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The B.S. Network Common sense and logic abides here.

This page provides an alternative view for individuals who can think for themselves, an outlet to express other than main stream media agendas and commentary without being censored for having an opinion.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection is conducting a review of a secretive division that uses some of the country’s most sensitive databases to investigate the travel and financial records and personal connections of Americans not suspected of any crime.


Florida residents are furious as scientists prepare to release hundreds of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into their communities. The experiment, led by British biotech company Oxitec, will see around 750 million male mosquitoes sent out into the Florida Keys over the next two years in....


St. Vincent Caught Leaving Unvaccinated People To Die! Uncategorized April 14, 2021April 14, 2021ronieLeave a Comment on St. Vincent Caught Leaving Unvaccinated People To Die! The La Soufrière volcano erupted Friday morning on the island of St. Vincent in the eastern Caribbean, prompting mass evacu...

In the U.S. of A. There is no reason why people should be freezing to death. We can send drones to Mars and have cars dr...

In the U.S. of A. There is no reason why people should be freezing to death. We can send drones to Mars and have cars drive themselves but can't figure out how to keep the power on? Come on man I'm not that stupid.

Why not 18 masks

Why not 18 masks

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (WPEC) - Before hopping aboard a plane, you soon may be required to flash your medical records in the form of a vaccine passport. And it doesn’t stop there. The newly proposed vaccine passport could also act as a pass to get into movie theaters, music concerts, restaurants...



The Grafton hospital employee who admitted to deliberately removing 57 vials of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine from cold storage – and was fired over it – has...


MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) - The announcement that drug companies were getting closer to a COVID-19 vaccine is welcome news for a weary country.“I think it’s exciting,” said Josh Walden, “necessary to restor


Can the government or your employer make the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory?

Looka here

Looka here

The Ohio National Guard will be allowed to help vaccinate the general populace against COVID-19.Health and Human Services gave the Ohio National Guard a waiv...


A new satellite from Capella Space is capable of taking high-resolution images anywhere in the world, even through the walls of buildings, according to Futur...


Employers can require workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and exclude them from the workplace if they refuse. computer programmer ?

A computer programmer ?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates believes a return to “normal” life is further down the road for the US than people expect, despite a Covid-19 vaccine being a...

This B.S.! There is no excuse for this. 5 years and still no change but in a couple of months there is a rona vaccine?

This B.S.! There is no excuse for this. 5 years and still no change but in a couple of months there is a rona vaccine?

Since 2014, the city of Flint, Michigan, has been synonymous with tainted water. Five years on, city officials are still struggling to make the water safe fo...





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