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For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To GovernmentApril 11, 2024Executive M...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To Government

April 11, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has nominated and appointed additional members of government affecting the Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA), the Liberia Institute for Public Administration (LIPA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National AIDS Commission, the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), the National Port Authority (NPA), the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Independent Information Commission (IIC), the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, ((NaFAA), and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFK).

These nominations where applicable, are subject to consent by the Liberian Senate.

The institutions, nominees and appointees are:

I. Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. Luke Bawo, Managing Director
2. Dr. Patricia Quaye-Freeman, Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services

II. The Board of Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. David Sumo, Chairman
2. Chief Pharmacist of Liberia (representing Ministry of Health), Member
3. Pharmacy Board, Member
4. Ministry of Justice, Member
5. Commissioner for Customs (representing the Liberia Revenue Authority), Member
6. School of Pharmacy (representing the University of Liberia), Member
7. Liberia Medical and Dental Council, Member
8. Pharmaceutical Association of Liberia, Member
9. Yana Boys Association of Liberia, Member
10. The Managing Director of LMHRA, Secretary, Non-voting member

III. The Board of Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA)

1. Dr. Cecelia Cassell, Chairperson
2. Georgette N. Gray, Member
3. Marie V. Hayes, Member
4. Atty. Martus Kotatee Williams, Member
5. Moses Blonkanjay Jackson, Member
6. Ministry of Education, Institutional Member
7. Civil Service Agency, Institutional Member

IV. Environmental Protection Agency Policy Council
1. Minister Amin Modad, Chairman
2. Madam Lucia Massalee Yallah, Member
3. Anthony Konneh, Member
4. Klubosumo Borh Johnson, Member
5. Council of Chiefs (one representative), Statutory Member
6. House of Senate (Two representatives), Statutory Member
7. House of Representatives (Two representatives), Statutory Member
8. Ministry of Health, Statutory Member
9. Ministry of Agriculture, Statutory Member
10. Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection, Statutory Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Statutory Member
12. Ministry of Transport, Statutory Member
13. Ministry of Public Works, Statutory Member
14. Ministry of Education, Statutory Member
15. Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Statutory Member
16. Ministry of Internal Affairs, Statutory Member
17. Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Statutory Member
18. Liberia Standards Authority, Statutory Member
19. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
20. Forestry Development Authority, Statutory Member
21. Liberia Electricity Corporation, Statutory Member
22. Liberia Petroleum Refinery Corporation, Statutory Member
23. Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, Statutory Member
24. University of Liberia, Statutory Member
25. Federation of Liberian Youth, Statutory Member
26. Liberia National Student Union, Statutory Member
27. Inter-Religious Council of Liberia, Statutory Member
28. Liberia Marketing Association, Statutory Member
29. One representative of all environment-related Non-governmental Organizations selected by the NGO memberships or from their umbrella organization as statutory member.
30. Association of Architect and Engineers (one representative), Statutory Member
31. Liberia National Bar Association, Statutory Member

V. National AIDS Commission
1. Dr. Cecelia J. Nuta, Chairperson
2. Dr. Mohammed Swaray, Vice Chair, Commissioner for Policy and Program
3. Dr. Alexander Zogbaye, Commissioner for Decentralization
4. Tracy Newon Pency-Kyne, Commissioner for Partnership
5. Rev. Patrick Noah, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation

VI. National Port Authority (NPA)
1. Mr. Siafa Hage, Co- Chair
2. Mr. Bedell W. Sandi, Member
3. Imam Ali Krayee, Member
4. Dr. Alvin Nah Doe, Member
5. Hon. Julius J. Goodings, Member
6. Mr. Peter Dahn, Member
7. Madam Theresa M. Davies, Member
8. Mr. James L. Hinneh Jr., Member
9. Mr. Sahr Johnny, Member
10. Ministry of Transport, Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Member
12. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Member
13. Ministry of Justice, Member
14. Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Secretary

VII. Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Mrs. Alexandra B. Amnon, Deputy Director General for Public Affairs
2. Mr. Hassan Kiawu, Deputy Director General for Media Services
3. Mr. Borgfeldt Lloyd, Deputy Director General for Technical Services
4. Mr. D-Flow Flomo, II, Deputy Director General for New Media & Rebranding
5. Mr. Thomas Guwor, Deputy Director General for Administration

VIII. The Board of the Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Minister of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Chairperson
2. Ms. Olivia Shannon, Vice Chair
3. Cllr. Kwame Clement, Member
4. Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Member
5. Rev. Fr. Phillip W. Tickey, Member
6. Ms. Hawa Andrews, Member
7. Imam Mohammed M. Konneh, Member
8. Mr. Cyrus Wleh Badio, Member
9. Ms. Welma Campbell Mashinini Redd, Member
10. Cllr. Bushuben M Keita, Member.
11. Mr. Eugene L. Fahngon, Director General (LBS), Secretary and Non-Voting Member

IX. Independent Information Commission
1. Mr. Togar Joash Hodges, Commissioner
2. Ms. Lorpu P Page, Executive Director and Head of Secretariat

X. Board Members of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NAFAA)
1. Minister of Agriculture, Chairman
2. Ministry of National Defense, Statutory Member
3. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Statutory Member
4. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Statutory Member
5. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
6. Director General (of NAFAA), Statutory Member Ex-officio, and Board Secretary with no voting rights.

XI. Ministry of Health
1. Dr. Catherine Thomas Cooper, Deputy Minister of Health Services

XII. John F. Kennedy Medical Center
The President has approved the appointment of the following individuals who were vetted and appointed by the Board of Directors of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center:
1. Dr. Linda Birch, Chief Executive Officer & General Administrator
2. โ Dr. John Emmanuel Tamba, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Health Services (Chief Medical Officer)
3. โ Mrs. Dama Yekeson Koffa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Administration
These nominations supersede any previously published in similar agencies and positions.
President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana
Presidential Press Secretary


CDC Secretary General, Jefferson Koijee, addresses the media on national issues. Watch the full Press Conference!


Happy Eid Mubarak to all of our cherished Muslim followers.๐ŸŽŠ


Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Othaniel S Gustavo Jr., Trawally Musa, Sepoe Korvah, Liam Robert Washington, Michael Brown, Musa Kamara, Charles Christopher Sando, Francis Jarwee


Representative Frank Saah Foko speaks at PROSA press conference.


Senator Prince Johnson speaks to the Press after the signing of the resolution by the Liberian Senate to establish the War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia. Watch the full Press Conference!

Breaking News!Senator Prince Y. Johnson including 25 other members of the Liberian senate has signed the resolution for ...

Breaking News!

Senator Prince Y. Johnson including 25 other members of the Liberian senate has signed the resolution for the establishment of the War and Economics Crimes Court in Liberia.

The Nimba County Senator who is referred to as a former Warlord name was mentioned in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report for multiple offenses, but did not relent to sign the resolution on Today (April 9) in chambers.


Folks, where are you following us from?


Representative Yekeh Kolubah descends on President Joseph Boakai. Watch the full Press Conference!


Interview with affected residents of Johnsonville land dispute, residents of the area are seeking national government intervention to calm down the situation.

Pictorials from the ongoing land dispute in Johnsonville as many homes suffer demolition.

Pictorials from the ongoing land dispute in Johnsonville as many homes suffer demolition.

Pictorials from the official takeover of Robert Bestman, Mayor of the City of Paynesville.

Pictorials from the official takeover of Robert Bestman, Mayor of the City of Paynesville.


Land dispute spark tension in Johnsonville

Credit: Kooltv

Immediate ReleaseThe Civil Service Agency Lifts the Freeze on Direct Replacement as the Fate of Over 40,000 Civil Servan...

Immediate Release

The Civil Service Agency Lifts the Freeze on Direct Replacement as the Fate of Over 40,000 Civil Servants Hangs in the Balance

Monrovia, 3rd April 2024: As the Civil Service Agency continues to scrutinize and clean up the payroll of government employees, the fate of 40,000 civil servants is said to be hanging in the balance. Their statuses are said not to have been regularized from 2019 to 2023, and the proper processing of the Personnel Action Notices (PAN) has not been adhered to.

According to a circular issued by the CSA's Director General, Josiah F. Joekai, Jr., the CSA has requested all Heads of government Spending Entities to ensure that employees who were added to the payroll during the period of July 2019 to December 2023, "and whose status has not been regularized by the Civil Service Agency to work with their respective Human Resource Directors
to proceed to the Civil Service Agency and have their Personnel Action Notices (PAN) properly processed within a grace period of ninety (90) days, beginning April 2 to June 30, 2024".

The CSA strongly warns that "all Human Resource Directors of Spending Entities
concerned are to take due note and provide the required documentation to prevent
employees affected by this situation from being deleted from the GOL Payroll.

Meanwhile, in another circular issued by the CSA Director-General, Hon. Joekai on the same day, April 1, 2024. announced the lifting of the freeze on direct replacement. The Director-General said, "As you may recall, on l6th February 2024, the Civil Service Agency, under the direction of Mr. Alfred Drosaye, then Officer-in-Charge, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, placed a temporary freeze on select human resource operations. It said this measure was necessary to maintain order in how spending entities move staff around, especially when most entities were yet controlled by officers-in-charge.

The circular said, "We will not lift the entire freeze. Today, we are lifting the freeze ONLY
FOR DIRECT REPLACEMENT. The freeze on new hires and transfers will be lifted after
the Payroll Compliance Audit, which will be conducted shortly by the General Auditing
Commission (GAC). The Civil Service Agency has reached this decision because a significant percentage of GoL Spending Entities has been staffed with the appropriate
statutory heads".

The CSA further reminds all heads of spending entities that in reference to Chapters 3 & 4 of the Standing Orders for the Civil Service, 2012, the human resource movements, such as intra and inter-agency transfers, promotions and demotions, direct replacements and change of employee's payroll account details.

"With the exception of the change of employee's payroll account details, all human resource actions must duly be processed using the appropriate Personnel Action Notices (PAN) as required by Section 35 of the Civil Service Revised Human Resource Policy Manual of September 2014.


Monrovia: Honorable Moses Acarous Gray, Former Representative of Montserrado County District #8 holds a major press conference about his "Cry for Justice" planned protest.

CBL Extends Expiration Date of Old Liberian Bank NotesMONROVIA โ€“ April 1,  2024 ) โ€“ The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) an...

CBL Extends Expiration Date of Old Liberian Bank Notes

MONROVIA โ€“ April 1, 2024 ) โ€“ The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) announces the extension of the March 31, 2024 deadline for the currency exchange exercise by six weeks, up to May 15, 2024.

Credit: CBL

CBL Board of Governors at its emergency meeting held on Friday, March 29, 2024 resolved to extend the deadline for the termination of the legal tender status of the old banknotes and to continue the exchange exercise through the commercial banks and Rural Community Finance Institutions (RCFIs).

Despite the progress, the March 31st deadline was impacted by several factors, including the challenging road condition to counties in the Southeast and Lofa County, the General and Presidential Elections, the intensity of run-off Presidential Election, and the transitional process. The Bank was cautious about moving cash across the country during these situations.

The extension means that the old money, known as Liberian Series 1 or LS1 and Liberian Series 2 or LS2 banknotes printed before 2021 still remains legal tender until May 15, 2024 and can be used to buy goods and pay for services in Liberia.

After the new deadline, the old banknotes will not be accepted for exchange at any commercial banks and Rural Community Finance Institutions (RCFIs). The exchange exercise will continue only at the CBL facilities across the country.

The CBL therefore urges the public to take advantage of this extension to exchange their old banknotes and calls on the business community to continue to accept the old banknotes and deposit them at the commercial banks and RCFIs in exchange for the new currency.

Finally, the Bank extends its appreciation to all stakeholders, and more importantly the Executive and the National Legislature for their support in this national endeavor. The Bank looks forward to the full cooperation of the public with this new deadline to ensure a successful completion of this exercise.

The National Elections Commission of Liberia (NEC) has officially announced April 23, 2024 as the date set aside for the...

The National Elections Commission of Liberia (NEC) has officially announced April 23, 2024 as the date set aside for the conduct of the by-Senatorial and Representative Elections in Nimba County and Electoral District #1 Grand Gedeh County respectively.

For Immediate Release President Boakai Suspends FIA Director General Stanley FordMarch 29, 2024Executive Mansion, Monrov...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Suspends FIA Director General Stanley Ford

March 29, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic, H.E Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has suspended, with immediate effect, Mr. Stanley Ford, Director General of the Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA) for allegations of financial and other malpractices at the institution.

The President has made it clear that there is no tolerance for any form of malpractice and, as such, he has directed the Ministry of Justice to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the matter. He expressed confidence that the investigation will ensure that justice is served.

The President has further urged Mr. Ford to submit himself to the investigation and cooperate fully to make sure that the matter is resolved expeditiously.

This move by the Liberian Leader is a clear demonstration of his commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions.


Video footage of the mudslide tragedy in Rivercess County at a local mining site that led to the death of several in the area.


Unveiling of the Global Church International Signs and Wonders ongoing Church construction project by the Founder and Overseer Prophet Robert Abraham Veote aka Pastor Power Pastor.

To contribute to the works, you can use our mobile money number #0555650266 (Robert S. Vetoe)


Exclusive interview with Pastor Abraham Yarsiah, Proprietor of the Yarkatti Education Foundation, in Bernard Farm, Paynesville.

Pastor Abraham Yarsiah shared some challenges, successes, and prospects of his institution with a team of journalists.

Liberia's President Joseph Boakai meets and encourages players of the Liberian National Team ahead of their second leg e...

Liberia's President Joseph Boakai meets and encourages players of the Liberian National Team ahead of their second leg encounter with Djibouti on Tuesday, March 26, in the preliminary of AFCON 2025 qualifiers.

The second leg will be played at the Samuel Kayon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.


Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Freeman S Yattoh, Aaron Gweh, Swaray Sekou, Cynthia Blamo

Montserrado County District  #10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah accuses President Joseph Boakai of a politics to undemocra...

Montserrado County District #10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah accuses President Joseph Boakai of a politics to undemocratically remove Fonati Koffa as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

In a news conference on Friday, the controversial lawmaker said he received a coupon from the Ministry of State reflecting some cash values requesting his concordance.

"This country will be straighten and I will Continue to talk for the Liberians people"...

"This is the coupon President Joseph Boakai giving to Rep. Richard Koon bloc to removed Cllr Fonati Koffa and I will not be part of any corrupt money."


Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! Ma Rebecca, De Man Jone, Sampson Weagar


Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list! Ma Rebecca, De Man Jone, Sampson Weagar

Liberia Faces Djibouti Today at 10PM Local Time in Morocco for the 1st Leg Preliminary Rounds Qualifiers of AFCON 2025.P...

Liberia Faces Djibouti Today at 10PM Local Time in Morocco for the 1st Leg Preliminary Rounds Qualifiers of AFCON 2025.

Predict the score๐Ÿ‘‡


Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Freeman S Yattoh Aaron Gweh Swaray Sekou Cynthia Blamo


Program marking the office launch of the Liberia Poverty Assessment Organization, held in Monrovia.

Liberia's Draft National Budget of USD $692 Million Submitted to House of Representatives The House of Representatives h...

Liberia's Draft National Budget of USD $692 Million Submitted to House of Representatives

The House of Representatives has received the draft national budget for 2024 totaling USD $692 million from the Ministry of Finance. The submission, led by Finance Minister Boimah Kamara and his three Deputies, marks a crucial step in the fiscal planning and governance of the nation.

In a formal handover ceremony held on Thursday, 14 March, Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah received the budget on behalf of the House. Despite the current first quarter break, Deputy Speaker Fallah assured the public that the House's committee on Ways, Means, and Finance would diligently review the budget during the break period.

This thorough review process aims to ensure that each member has the opportunity to scrutinize the budget comprehensively and consult with their constituents effectively.

Deputy Speaker Fallah emphasized the importance of crafting a budget that prioritizes the needs of ordinary citizens across the country. He expressed his hope that the budgetary allocations would reflect the aspirations and concerns of Liberians from all walks of life.

The submission of the draft national budget underscores the government's commitment to responsible financial management and inclusive development.

As Liberia moves forward, the House of Representatives remains dedicated to fostering transparency, accountability, and the welfare of its citizens through prudent fiscal policies.

Credit: HOR Press


Pipeline Main Road





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