One of the easiest things we can do is make sure the young people in our lives are registered to vote.
Oklahoma has an online portal BUT, and this is important, STILL REQUIRES AN APPLICATION BE FILLED OUT, SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED TO YOUR COUNTY ELECTION BOARD. This is important. Filling out the online form is not the only step.
It is also important to note that Oklahoma requires you to request permission to distribute the application. Please do not print out and distribute without doing that first. I am providing the link to the form so you, and anyone you share this post with, can access it straight from the .gov website.
Teens can pre-register at 17 1/2 as long as they meet all the requirements. They will not be able to vote until they are 18. Applications have to be received before 25 days before an election. If it is after 25 days before the election they will not be processed until after the election.
Making sure younger generations are registered and ready to vote is an important first step.
If you have any questions please feel free to message this page and I will help as much as I am able to get you the information you need.