Inside a hip-hop songwriting camp: Two music companies, Prescription Songs and Drumatized, are trying to change the songwriting scene in Nashville. Recently, they called on their rap connections and assembled their first local writing camp together.
Senior music writer Jewly Hight takes us there.
This is the second story in Jewly’s series on new efforts to build up the business around Nashville hip-hop. Listen to the full story at Link in bio.
📝/🎥: WPLN’s @jewlyhight
📱: WPLN’s @racheliacovone
#Songwriting #SongwritingCamp #SongwritingProcess #Songwriter #HipHop #HipHopMusic #HipHopArtist #HipHopBeats #MusicNews #MusicReporter #Music #Nashville #NashvilleTN #Nashville_TN #NashvilleTennessee #MiddleTennessee #MiddleTN #MidTN #Tennessee
Tennessee has passed school vouchers and a sweeping immigration law. The latter will create a new state division to collaborate with ICE and add felony charges for any local official that votes in favor of sanctuary policies.
WPLN’s Marianna Bacallao has the latest from special session.
📝/🎥: WPLN’s @ba.marianna
📱: WPLN’s @racheliacovone
#AtTheStatehouse #TNGeneralAssembly #GeneralAssembly #LegislativeSession #TNLeg #TNLegislature #Legislature #TennesseeLegislature #SpecialSession #SpecialLegislativeSession #Immigration #ImmigrationLaw #Immigrants #Immigrant #Undocumented #UndocumentedImmigrants #Migrants #Migrant #Deportation #Deportations #ICE #SchoolVouchers #TennesseeSchools #Nashville #NashvilleTN #Nashville_TN #MiddleTN #MiddleTennessee #MidTN #Tennessee
Tennesseans at the polls may be surprised that the name of the candidate they select is not the one that appears on their ballot. For example, people who try to vote for Gloria Johnson for U.S. Senate, sometimes find that the machine selects Marsha Blackburn instead.
WPLN’s Power & Equity Reporter Marianna Bacallao explains the voting machine isn’t necessarily the problem.
📝: WPLN’s @ba.marianna
📱: WPLN’s @racheliacovone
#Elections #Politics #EarlyVoting #Voting #Elections2024 #AlliePhillips #AndyOgles #GloriaJohnson #HeidiCampbell #JohnRose #JustinJones #LoreBergman #LuisMata #MarkGreen #MarshaBlackburn #MaryamAbolfazli #MeganBarry #ShaundelleBrooks #NashvilleTN #Nashville_TN #NashvilleTennessee #MiddleTennessee #MiddleTN #Tennessee