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Coins from the time of ancient  Egypt printed with aliens, is this proof of the existence of "them"?

Coins from the time of ancient Egypt printed with aliens, is this proof of the existence of "them"?

The photo was cut in a video leaked on the deepweb

The photo was cut in a video leaked on the deepweb

Are you sure they look like this?

Are you sure they look like this?

A recent discovery was uploaded on TikTok of all places as a woman on that app reported having discovered a strange crea...

A recent discovery was uploaded on TikTok of all places as a woman on that app reported having discovered a strange creature with weirdly long limbs.

Strange Entities Were Caught by Surveillance Cameras – What or who do we share this world with?

Strange Entities Were Caught by Surveillance Cameras – What or who do we share this world with?

Giant disk-shaped UFO about 30 miles long was captured near the Moon

Giant disk-shaped UFO about 30 miles long was captured near the Moon

The undeniable proof that there are extraterrestrials on MarsEnjoy.

The undeniable proof that there are extraterrestrials on Mars

Recording Of An Imprisoned Alien In A Brazilian Secret Base

Recording Of An Imprisoned Alien In A Brazilian Secret Base

The UFO appears in only one frame. This single photograph of a UFO demonstrates that advanced technology-equipped craft ...

The UFO appears in only one frame. This single photograph of a UFO demonstrates that advanced technology-equipped craft are flying across the sky, invisible to the human eye owing to their incredible speed. NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) used the term “Fastwalker” to describe unexplained flying objects that approach our planet from space and reach our atmosphere. The Air Force NORAD station deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, USA, has been claimed to track an approximate average of 500 of these Fastwalkers per year from its subterranean location.

NASA’s Space Probe Records Large Herds of Extraterrestrial Animals on Mars

NASA’s Space Probe Records Large Herds of Extraterrestrial Animals on Mars

The man who took a strange photo, believed to be an alien, accidentally got into the lens

The man who took a strange photo, believed to be an alien, accidentally got into the lens

Strange skull, does it belong to aliens?

Strange skull, does it belong to aliens?



Strange statues, graves that are very similar to aliens

Strange statues, graves that are very similar to aliens





what is ?

what is ?

The Caves of Longyou: Evidence of “Anunnaki Technology”? (Video)

The Caves of Longyou: Evidence of “Anunnaki Technology”? (Video)

Considered the “Ninth Wonder of the Ancient World”, the Longyou Caves, in China, are an enigmatic construction that science has not been able to explain. This has led many theorists to think that it is “Anunnaki technology”. Located in Zhejiang province , China. The Longyou Caves are one of ...

Giant UFO Tried to Stop a Powerful Solar Storm Heading for Earth

Giant UFO Tried to Stop a Powerful Solar Storm Heading for Earth

Even though weird things happen regularly, we never predicted things would get this bizarre. NASA has found a brand new discovery that, to say the least, seems a little too weird. A large UFO was seen passing through the space between the Earth and the Sun while observing the scene. Furthermore, acc...

Proof that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were Extraterrestrials.

Proof that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were Extraterrestrials.

Perhaps this ancient civilisation’s hieroglyphs revealed a history of alien visitors? What about the mythology of a sophisticated extraterrestrial species aiding mankind thousands of years ago? If this is true, it will have an impact on everything we do. We explore the interesting narrative of unu...

mystery 🤫🤯🤯🤯

mystery 🤫🤯🤯🤯

Elon Musk Claims the Pyramids Were Built by ALIENS – Top Egyptian Officials’ Reactions Were Unexpected (VIDEO)

Elon Musk Claims the Pyramids Were Built by ALIENS – Top Egyptian Officials’ Reactions Were Unexpected (VIDEO)

Elon Musk is not your average billionaire as he definitely made quite a name for himself. You can say whatever you want to say about him but you cannot say that he is not amazing at causing a reaction from his fans and his haters, as he constantly has everyone on the fence over whether […]

The Belief in Extraterrestrials May Soon Replace Religions – New Study Suggests

The Belief in Extraterrestrials May Soon Replace Religions – New Study Suggests

Diana Pasulka recently underwent a study herself in which she revealed the fact that there are more people out there that believe in aliens than there are people that believe in God. Although the study in itself only under saw the American population since she herself is an American, it still offere...

Bizarre Lights Flashed Over a Chinese City (VIDEO)

Bizarre Lights Flashed Over a Chinese City (VIDEO)

As the title suggests, it appears as though the night Saturday of July 25th of the Chinese city of Shenzhen lit up like a Christmas tree as the locals believed that a numerous amount of strange alien ships emerged out of nowhere in the sky, traveling from place to place blinding everyone that got a....

Alien photographed on May 10, 2014 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Alien photographed on May 10, 2014 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Man Discovered Huge Ancient Underwater Geoglyphs Using a Drone

Man Discovered Huge Ancient Underwater Geoglyphs Using a Drone

A shocking discovery appears to have been made by a man named Rob Antill, as he apparently came across a massive geoglyph back in January of 2013. He was testing out his new $500 DJI Phantom drone when he stumbled across the following underwater geoglyph which he believed to predate the lake altoget...

They Found an Ancient Humanoid Face in a Rock Art from Israel (VIDEO)

They Found an Ancient Humanoid Face in a Rock Art from Israel (VIDEO)

This new discovery comes to us all the way from Israel, having been scattered all across the Golan and Galilee areas. It dates back to well over 4,200 years ago, and according to the main researcher here, Gonen Sharon, these ancient burial sites are so old that we have no idea who might have built [...

Driver Records a Huge UFO Flying Over Seminole Hard Rock Hotel, Florida (video)

Driver Records a Huge UFO Flying Over Seminole Hard Rock Hotel, Florida (video)

The incredible images that we show you, concern the sighting of a huge cigar UFO that Sunday 15 November at 16.50 flew over the small town of Hollywood (Fort Lauderdale) which is located in Florida. The mysterious aircraft flew slowly on the vertical of the Seminole Hard Rock & Casino Hotel in Holly...

Mystery Coins 1929

Mystery Coins 1929

NASA’s Perseverance Rover has started finding strange objects on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance Rover has started finding strange objects on Mars

Oh, it didn’t take long. NASA’s Perseverance Rover has been on Mars for around a fortnight, and its panoramic camera is now collecting unexplained unusual artifacts in the Jezero crater. Although some might have rational theories, that hasn’t kept people from seeing pieces of flying saucers, s...

The Secret Plan Of The Reptilians The Race That Intends To Rule The World

The Secret Plan Of The Reptilians The Race That Intends To Rule The World

The reptilians, also known as lizardmen or dragonians, are a race of hybrid humanoids described in many cultures throughout history. These play a very important role in humanity, as according to ufologists and countless conspiracy theories they intend to dominate the world. According to many theoris...

Another Ancient Statue was Recently Discovered on Mars

Another Ancient Statue was Recently Discovered on Mars

The Curiosity Rover has been on Mars for quite a lot of time now and ever since its early days it actually caught quite a lot of bits and pieces of evidence as it made its way on the Red Planet’s wasteland. For the longest of time now NASA has tried to effectively ignore these […]

Astronomers have just discovered an alien world in the center of the Milky Way!

Astronomers have just discovered an alien world in the center of the Milky Way!

A team of astronomers has just announced a spectacular discovery: they have found an Alien planet in the center of the Milky Way. In 1992, modern space researchers made a breakthrough by confirming the existence of three planets orbiting outside the solar system. This groundbreaking discovery of cel...

There is 6500 year stone artifact in Sri Lanka which shows clear evidence of Ancient Technology.Sakwala Chakraya’ which ...

There is 6500 year stone artifact in Sri Lanka which shows clear evidence of Ancient Technology.Sakwala Chakraya’ which means the ‘Wheel of the Universe’. Is it a Stargate?

“UFOs are not aggressive,” says NASA senior scientist.

“UFOs are not aggressive,” says NASA senior scientist.

“UFOs and aliens are often feared.” Says Former NASA Scientist Dr. Richard F. Haines. In an interview on unidentified aerial phenomena, Dr. Richard F. Haines explains that several conclusions can be drawn from observing UFO phenomena. One of them is that when UFOs approach our planes they show c...

Astrophysicists: Pandora from “Avatar” could exist.

Astrophysicists: Pandora from “Avatar” could exist.

In the constellation of Alpha Centauri, the planet Pandora, inhabited by blue natives, can exist. And getting there in the near future is not so complicated. James Cameron wrote the script for his movie Avatar fifteen years ago and in it he created a fictional alien world based on a real star system...

Giant UFO Seen On TV In UK.

Giant UFO Seen On TV In UK.

Millions of people in Britain saw a UFO on live television. At this point in history, governments and space agencies don’t want you to think outside the box , they don’t want you to question things, and heck, they don’t even want you to look up. Now, there is a lot of evidence from people that...

"Alien Was Captured In Russia - 2016"

"Alien Was Captured In Russia - 2016"




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