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 She was a mystic who spent almost all her life in that exceptional centre of spirituality and culture that was the Mona...

She was a mystic who spent almost all her life in that exceptional centre of spirituality and culture that was the Monastery of Helfta, “where some of the masterpieces of Latin-German women's religious literature were born” (Benedict XVI).
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The mother of Charlie Gard, the first of the children considered incurable and killed by the British Health Service, spe...

The mother of Charlie Gard, the first of the children considered incurable and killed by the British Health Service, speaks to the Daily Compass: "We parents are left with a sense of guilt for not having been able to save our children." "In court doctors lie but the judges believe them." “We must continue to fight to stop other families having to experience what we went through.”

»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/indi-like-charlie-gard-we-must-fight-the-system-will-collapse

Jesus said to the Apostles:"Who among you would say to your servantwho has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in...

Jesus said to the Apostles:
"Who among you would say to your servant
who has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in the field,
'Come here immediately and take your place at table'?
Would he not rather say to him,
'Prepare something for me to eat.
Put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink.
You may eat and drink when I am finished'?
Is he grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded?
So should it be with you.
When you have done all you have been commanded, say,
'We are unprofitable servants;
we have done what we were obliged to do.'"
(Lk 17:7-10)

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"Indi like Charlie Gard: we must fight, the system will collapse"The mother of Charlie Gard, the first of the children c...

"Indi like Charlie Gard: we must fight, the system will collapse"

The mother of Charlie Gard, the first of the children considered incurable and killed by the British Health Service, speaks to the Daily Compass: "We parents are left with a sense of guilt for not having been able to save our children." "In court doctors lie but the judges believe them." “We must continue to fight to stop other families having to experience what we went through.”.


The mother of Charlie Gard, the first of the children considered incurable and killed by the British Health Service, speaks to the Daily Compass: "We parents are left with a sense of guilt for not having been able to save our children." "In court doctors lie but the judges believe them." “We must ...

  has died: «They took her body, but they can’t take her soul»Indi Gregory died early this morning at 1.45 am (2.45 am i...

has died: «They took her body, but they can’t take her soul»

Indi Gregory died early this morning at 1.45 am (2.45 am in Italy). At midnight yesterday, her father Dean Gregory had sent a final reassuring message to the Daily Compass stating Indi’s condition was stable and she seemed to have overcome the first critical hours following the extubation. Here is the story of Indi's last hours in the hospice in the words of her father given exclusively to the Daily Compass.

Indi Gregory died early this morning at 1.45 am (2.45 am in Italy). At midnight yesterday, her father Dean Gregory had sent a final reassuring message to the Daily Compass stating Indi’s condition was stable and she seemed to have overcome the first critical hours following the extubation. Here ...

UPDATE: New appeal in defense of Indi's life: her Italian guardian asks Judge Robert Peel to cede jurisdiction over the ...

UPDATE: New appeal in defense of Indi's life: her Italian guardian asks Judge Robert Peel to cede jurisdiction over the case under Article 9§2 of the 1996 Hague Convention. Postponed to 4pm the authorization to disconnect life support.
»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/countdown-for-indi-gregory

 Its full name is “Papal Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour and Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist in the Lat...

Its full name is “Papal Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour and Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist in the Lateran”. As the cathedral of Rome, it is in this basilica that the Pope's investiture on the Roman Cathedra is celebrated as Peter's successor and therefore pastor on earth of the universal Church.
»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/dedication-of-the-lateran-basilica-1-1-1

🔴 Tomorrow, 8 November at 14:00 UK time, Mr Justice Peel who presided over an urgent online private hearing at the High ...

🔴 Tomorrow, 8 November at 14:00 UK time, Mr Justice Peel who presided over an urgent online private hearing at the High Court today, will communicate his final decision on Indi Gregory’s end of life location. The litigation was brought about by conflicting interpretations of the Order and the Care Plan agreed by the court on 13 October, which stated the removal of Indi’s life sustaining treatment “can take place at home or at a hospice, as the parents may elect.” Mr Gregory informed the doctors yesterday that he had decided to take Indi home. Nottingham Hospital doctors are now insisting she should remain in hospital.

Despite the hope generated by the granting of Italian citizenship, the road to save the 8-month-old English baby girl that doctors and judges have decided should die, remains uphill. But the dignity of the person demands that the battle for life be fought to the end.

Yes,  's life is worth fighting forDespite the hope generated by the granting of Italian citizenship, the road to save t...

Yes, 's life is worth fighting for

Despite the hope generated by the granting of Italian citizenship, the road to save the 8-month-old English baby girl that doctors and judges have decided should die, remains uphill. But the dignity of the person demands that the battle for life be fought to the end.

Despite the hope generated by the granting of Italian citizenship, the road to save the 8-month-old English baby girl that doctors and judges have decided should die, remains uphill. But the dignity of the person demands that the battle for life be fought to the end.

«My daughter   had no chance in UK's diabolical system»A glimmer of hope has been rekindled for Indi Gregory, the critic...

«My daughter had no chance in UK's diabolical system»

A glimmer of hope has been rekindled for Indi Gregory, the critically ill 8-month-old girl whose life support could be removed by doctors today: the Italian government has granted her Italian citizenship to facilitate a possible transfer to the Bambin Gesù in Rome. Indi's father, Dean Gregory, has delivered a message of gratitude to the Daily Compass to thank Italy for everything it is doing to save his daughter’s life. In an exclusive interview, he says: 'In court I saw hell, that's why I had my daughter baptised'.

A glimmer of hope has been rekindled for Indi Gregory, the critically ill 8-month-old girl whose life support could be removed by doctors today: the Italian government has granted her Italian citizenship to facilitate a possible transfer to the Bambin Gesù in Rome. Indi's father, Dean Gregory, has ...

«My daughter   had no chance in UK's diabolical system»With the latest judicial ruling, Nottingham hospital can remove l...

«My daughter had no chance in UK's diabolical system»

With the latest judicial ruling, Nottingham hospital can remove life support from the critically ill 8-month-old baby. "I saw hell in court, that's why I had my daughter baptised." Dean Gregory speaks to the Daily Compass.

With the latest judicial ruling, Nottingham hospital can remove life support from the critically ill  8-month-old baby. "I saw hell in court, that's why I had my daughter baptised." Dean Gregory speaks to the Daily Compass.   - Eight month Indi Gregory is England’s latest "end of life" victim, ...

By including the laity into the Synod of Bishops, the hierarchical structure of the Church is being attacked; and the mi...

By including the laity into the Synod of Bishops, the hierarchical structure of the Church is being attacked; and the ministerial priesthood is being destroyed under the pretext of clericalism. Meanwhile the LGBT agenda is advancing... Cardinal Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, speaks to the Daily Compass.
»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/mueller-the-synod-a-step-towards-protestantisation

Eight month Indi Gregory is England’s latest "end of life"  The baby girl suffering from a rare degenerative genetic dis...

Eight month Indi Gregory is England’s latest "end of life"

The baby girl suffering from a rare degenerative genetic disease, will die today unless a last appeal to transfer her to Italy, to the Bambin Gesù hospital in Rome, is accepted.

The baby girl suffering from a rare degenerative genetic disease, will die today unless a last appeal to transfer her to Italy, to the Bambin Gesù hospital in Rome, is accepted.  

    The doctrine and wisdom acknowledged to St Germanus of Capua († 540/541), friend of St Benedict, were important in s...

The doctrine and wisdom acknowledged to St Germanus of Capua († 540/541), friend of St Benedict, were important in settling a schism with the East that had lasted for 35 years. Before being chosen for this mission, Germanus had demonstrated that he was a man totally focused on God.
»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/saint-germanus-of-capua-1-1-1

  waives statute of limitations:   goes on trialPressure from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is ...

waives statute of limitations: goes on trial

Pressure from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is forcing the Pandora's box of abuses committed by the former Slovenian Jesuit to be reopened. Perhaps the Synod helped to point out the contradiction between 'listening' to words while covering up deeds.

Pressure from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is forcing the Pandora's box of abuses committed by the former Slovenian Jesuit to be reopened. Perhaps the Synod helped to point out the contradiction between 'listening' to words while covering up deeds. - Rupnik finds home in a....

   Little information has reached us on St Evaristus (†108), the fourth successor of St Peter.»🗞 www.newdailycompass.com

Little information has reached us on St Evaristus (†108), the fourth successor of St Peter.

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The former Jesuit is looking forward to his incardination in the Diocese of Koper soon, with the Nuncio's blessing. More...

The former Jesuit is looking forward to his incardination in the Diocese of Koper soon, with the Nuncio's blessing. Moreover, no sentence hangs over his head, despite having committed repeated spiritual and sexual abuses. So, to the great relief of the protagonist and the Jesuits, freed of the hot potato, everything is "resolved".
»🗞 https://newdailycompass.com/en/rupnik-the-vagabond-finds-home-in-slovenian-diocese

  embraces anti-natalist  The surprising forum of the Laudato si' Communities in the episcopal palace of Verona, Italy. ...

embraces anti-natalist

The surprising forum of the Laudato si' Communities in the episcopal palace of Verona, Italy. Anti-natalism, climatism, and food ecologism to bend Christianity to some of the political and economic demands of today's world.

The surprising forum of the Laudato si' Communities in the episcopal palace of Verona, Italy. Anti-natalism, climatism, and food ecologism to bend Christianity to some of the political and economic demands of today's world.

Someone in the crowd said to Jesus,"Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me."He replied to him,"Friend...

Someone in the crowd said to Jesus,
"Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me."
He replied to him,
"Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?"
Then he said to the crowd,
"Take care to guard against all greed,
for though one may be rich,
one's life does not consist of possessions."
Then he told them a parable.
"There was a rich man whose land produced a bountiful harvest.
He asked himself, 'What shall I do,
for I do not have space to store my harvest?'
And he said, 'This is what I shall do:
I shall tear down my barns and build larger ones.
There I shall store all my grain and other goods
and I shall say to myself, "Now as for you,
you have so many good things stored up for many years,
rest, eat, drink, be merry!"'
But God said to him,
'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you;
and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?'
Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself
but is not rich in what matters to God."
(Lk 12:13-21)

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«We   are now more united than ever in   of our nation»"Missiles continue to rain down on Tel Aviv forcing us to live in...

«We are now more united than ever in of our nation»

"Missiles continue to rain down on Tel Aviv forcing us to live in lockdown, but near the Gaza border it’s worse, the alarms go off continuously". "We are at war, and not only has every reservist responded to the call up, but many others have volunteered to enlist." A young entrepreneur, Zoltan Zholdi, describes how Israel is experiencing this present crisis to the Daily Compass.

"Missiles continue to rain down on Tel Aviv forcing us to live in lockdown, but near the Gaza border it’s worse, the alarms go off continuously". "We are at war, and not only has every reservist responded to the call up, but many others have volunteered to enlist." A young entrepreneur, Zoltan Zho...

 , qualcosa si muove, ma lo scoglio è sui  Dalla Finanziaria arriva un piccolo sostegno alle paritarie, soprattutto catt...

, qualcosa si muove, ma lo scoglio è sui

Dalla Finanziaria arriva un piccolo sostegno alle paritarie, soprattutto cattoliche: 50 milioni alle scuole dell'infanzia. Un segnale, ma che non affronta il vero scoglio: che senso ha reclamare maggiore libertà se poi molti istituti seguono l’Agenda Europea 2030, nuovo vangelo della società post-moderna?


Dalla Finanziaria arriva un piccolo sostegno alle paritarie, soprattutto cattoliche: 50 milioni alle scuole dell'infanzia. Un segnale, ma che non affronta il vero scoglio: che senso ha reclamare maggiore libertà se poi molti istituti seguono l’Agenda Europea 2030, nuovo vangelo della società po...

40 Giorni per la Vita, «preghiamo per la fine dell’ »Per la prima volta in Italia, a Modena, la campagna internazionale ...

40 Giorni per la Vita, «preghiamo per la fine dell’ »

Per la prima volta in Italia, a Modena, la campagna internazionale . Preghiera e digiuno per porre fine all’aborto, offrendo un’alternativa alle donne. La Bussola intervista Maria Sole Martucci, referente per la campagna.


Per la prima volta in Italia, a Modena, la campagna internazionale 40 Days for Life. Preghiera e digiuno per porre fine all’aborto, offrendo un’alternativa alle donne. La Bussola intervista Maria Sole Martucci, referente per la campagna.

  primarie in Venezuela. La sfida dell'oppositrice  L'opposizione al regime in Venezuela si organizza e va alle urne, co...

primarie in Venezuela. La sfida dell'oppositrice

L'opposizione al regime in Venezuela si organizza e va alle urne, con elezioni "primarie" (non riconosciute) per selezionare un candidato unico. María Corina Machado, leader del partito “Vente Venezuela” (Vieni Venezuela) può essere l'astro nascente anti-Maduro.


L'opposizione al regime in Venezuela si organizza e va alle urne, con elezioni "primarie" (non riconosciute) per selezionare un candidato unico. María Corina Machado, leader del partito “Vente Venezuela” (Vieni Venezuela) può essere l'astro nascente anti-Maduro. 



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