The Breakdown with James Sayer

The Breakdown with James Sayer Addressing important issues of the day with a focus on evidence, well-reasoned arguments, and a will


Discussing the meaning and origins of consciousness from multiple perspectives. Originally published on March 10, 2021.


A Message to Conservatives: Discussing the need for principled conservatives in the fight for our democracy. Originally published on February 4, 2021.


Fighting Climate Change: Discussing global warming, the impacts of climate change, and what we need to do to avert a climate disaster on a global scale. Originally published on September 6 2021.


What Might Be: On this episode, we discuss the different threats that face humanity, including nuclear war, climate change, super-viruses, artificial intelligence, massive cyberattacks, monster meteors, super-volcanoes, global tyranny, plus who we might become and what we might accomplish, if we overcome them all. Originally published on January 1, 2022.


The Portland Protests: Discussing the 90 days of protests in Portland, Oregon. Originally published on August 28, 2020.


Extraterrestrial Life and Alien Visitors: Analyzing recent ET stories in the news. Originally published August 15, 2020.


The Health Benefits of Faith: On this episode, Jordan and I discuss the overwhelming scientific evidence showing that having a spiritual faith in a benevolent creator along with regular church service attendance is strongly associated with better mental and physical health and talk about the different potential reasons for why this is the case. Originally published on Buzzsprout on January 3, 2024.


Political Terminologies and Other Misused and Misunderstood Words: On this episode, Jordan and discuss the definitions or many political terminologies, how they are often misused, and the widespread misunderstanding this creates. Originally published on Buzzsprout on December 6, 2023.


The Origins of Hate: On this episode, Jordan and I discuss the powerfully destructive long-term emotion of hate, why humans hate, the areas of the brain involved in hatred, its effects on the human body, genocide, the recent spike in hate crimes, and how to stop hating. Originally published on Buzzsprout on September 21, 2023.


Nuclear War Near Misses: On this episode, Jordan and I discuss the shockingly numerous nuclear war near misses the United States has had with Russia since the 1950s, as well as many disturbing nuclear weapons accidents (Broken Arrows) that have occurred in that time. We also discuss different options for eliminating or reducing the extreme dangers caused by possessing nuclear weapons. Originally published on Buzzsprout on August 19, 2023.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): On this episode, Jordan and I discuss the four different types of AI, the difference between AI and AGI, the ubiquity of AI already in our lives, their benefits, costs and potential harms, and how we should proceed with these revolutionary technological advancements. Originally published on Buzzsprout on July 27, 2023.


Housing First: On this episode of The Breakdown, Jordan and I discuss the Housing First approach, where people experiencing homelessness are not required to be sober, employed, or to complete a treatment program to obtain housing. We talk about the success rates of the approach, how it works, as well as many other aspects regarding the US homeless crisis, and what needs to be done to house the nearly 600,000 homeless in America today. Originally published on Buzzsprout on June 30, 2023.


The State of Jefferson: On this episode, Jordan Pearce and I discuss the State of Jefferson - a huge, mountainous, rural area in southern Oregon and Northern California that wishes to secede from their respective states and form the 51st state of the Union- the State of Jefferson. Originally published on Buzzsprout on June 7, 2023.


Edward Snowden: On this episode, we discuss Edward Snowden and whether what he did by stealing over 1.7 million files from the NSA was justified, how much good he did by revealing the illegal NSA PRISM program, and how much potential harm he caused to US national security by divulging so many US secrets. Special guest: Jordan Pearce. Originally published on Buzzsprout on May 26, 2023.

Check out our latest episode of The Breakdown, where Jordan and I discuss the definitions or many political terminologie...

Check out our latest episode of The Breakdown, where Jordan and I discuss the definitions or many political terminologies, how they are often misused, and the widespread misunderstanding this often creates.

On this episode, Jordan and discuss the definitions or many political terminologies, how they are often misused, and the widespread misunderstanding this creates. 


Discussing the US charges against Julian Assange, his possible extradition to the US from the UK, and the dangers of prosecuting him under The Espionage Act of 1917.


On The Breakdown's New Year's Eve special and final episode of the season, we discuss a wide range of serious threats facing humanity, what we need to do to overcome them, what we might accomplish if we do, and what might happen if we do not. Either way, the choice is ours.


Check out our new trailer for the second half of Season Two of The Breakdown!


On this episode, we discuss a wide range of gun control policies and isolate the ones that have been directly proven to reduce violence, and talk about how to get these measures enacted into law. Check out The Breakdown's newest episode: "Gun Control Policies that Work".


Please check out our latest episode: "Defeating the New Global Fascist Movement", where David Scott and I discuss the threats and origins of the new global fascist movement and what we can do to protect our democracy.


In this episode, we discuss the meaning and origins of consciousness from multiple perspectives.


Discussing the need for principled conservatives in our fight to save our democracy
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On episode 3 of season 2, we discuss the way forward for Democrats after Biden is sworn in on January 20th.

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On Season 2, Episode 3, we discuss the away forward for Democrats after Joe Biden is sworn-in as the 46th President of t...

On Season 2, Episode 3, we discuss the away forward for Democrats after Joe Biden is sworn-in as the 46th President of the United States. What will Democrats need to do to accomplish their policy goals and to maintain a winning coalition, and how will they overcome the Republican Party's dangerous movement towards fascism? You can listen here:

Photo by Glyn Lowe PhotoWorks from lisbon, Portugal - Joe Biden - Jill Biden - 2013 Presidential Inauguration Day, CC BY 2.0,


On this episode, I interviewed pastor Annie Rose, where we discussed how COVID-19 has impacted her church in Wenatchee, WA, the pandemic's positive effect on charitable giving, as well as lessons from her time as a prison minister. Originally aired June 12, 2020.

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On this episode, we focused on the anti-racism and anti-police brutality protests in Portland, Oregon. We also talk about some of the good the Black Lives Matter movement and protests have already brought about, but also look at how the excesses of a relatively small group of radicals and criminals can set back their cause, plus a lot more. Originally aired August 28, 2018.

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On our first episode, we discussed the people who refuse to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19: the Anti-Maskers. Originally aired June 4, 2020.

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Portland, OR


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