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New Georgia Gulf Community
Tagged: "Unity in Diversity"


New Georgia Gulf Community
Tagged: "Unity in Diversity

Congratulations Mr. Prince James Kaye, Jr.  CEO of Great LIB tv for obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics ...

Congratulations Mr. Prince James Kaye, Jr. CEO of Great LIB tv for obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the United Methodist University.

More wins boss


A new week to do what we didn't do last week and year.

Happy First Sunday


Candle Night of the late Dale M. Noring
New Georgia Gulf Community

BREAKING NEWSEEC chairman is clear!

EEC chairman is clear!


The U.S. Embassy in Monrovia is aware of a video circulating on social media purporting to show Chairman Oscar Bloh of the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) engaged in discussions in a political party office. The ECC has publicly clarified that it is not Oscar Bloh in the video. Local Voices, a U.S. Embassy-supported factchecking organization, has also confirmed that it is not Oscar Bloh in the video .

The United States is committed to supporting and advancing democracy in Liberia and around the world. As announced by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on September 27, 2023 , the United States may pursue visa restrictions for those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy in Liberia, including through the purposeful spread of mis- or disinformation. As a result of this incident, we are actively exploring using this visa restriction authority because we view this as an example of impeding election observation efforts needed to ensure transparency.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is proud to have been supporting the ECC since 2011 to provide objective and evidence-based observation of Liberia’s electoral procedures. ECC has been a trusted partner and a leader in Liberia’s civil society community for over a decade. USAID stands by ECC and their commitment to promoting a free, fair, and peaceful electoral process.

USAID has no intention of reducing or stopping funding to the ECC based on a misleading video. The U.S. Embassy is confident in ECC’s ability to report fairly and accurately on Liberian elections, including the upcoming presidential run-off.

The U.S. Embassy encourages all Liberians to take the time to check their sources of information carefully. The future of the country is in the hands of the Liberian people. Please exercise your voice and your right to vote by going to the polls on November 14.


For immediate release!

Monrovia-Liberia, November 10, 2023: The Unity Party considers as utter disrespect, the deliberate refusal of the Liberia National Police to release Mr. Sumson Essien on the mandate of the Circuit Court sitting in Harper City, Maryland County following his arbitrary arrest and detention for over forty-eight (48) hours without formal charges.
Mr. Essien was arrested on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 while traveling from Maryland County to River Gee, where he had gone to train Unity Party Poll Watchers and Supervisors in the Southeastern region of Liberia.

Mr. Essien, Jr., a Ghanaian national was hired recently by the Unity Party as Lead consultant to train Party Poll Watchers on the use of an online application that enhances reporting election data in real time. While en route from Harper City to River Gee, Mr. Essien was stopped at the Webbo check point, where a police officer claimed the victim was under arrest on the orders of a "higher-up for planning to hack election materials for region five”.
In an effort to secure Mr. Essien release and his rights restored, the UP prayed the Circuit Court in Harper, Maryland County by filing a writ of habeas corpus to compel the release of its contractor, a writ which was granted by the Judge on Thursday, November 9, 2023. However, the police have deliberately refused to honor the court’s mandate. As of the time of this release, the whereabouts of Mr. Essien remains unknown and his safety in grave danger.
The Unity Party considers the action of the Liberia National Police as a flagrant disrespect to the rule of law and a demonstration of the return of the dark days where the basic fundamental human rights of innocent men and women are intentionally and deliberately violated with impunity.
The Unity Party demands the immediate release of Mr. Essien and seizes the moment to bring this grave and flagrant violation of Mr. Essien’s rights to the attention of all International Partners and Foreign Missions in Liberia. The constant deliberate refusal of the LNP under strict instruction from the Police Inspector General Patrick Sudue to release Sumson could lead to unspecified dire consequences as our supporters are running out of patience.

Mr. Essien is an innocent man and does not deserve to be maltreated because a certain political group fears the obvious reprisal from their citizens because of their failure to properly manage the affairs of the state after it was entrusted to them for the past six years.

Amos Tweh
National Secretary General


Dowry payment Ceremony of Prince James Kaye Jr and Omarious K Teah

Let the public speak!1 million supporters, what is the driving force?Is it possible for any political party to gather  1...

Let the public speak!

1 million supporters, what is the driving force?

Is it possible for any political party to gather 1million supporters in Liberia?

Is there any where in Liberia where one million people can gather?

Do President Weah deserves a second term?

Are there valid reasons for which President Weah shouldn't be re-elected?

Please comment on any of the above question?


Dowry Payment Ceremony between Bro. Balamamkasta N. Collins and Sis. Teta Addy held at Police Academy Orange Towel community.







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