Media:


Miami, FL


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