Hey all, it's been a bit! This page isn't completely dead, and I plan on revamping ETC. Whether it be with more written reviews, sharing music, or even sharing personal art on here, as I've been getting back into the swing of being creative again. If you've got any suggestions (or just want to tell me to f**k off to hell) please drop me a line. As for the shared link, here's my short review for the recently "streamable" Head Cage from PxDx. Enjoy! More to come!
*looks under the bun*
"where's the grindcore?"
soft 6 / 10.
I'm sorry, this just my opinion, but it feels like they REALLY played it safe on this one. Which is fine, I don't expect them to reinvent the wheel while being on "hiatus" for 6 or so years. I'm just happy they're back. But, I've been listening to Head Cage all morning, front to back, and I can't help but feel underwhelmed by the overall product. The whole album, is really, really, clean and tight, production is flawless. I can't deny that. But isn't GRINDcore supposed to have some grit? Some bite? To be so dizzying and fast it makes you want to give your last meal back to the trash? For me, this just feels like PxDx's "hardcore" release, kinda like how they did doom with Mass & Volume. Maybe what I'm just trying to say is, I wish it was faster. I might update my thoughts once I've got more listens in than just 5 full album spins, but alas, for now this just didn't take the cake for me.
"When's the Tiny desk appearance?"
also, WTF is up with the NPR article? total bo****ks
Pig Destroyer has never just been a grindcore band; it also provides an evolutionary timeline of extreme music. Head Cage expands the group's rampaging palette.