Dr. Cassell's Charity Foundation

Dr. Cassell's Charity Foundation The Bleeding Pen Media is an independent media outlet based in Monrovia, Liberia.

DR. DANIEL E. CASSELL JULY 26, 2022 INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE:Greetings my Fellow Liberians, International and Donor Part...


Greetings my Fellow Liberians, International and Donor Partners, Foreign dignitaries and residents, visitors, and members of the fourth estate. This is Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Vision and Standard Bearer of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP).

Foremost, I would like to honor and thank the Almighty God as we commemorate another historic day in the existence of our nation, Liberia, and we humbly pray that His Holy Presence and Saving Grace rest upon us during this historic and resounding moment, and throughout our historic political sojourn.
Our country Liberia, which was once considered the “Beacon of Hope and a Sweet Land of Liberty” for many across the African continent turns 175 years old amid mountainous challenges which continues to strangulate the growth and development of our post-conflict nation and its citizenry.
We as a nation and people are experiencing turbulent times since the inception of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led government of President George Manneh Weah.
Bad governance and economic backwardness remain the order of the day, while extreme poverty and hardship are seen on the faces of most of our citizens. Widespread stealing, looting and the depleting of our country’s coffers by a selective few in the public sector is on the increase, leaving our citizens destitute, and to survive at the mercy of God.
What do we have to be happy about or celebrate when the prices of basic commodities are astronomically increasing to the detriment of the ordinary citizens, most of whom cannot afford five united states dollars a day ($5.00 USD)?
Many parents cannot afford to send their children to school and a significant number of our citizens continue to go to bed on empty stomach due to the harsh economic constraints and a record historically high rate of unemployment, because of the poor manner and form in which our country is being governed by the current CDC-administration.
Children are being forced into child labor as the only alternative, as they serve as breadwinners for their families, by selling between moving vehicles in the streets and other places and being deprived of the opportunity to acquire basic education as compared to the children of government officials who are learning in private schools locally and abroad.
Should we celebrate and be happy during this year’s July 26th Independence Day when public officials, especially the President and his closed associates are accumulating ill-gotten, unexplained, and questionable wealth, while mysterious deaths and killings are on the increase?
Access to cheap and stable electricity is very rare, prompting the increase in acts of lawlessness and insecurity in our country today.
The gap between the rich and poor, particularly those who are given authority to steer the affairs of our country and manage our natural resources, continue to widen daily due to the lack of job opportunities, mostly for our young people. Foreign-direct investment opportunities have not come to realization under the current CDC-government due to the lack of trust and confidence from the international communities, and the consistent requests for “kickbacks” as a conduit for investment in our nation’s economy.
Most of our citizens lack access and cannot afford the cost of basic healthcare services, as a result record number of children and adults are dying from medical problems that are preventable.
Public health centers across our country lack medicines, medical supplies and other essential medical equipment that are needed to save lives and guarantee quality healthcare delivery in an effective and efficient manner. While these public health centers are being robbed off those medical necessities, the private hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies of those in charge of our country’s health sector continues to flourish due to the diversion of medicines, medical supplies, and others essential medical equipment that are intended to benefit the less fortunate of our society, who cannot afford access to medical care at those private facilities.
The chanting of the ruling party’s battle cries, bootlicking and heaping undeserved praises are the only guarantors for jobs or handing of crumbs to our people by those political actors/actresses in authorities.
During the immediate past administration, “papa used to come home with plastic bag full with gifts for everyone at home”. But now, papa cannot even come home for fear of being bashed at by his wife or children for not even leaving food money home to feed his family. The pots of citizens are no longer boiling and no foods are being kept for strangers anymore.
Should we still celebrate when government officials, including the President, are dancing to “Buga music” and love and cherish the manner and form in which our less fortunate brothers and sisters line up at their compounds from the morning to evening hours just to beg for alms from them?
It is a known fact that Liberia is only getting old in age but backward in terms of infrastructural development, economic growth and building of our institutions as evidenced by the growing wave of societal ills, deprivation, marginalization, desperation, and poor national leadership.
My fellow citizens, what do we have to celebrate as an aged-old country when these vices are visible and nothing is being done to curtail or eradicate them from our society?
We need to celebrate and be thankful for the gift of life that has been given us by the Almighty God and take a sober reflection on combating against these vices.
As we observe this year’s Independence Day, let’s reflect and make a critical decision on the needs of our country and how we can collectively tackle our challenges by committing ourselves to a change in national leadership for the betterment of our lives and the transformation of our country.
Ahead of the 2023 elections, let’s commit ourselves to the liberation and emancipation of our people from bad governance to guarantee the equitable distribution of the country’s resources.
Let’s standup and combat against circumstances that are threatening the wellbeing of our people and ensure that Liberia regains its pre-war status. It is incumbent upon all of us to place our country back on the right path by firstly maintaining the peace and tranquility and making a decisive decision towards a change.
Though times are tough, let’s brave the storm and remain patriotic citizens to ensure that our country moves from backwardness to prosperity.
Let’s hold hands with our religious leaders to continue to pray for our nation and remain resilient and committed towards a cause that will bring about sustainable development and opportunities to our country and citizens.
As our national anthem states: “This glorious land of liberty will long be ours”, we must stand up against vices which have the proclivity to keep us backward and deprived our unborn generations their fair share of the national resources and democratically take back our country from the gang of thieves and looters.
Let’s do nothing to derail the peace and stability of our nation during these troubling times but remain steadfast and hopeful that the dawning of a new day is fast approaching in Liberia.
Join me and the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) to make these dreams a reality.
Long Live Liberia!!! Long Live Its Peace-Loving People.
Happy Independence Day!!! I thank you!

Our CEO/President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell and his gorgeous, charming, versatile and God fearing wife Mrs. Bindu Coleman Ca...

Our CEO/President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell and his gorgeous, charming, versatile and God fearing wife Mrs. Bindu Coleman Cassell, celebrate their wedding anniversary today. We wish you all of the best and God's blessings. Continue to touch and elevate the lives of destitute, disenfranchised, physically challenged and less fortunate Liberian citizens

PLP Standard Bearer Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, who is also our CEO/President, presents a cheque of US$1,500 to the Head Imam...

PLP Standard Bearer Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, who is also our CEO/President, presents a cheque of US$1,500 to the Head Imam of Benson Street Mosque for the renovation of bathrooms and the purchase of a PA system for the mosque. Thanks a lot Mr. Talk and Do. Truly, Liberia and it's citizens need you...


Our CEO and President New Year message

Season greetings from our Chief Financier/CEO

Season greetings from our Chief Financier/CEO


Press statement delivered by our Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/ President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, who is also the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) on the mysterious killings of Liberia's Peace Ambassador William Tolbert, III (the son of former President William R. Tolbert), John Tubman (son of former President William V.S. Tubman), and Immigration Officer Madam Maude Elliot.

This wicked, corrupt, and senseless CDC government of soccer star George Manneh Weah continues to witchhunt and violates...

This wicked, corrupt, and senseless CDC government of soccer star George Manneh Weah continues to witchhunt and violates the constitutional rights of our CEO/President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, who is also the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP), by denying him the opportunity to bring into the country his private Bell 430 helicopter. That helicopter has met all standards in keeping with International Aviation Laws, but Shine Alone Weah does not want it to land. Dr. Cassell intends to use that helicopter to donate and distribute medical supplies and others worth thousands of United States Dollars to less fortunate Liberians residing in hard to reach areas in rural Liberia. These people have been marginalized, neglected and forgotten totally by Weah and his gang of thieves. That helicopter must land now!!!

Please read the link below:


Monrovia – Documents in the possession of FrontPage Africa have reviewed that the ZT-RJA Bell 430 helicopter belonging to the Political Leader of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, has met all international standards required to fly and land in and around the African con...


Living up to our commitment!

Our National Vice Chair for International Affairs Mr. David Benitoe, arrived in Ghana and on yesterday met with Minister Counselor/Deputy Chief of Mission at the Liberian embassy in Ghana (Mr. Alieu M. Massaquoi).

The People's Liberation Party is about to intervene bigly with the current situation involving our people in Buduburham camp.

We will continue to demonstrate this genuine LOVE again, again and again!


The same God is still ALIVE and is about to shift someone's family from nowhere to somewhere!

Blessed Sunday to all!

It's all within the SPIRIT OF LIBERATION!

KEYNOTE ADDRESS delivered by our CEO/President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell at the 7th Convention of Association of Liberian Jo...

KEYNOTE ADDRESS delivered by our CEO/President Dr. Daniel E. Cassell at the 7th Convention of Association of Liberian Journalists in America (ALJA) in Trenton NJ, USA on September 25, 2021.

The President and officials of ALJA;
Dignitaries and other Invited Guests Gracing This Occasion;
Partners and Members of ALJA;
The Fourth Estate (Press);
Fellow Liberians Here In The U.S. and Those at Home following via live stream;
Ladies and Gentlemen;

My name is Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Vision Bearer/Political Leader of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) (Liberia), Founder and CEO of Dr. Cassell’s Humanitarian Foundation (Liberia), Founder and CEO of Kwenyan Professional Health Services, LLC (USA) and Kwenyan and Associates (USA).

First and foremost, I magnify the God of the Hallowed Heavens, to whom all glory belongs, for the magnificent gift of life and for affording us yet another opportunity to gather as compatriots (Liberians) to honor and celebrate ALJA and its members. In honoring this occasion the opportunity avails itself for us to do a sober reflection on the significantly critical role the Liberian media must play in ensuring that our dear homeland Liberia is repositioned on a much-desired trajectory of Good Governance, Rule of law, Civil liberties, civility, peace, and tranquility.

With profound gratitude, I would like to thank the National Administration of the Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA) for the extraordinary privilege of selecting me as your conventional Speaker, a task I don’t rank any less and pledge to perform with humility and honor.

Distinguished colleagues of ALJA, your 2021 National Convention is being executed under the theme: The Quest for an Independent, Sustainable, and Ethical Media in Liberia. What a theme so meticulously, perfectly, critically, and timely chosen. As Liberians yearn for good governance, fiscal probity, rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, effective and efficient political representation at the level of the Legislature, socio-economic empowerment of the masses, political stability of our statehood, press freedom, and other basic human rights, Democratic values, free, fair and credible elections, peace and stability, the role of the Liberian media is not only essential as we often hear but incredibly INDISPENSABLE. By this characterization, I am essentially and consciously submitting that without an independent, sustainable, and ethical media, Liberia is doomed.
Our collective dream for good governance and a better country in which all of us can find hope and possibility would wallop in illusion.

My dear friends of the press and fellow
Liberians, your profession is a noble, enviable, and sacred one. Journalism is a pride and honorable profession that emphasizes ethics and righteous prudence at the height of its practice. To further illustrate the relevance and power of the media British Parliamentarian Edmund Burke and political theorist coined the phrase "The Fourth Estate" (or fourth power) elevating and honoring the media as a powerful segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the state political structure, yet the media is the "fourth estate" because it serves as a watchdog over the three others: executive, legislative and judiciary.

Novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer Lytton pontificated the famous quote; “The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword”. All of these perfectly illustrate the immense power of the media, however, notwithstanding, such honor comes with much responsibility.
Journalists must at all times report the truth and expose the vices and excesses in society. While no story is worth the life of a journalist, a journalist must defy all odds to gather and report the facts plain and square. Journalists must be patriotic, uncompromising, and daring in their reportorial duties with the singular goal of protecting the interest of the state and its people. Editorials, Op-Eds, commentaries, special features, and lead stories must focus on governance and society and talk about the danger of corruption, bad governance, lawlessness, poor quality education, bad healthcare system, the utter disobedience to the separation of constitutional powers, impoverishment of the people, the rising insecurity obtaining in the state, impunity, the ineffectual nature of the legislature, the corruption in the judiciary amongst other abnormalities obtaining in Liberia. Journalists must write and speak about these issues with conviction, passion, and vehemence for if these conflict- trigger incongruities are not dealt with adequately they can potentially lay the basis for conflict and war.
Lest we forget, these were the very vices and egregious tendencies that plunged Liberia into a fifteen-year senseless bloodbath that crudely claimed the precious lives of hundreds of thousands of compatriots. These vices are once again marauding our nation and the Liberian people are witnessing another epoch of debauchery under the rulership of President George Weah.

Fellow Liberians and members of the fourth estate, Liberia is currently enduring what I term as "Vexing Paralysis". Every segment of the Liberian society has painfully nosedived to nothingness. Governance is quite dismal, to say the least. Health care is bad. Education is substandard, arguably the least in the sub-region. Roads are horrible. Electricity is inadequate and unreliable. Water is almost non-existent. No job creation. No foreign direct investments. Public transport is on the verge of collapse due to corruption and gross incompetence. The private sector is in the hands of Lebanese and Indians. Liberians are not in charge contrary to what Mr. Weah pledged to the Liberian people, that “they will not be spectators in their economy”. The economy is virtually weak as the balance of payment is very low. Transparency institutions are submerged into a functional coma because the Weah regime has no interest in accounting for state resources.

Fellow Liberians, these anomalous conditions besetting the country must claim the attention of the Liberian media and cause journalists to ask hard questions to those who are at the helm. Why is wrong with the country? Why are Liberians starving? Why the cost of living is so ridiculously high? Why lawmakers are allotting US$30K plus more to themselves amid a decimating Covid #19 Health Crisis instead of directing funding to the health sector? Why cost to clear a 20-foot container at the free port of Monrovia is outrageously astronomical? Why is the state-run University of Liberia lying in filth and professors underpaid? Why are teachers, nurses, police, and others serving our country underpaid? Why are road and building contracts being awarded to Lebanese in disregard for the PPCC laws and regulations? What became of the US$30 million stimulus package? At this juncture in our national existence, I would like to respectfully admonish The Liberian media to summon the courage to move from "official sources" reporting to crusading and advocacy journalism with emphasis placed on the governance of the country and the well-being of the squalor-stricken Liberian masses.

Ethical journalism begins with truth-telling. I am aware of the risk involved with ethical and critical journalism in Liberia and other African countries but if this is the profession one is called to perform, God will protect him/her and endow him/her with the wisdom to carry on insofar it is done with passion and genuineness.
By the same token, I like to remind journalists that before becoming journalists, you were first citizens of Liberia and shall remain citizens of Liberia suffice to say each of you has a patriotic duty to protect your country, stand against its mismanagement and abuse by nefarious leaders, for you are direct victims of bad governance.
Today, we see unethical and compromised journalism on the rise because many claiming to be journalists in Liberia nowadays prefer GOLD over GOOD. Integrity is fast diminishing in the Liberian media. Truth-telling is being compromised for petty cash and material gifts. We are told some Journalists are proudly dining and winning with corrupt officials of the current government and sadly defaulting on their sacred duties to expose the ills permeating the homeland. Instead of being watchdogs, we are told that some Liberian media editors are taking monthly payments from public officials, ministries, and state enterprises to gate-keep and promote them. The question then lingers; who will protect the country from its disreputable officials if journalists are being paid by those looting and plundering their country?
However, we are also aware that in the face of these temptations some journalists continue to stand tall and keep the touch of integrity flaming in their line of duties. I salute their courage to remain loyal to the sanctity of their noble journalism profession amid the devastating economic realities suffocating the homeland.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen; The People Liberation Party (PLP) is of the ardent belief that Liberia can never be a wholesome functioning and civilized country without an independent, sustainable, and ethical media. Liberia cannot fight and minimize corruption and impunity, reduce poverty, ensure adherence to the rule of law, transparency, accountability, and good governance without a progressive, pragmatic, productive, and impartial media. This is why the PLP is solely committed to working with the Liberian media to build its capacity in terms of logistics, training, and in other critical areas primarily to strengthen and empower the Liberian media for the good of our nation.
PLP under my visionary stewardship remains open to working with ALJA and PUL to identify possible opportunities to build the capacity of the Liberian media and may I say, please consider us a ‘willing partner comes asking’. We are no doubt cognizant of the harsh economic hardship in Liberia and the media is not spared, but realistically, the media cannot make money or improve in a country badly governed. The media cannot flourish when the economy is contracted and businesses are unable to give ads to the media. The media cannot pay its workers fairly and regularly when there are no foreign companies to give huge ads. Journalists cannot make fair earnings if the media institutions they work for are broke and poor. If Liberia is governed well the economy will grow and bloom and the media will make money and journalists can become rich like lawyers, doctors, and engineers. Journalism is not a peasant profession as we see around the world. Media owners and journalists are millionaires right here in America and other parts of the world. That is why we cannot emphasize the urgent need for the media to use its power and influence to help Liberia get on the proper footing in terms of sound political and economic governance. This is why the PLP is seeking a viable partnership with the Liberian media primarily to ensure that the media is independent, sustained, and uncompromisingly unethical in playing the sacred role to which it is entrusted.

Ladies and gentlemen; I am pleased to let you know that back home, we have forged a cordial working relationship with the PUL and several media houses. We do so not for a favor or to seek fame. We do so in acknowledgment of the critical role the media must play to right the wrongs in Liberia—and to ensure good governance in Liberia. We consider it a righteous obligation to engage the media on the pressing need to remain the fearless watchdog of the Liberian nation-state so that democracy works, rule of law is adhered to, corruption and impunity rattled, transparency and accountability are institutionalized, democracy and civil liberties protected, holding the rulers of the country to account for their stewardship become a national tradition and regiment, ensure power and state services are decentralized and devolved on to the people, to protect minorities and promote diversity and religious tolerance. We also challenge the media to put us under the spotlight in our quest for national leadership.

In conclusion, I must submit that the People Liberation Party (PLP) vision and agenda to a.) Improve the socio-economic conditions of its citizenry through the good health care system, standardized educational system, job creation, economic empowerment, and other effective retirements, b.) Take meaningful steps to curb official corruption and institute accountability, transparency in the system of government, effectively and efficiently harness national resources, and avoid waste and plunder, c.) Improve and prioritize civil liberties and ensures security for all our compatriots irrespective of the political alignments, d.) Ensure adherence to the rule of law and ensure that the justice system works for all—haves and have-not. And discourage the perennial menace of impunity, f.) Improve on good governance and build public trust and confidence. Emphasize and ensure meritocracy and competence in the governing system, g.) Promote peace, unity, inclusion, and oneness amongst its citizenry. Protect minorities, promote diversity and religious tolerance, and h.) Prioritize youth and women. Provide educational opportunities to include vocational training for young people, empower and protect girls and women in every respect, we seek a solid partnership with an independent, sustainable, pluralistic, and ethical media to help us ensure socioeconomic dignity for ALL our PEOPLE, not FEW of our people, and together we along with you the media can accentuate our country to nobler heights and put some sense of pride and dignity on our dear people.

I Congratulate ALJA on the successful holding of its convention and wish you the best of luck ahead.

God bless our host country the United States of America, God bless the people of Liberia and the nation, and I thank you all.

Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) remains the newsmaker of our time...

Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) remains the newsmaker of our time...


Our CEO and Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, inspires young Liberian motorcyclists who es**rted him from the First Presbyterian Church on Broad Street to his palatable residence in Paynesville

Our CEO/President and the Most Senior Liberator of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, remain foc...

Our CEO/President and the Most Senior Liberator of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, remain focused and committed towards applying efforts and engaging into positive ventures to alleviate the mountainous challenges confronting Liberia and its citizens, instead of wasting time badmouthing and castigating government


174th Independence Day message from our CEO/President, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell

Our CEO/PRESIDENT and the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, says happy Inde...

Our CEO/PRESIDENT and the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, says happy Independence Day to all Liberians home and abroad. Despite the challenges, let's continue to hold together and reconcile our differences to move our nation forward...

Our CEO/President and the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, provided a cow ...

Our CEO/President and the Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, provided a cow and 50bags of rice to Muslims to celebrate Eid al-Adha (Abraham's Day) in Liberia. TRULY, THIS MAN WILL BE GREAT BECAUSE OF HIS COMPASSIONATE HEART...

This aging Liberian mother, Hearen Sheriff, could not hold back her tears yesterday when our CEO/President and Political...

This aging Liberian mother, Hearen Sheriff, could not hold back her tears yesterday when our CEO/President and Political Leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP), Dr. Daniel E. Cassell presented the amount of USD600 to cover her entire medical expense. She has been suffering from an illness for a prolong period of time and felt that all has been lost. But God directed her to Dr. Cassell who didn't hesitate to intervene immediately. THIS MAN HAS A COMPASSIONATE HEART!!!

Banjo Banjo transportation service!!! Thanks to our Political Leader and Chief Executive Officer for prioritizing the ne...

Banjo Banjo transportation service!!! Thanks to our Political Leader and Chief Executive Officer for prioritizing the need of the ordinary Liberian masses...

RAMADAN message from our CEO/PRESIDENT and Political Leader, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell to Liberian Muslims in the country an...

RAMADAN message from our CEO/PRESIDENT and Political Leader, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell to Liberian Muslims in the country and across the world:

"As we observe this historic day in our country, permit me to remind all Liberians at home and abroad, that the strength in National Unity is a strength necessary for peaceful coexistence amongst all Liberians across all religions, tribes and political parties.

Considering the People's Liberation Party's (PLP) commitment to improving the living conditions of our citizens through a sustainable national development agenda remains our top priority.

For and on behalf of my family and the People's Liberation Party (PLP), I wish you all, a Happy Unification Day".

Our PRESIDENT/CEO Dr. Daniel E. Cassell is a progenitor of religious tolerance. Though he is a Christian by religion, he...

Our PRESIDENT/CEO Dr. Daniel E. Cassell is a progenitor of religious tolerance. Though he is a Christian by religion, he continues to align, identify, and present gifts to his Muslim compatriots, especially during this Holy Month of Ramadan. Truly, this man will be great..

PEOPLE OF GOD...It has happened again!!! Our astute political leader of the People's Liberation Party and CEO/President ...

PEOPLE OF GOD...It has happened again!!! Our astute political leader of the People's Liberation Party and CEO/President of the Dr. Cassell's Foundation (Dr. Daniel E. Cassell) today commissioned about ten 72-seated buses to help ease the transportation constraints confronting ordinary Liberian citizens. This man is not waiting to be President before using his own money or the country's resources to improve the living conditions of Liberians. If he can used his personal funds currently to undertake bountiful initiatives, including the recent buses commissioned, he will do more when he is given the opportunity to serve at the level of the presidency. This man has Liberia and its citizens in his SOUL...

BOOM!!!! Our CEO and political leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP),Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, and other executives...

BOOM!!!! Our CEO and political leader of the People's Liberation Party (PLP),Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, and other executives of the party stormed Voinjama, Lofa County to help address some aged-old problems confronting the citizens. People of God, this man is "MR TALK AND DO". He does not engage into "SELL PAY" business. He is the TORCH and FRONTLINER of the LIBERATION MOVEMENT.Yes, the time is now and we are ready!!!

Our Founder and CEO alongside the PLP Family pays official visit to Lofa County. Lofa is the Home County of our CEO Dr. ...

Our Founder and CEO alongside the PLP Family pays official visit to Lofa County.
Lofa is the Home County of our CEO Dr. Daniel E. Cassell.

The People's Liberation Party (PLP) of our CEO/PRESIDENT, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, is more than just a political party. Wi...

The People's Liberation Party (PLP) of our CEO/PRESIDENT, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, is more than just a political party. With less than four months after its official certification as a full fledged political institution operating in Liberia, the PLP has done more than just enough for the Liberian people. The 'LIBERATION TRANSPORT' is expected to be launched very soon to ease the numerous constraints citizens are faced with in commuting from one destination to another. THE TIME IS NOW AND WE ARE READY!!!


Clay Street





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