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IT’S OFFICIAL: House Republicans have passed the Rules Package that will govern how the chamber is run for the next two ...

IT’S OFFICIAL: House Republicans have passed the Rules Package that will govern how the chamber is run for the next two years.

These rules will:

- Reign in government spending

- Put conservatives on the House Rules Committee (which decides what legislation goes to the floor)

- Increase surveillance from the Congressional Budget Office to hold the government accountable for its spending

House Republicans on Monday adopted a rules package that will govern how the chamber operates for the next two years in a closely watched vote that came on the heels of last week’s drawn-out Speake…

BATTLE FOR THE GAVEL: Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives ...

BATTLE FOR THE GAVEL: Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives after much internal debate within the GOP. The Republican Party is expected to pass its rules package in the near future now that the House has a Speaker.

The Republican leader's victory came at a price: McCarthy had to agree to a series of compromises that dramatically weaken the power of his new post.

The majority of the Republican Party is supporting Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in his bid to become Speaker of the House ...

The majority of the Republican Party is supporting Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in his bid to become Speaker of the House of Representatives. Some far-right members of the GOP - most notably Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) - oppose Rep. McCarthy’s nomination to the Speakership.

The GOP would be foolish not to unite behind Rep. McCarthy as House Speaker, because no other Republican could garner the votes necessary to win the Speakership.

⬇️ Ben Shapiro said it best. ⬇️

The Supreme Court is hearing a case that will decide whether or not a Christian website designer has the right to refuse...

The Supreme Court is hearing a case that will decide whether or not a Christian website designer has the right to refuse her services to a gay couple wanting a website designed for their wedding.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked one of the lawyers representing the gay couple if gay web designers should have the right to deny services to Christian and Catholic organizations - to which he responded, ”yes”.

However, when the tables are turned, he argues that no Christian should be allowed to refuse servicing a gay couple. The hypocrisy is unreal.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett questioned Principal Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher during oral arguments for 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis on Monday.Stay Co...

Let’s face it: the mid-term elections were a disaster for the Republican Party. What was a significant opportunity for t...

Let’s face it: the mid-term elections were a disaster for the Republican Party. What was a significant opportunity for the GOP was ruined largely by Donald Trump and his lack-luster, morally questionable candidates running in swing states.

This election cycle has illustrated that Donald Trump cares about one person: Donald Trump. If Mr. Trump actually wanted Republicans to win, he would stop interjecting himself into American politics. But, his ego is more important than anything else.

The GOP will not win the Presidential election in 2024 if Donald Trump is the party nominee. We have to move on from Trump, or we will continue to see significant election losses. It is time to rally around Republican candidates who are popular with independents, such as Ron DeSantis. DeSantis won re-election in Florida by almost 20 percentage points! This is the type of person we need as the head of the GOP - not Donald Trump.

Tomorrow’s election will tell us how voters feel about Democratic control of the Federal Government. FiveThirtyEight gra...

Tomorrow’s election will tell us how voters feel about Democratic control of the Federal Government. FiveThirtyEight graphs have shifted to the right, with their predictions giving Republicans both chambers of Congress.

The winners of close races might not be known on election night, but here are some clues we might get about the future of US politics.

NEW DEVELOPMENT: A New York State judge has reinstated the jobs of unvaccinated sanitation workers in New York City. The...

NEW DEVELOPMENT: A New York State judge has reinstated the jobs of unvaccinated sanitation workers in New York City. The judge also ruled that those fired over their vaccination status are to receive back-pay for the time they have been restricted from working. The ruling comes as President Joe Biden promoted Covid-19 vaccination by receiving his 5th shot on Tuesday at the White House.

A New York State judge reinstated 16 fired sanitation workers who did not comply with New York City's vaccination mandate issued in October 2021, deciding they should also get back pay.

Most polls are pointing toward the GOP winning both chambers of congress in the mid-term elections. Although some Republ...

Most polls are pointing toward the GOP winning both chambers of congress in the mid-term elections. Although some Republican candidates are not as popular with the GOP base, history tells us that those candidates are predisposed to win.

The generic ballot has reverted to the GOP. And polling in some key Senate races suggests voters are rallying to flawed Republican candidates.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other prominent figures within the Democratic Party g...

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other prominent figures within the Democratic Party gathered on the South Lawn of the White House to celebrate the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the law will have a “negligible” impact on reducing inflation.

It is comical how out of touch this administration is with reality. Inflation is steadily rising, and the economy is in a recession - yet they still celebrate “inflation being reduced”.

"Today offers proof that the soul of America is vibrant," Biden said at the event.

BREAKING: Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96.________________________________________

BREAKING: Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96.

Buckingham Palace says monarch has died at Scottish residence of Balmoral Castle

NEW DEVELOPMENT: Voters in Chile have overwhelmingly rejected a proposed far-left constitution that would have given mem...

NEW DEVELOPMENT: Voters in Chile have overwhelmingly rejected a proposed far-left constitution that would have given members of indigenous tribes more rights than citizens of other races. The proposed constitution would have also given the government much more control of the economy.

It is good to see so many people reject far-left ideologies that ultimately lead to poverty, inequality, and economic instability.

The proposed constitution would have reined in the country’s market-based economy, undermined the balance of power in government and granted sweeping rights to indigenous people.

The fact that our President refers to his political opponents as “dangerous to democracy” should concern all of us. He e...

The fact that our President refers to his political opponents as “dangerous to democracy” should concern all of us. He even referred to them as “semi-fascists”. Only a fascist claims those who disagree with their ideology are dangerous to democracy.

NEW DEVELOPMENT: President Biden will be giving a prime-time address today on the “Threat that MAGA Republicans pose to ...

NEW DEVELOPMENT: President Biden will be giving a prime-time address today on the “Threat that MAGA Republicans pose to democracy”.

When President Biden took office, he claimed to be a “President for all Americans”, regardless of whether or not they voted for him. Apparently, his views have now changed. The President’s move today is significant because he is ostracizing half of the nation for political purposes. Biden - along with the rest of the Democratic Party - is well aware of the polls giving Republicans the lead in the mid-term elections.

Unfortunately, Biden is demonizing half the country’s voters in an attempt to gain votes. The irony is, independants will not be receptive to a man who says almost half the country is “dangerous to democracy”. The President has run out of factual arguments for his policies, so he has moved on to personally attacking the other side.

President Biden on Thursday will use a prime-time address to make the case that the political movement led by his predecessor poses an “extreme threat” to democracy as his criticisms of Republicans…

Today’s story of the day.________________________________________The state of California is telling residents not to cha...

Today’s story of the day.

The state of California is telling residents not to charge their electric cars in order to avoid rolling blackouts.

According to the state’s Independent System Operator, “The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights”.

How will California residents be able to go anywhere during a heat wave when they can’t buy gas-powered vehicles beginning in 2035? If you can’t charge your car, you simply can’t go anywhere. This is yet another example of climate hysteria being taken too far. California does not have an electric grid that is capable of supporting a mostly electric car-owning population. Unfortunately, it looks like the residents of California will have to learn this the hard way due to their liberal government enacting so-called “environmental protection” laws…

From Arizona to Washington state, forecasters warn of "possibly record breaking" heat with little relief overnight, lasting past Labor Day. California may need to ask residents to conserve power.

An excellent article from The Hill on President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. No matter how you slice the cake,...

An excellent article from The Hill on President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. No matter how you slice the cake, the President’s plan is an abuse of power. His legal justification for the plan is that borrowers need loan forgiveness because of the “pandemic emergency”. It’s an interesting argument, considering they argued just a couple months ago that “the pandemic was over” when they wanted to stop enforcing Title 42.

Some main points from the article:

👉 “Biden knew he could never get Congress to agree to such a massive write-off, so he did not try.”

👉 “This is not supposed to happen in a constitutional system based on shared, limited powers: The Constitution gives Congress the power of the purse, but Biden just gave away the store. James Madison described the essence of our system of separation of powers in Federalist 51 as premised on the belief that “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.” No branch is supposed to have enough power to govern alone. Biden just did, however.”

👉 “The Biden Office of Legal Counsel issued a new opinion concluding the opposite, due to the ongoing pandemic — a curious argument, since the Biden administration was just in court arguing that the pandemic was effectively over, in order to allow undocumented individuals to enter the country.”

Biden knew he could never get Congress to agree to such a massive write-off, so he did not try.

Today’s featured story. ________________________________________While Mikhail Gorbachev was by no means a champion of de...

Today’s featured story.

While Mikhail Gorbachev was by no means a champion of democracy (he was technically still a communist), it is worth reflecting on the decisions he made that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Because of reforms put in place by Gorbachev (with major support from US President Ronald Reagan), many nations realized that freedom and democracy were much better ideas than communism. When multiple members of the Soviet Union began leaving, it was essentially on a crash course. After Mikhail Gobachev’s resignation the day before, The Soviet Union was ultimately dissolved on December 26th, 1991.

NPR's Leila Fadel talks to former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul (mc-FAWL) about the legacy of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who died yesterday in Moscow at 91.


The United States Of America



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