Truth Exposed

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Truth Exposed My life was flipped upside down by the ones I loved the most. The extent to which they went is... the link above ☝️☝️✅Thank me later!! 💠🤑💸💵💵💸💵💵💸💵💵
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I can whip that food frfr mmmm

I can whip that food frfr mmmm


What I have learned this year is that the world is a backwards place. No one stands for anything or anyone anymore! People graduate to do wrongs unwarranted. And have no remorse for the wrongs done. They spread slander and lies and are proud to be that way. I like just scales and balance. It's crazy to me how people call good bad and bad good??? The Love of dope and MONEY will literally get you anything or ANYONE period. Sell outs are a dime a dozen. I'm sorry but I can't be bought out run with drugs or MONEY ever. Loyalty and love are non existent from what I have seen. Yo many it is just words thrown around and misused for the sake of what someone may gain from it.. Reality sucks but I'm learning that I don't want to spend another second of my time with a person who can sell so sincere in their lies and trash just to get information to gain access to my life only so they can destroy it and me. I have no more family and I am staying single ! My heart hurts! And that's the TRUTH


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Finally get my head above water and starting to feel like my true self once again. It's been a long time. Dealing with the false accusations, lies and rumours/gossip has been a very difficult to say the least . I'm so over the hurt and pain of betrayal. People will always have something to say about you regardless of how you are living. I've dealt with these things since childhood and it's just what human beings do. I have learned that people are bought and sell out for little to nothing. That you can sit back and love your life not messing with anyone and others will still find fault and fabricate whatever suits their stories and that's ok too. I know 100 percent who I am. I also am very 1000 percent confident in Whose I am. What I say once I will say twice and I'm not ever worried about anyone hearing it. The reason people "sneak", plot and scheme is because they are being deceptive and do not want it to be revealed. Period!!!! I am in awe of the magnitude that others will go to to be with someone 🛑. All things done in the dark will be brought to the light. It really does not matter how much people try to hide their ways. I'm sure time all things come to the light and will be exposed. That I am 100 percent certain on. Anyone who knows me, which at this point I am not aware of anyone knowing me at all obviously. It cracks me up to hear some of the things that others say out of my presence. It's comical. I have never really "hung out" with many people my entire life. If you knew me 30+40-10-5 years ago in passing out through social circles then I can assure you I have evolved since then. I know many people but I can't tell you allot about them personally or anything and I can guarantee you that those speaking on my name do not know me either. Knowing things I've done in my past is not "knowing" me. 🛑 I am an open book pretty much but very few will get in to my bubble these days. I am just fed up with the immature, ate up jezebels projecting their little jealous insecurities and actions on to me. You all know dang good and well that I am not not have I ever done any of the snake stuff you all got going on. Get a life already ok. I'm not on no petty train. I believe in women uplifting, encouraging, and building up other women. I'm not 🚫 ever going to do ANYTHING unnatural to get or keep anyone. I am by no means desperate, not do I need a man for any reason at all. 1000. I am fine just as I am. I am not sending no bad nothing to nobody make or female. Point blank period. I would never HURT anyone intentionally and that's fact. Don't be snow blowed and naive here ok. Don't fall for everything you here because it's very easy to manipulate, persuade or convince a vulnerable person with your web of lies. You will be exposed for the wrongs done towards others to fill YOUR own selfish agenda and that is the bottom line. Eventually even the most gullible people will see right through the bs. I'm over in my lane, I don't go in to other people's lane. Ever!!! For?? I am creating my own way and I'm doing an ok job over here. I got God and I truly do not need or want ANYONE to come along. So with that rest easy. This is my Truth. You need to know anything just ask. Gossip and rumours and lies stop when others stop 🛑 listening.


Yes lawd 😅


Thank you to our Military, our freedom cost us so little but cost them so much!! Thank


Amen love this love this 💕😍😁👑😭😭😭


Powerful👑 You are the narrators of your own story! You're writing your own life book so to speak. If you don't like the story change the pen. Rewrite your story.




😭😭😭 love this


9 years old lol amazing I love it





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