Private Briefing

Private Briefing Be a Wealth Builder, not a Wealth Killer. Find the best storylines, and you’ll find the best stocks. Inc., and The Baltimore Sun.

William (Bill) Patalon III is the Executive Editor and Senior Research Analyst for Money Morning. Before he moved into the investment-research business in December 2005, Bill spent 22 years as a journalist, most of it covering financial news as a reporter, columnist, and editor that included stints with Gannett Co. Bill has covered finance and investing, economics, manufacturing, the defense secto

r, biotechnology, and telecommunications. The companies he's covered include Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Harley-Davidson, Caterpillar, Westinghouse Electric, Verizon, MedImmune, and Black & Decker. His most-memorable interviews include: former President Richard M. Nixon, General Electric CEO John F. "Jack" Welch, Forbes magazine publisher and former Presidential candidate Steve Forbes, and business-turnaround specialist and helicopter-industry pioneer Stanley Hiller Jr. Today Bill is the creator and editor of Private Briefing. With his latest project, he takes you "behind the scenes" of his established investment news website for a closer look at the action. Members get all the expert analysis and exclusive scoops he can't publish... and some of the most valuable picks that turn up in Bill's closed-door sessions with editors and experts.

The Typhoon … a great video …

The Typhoon … a great video …

There were over 1200 young men and women who flew the Hawker Typhoon during WWII, 56% of them made the ultimate sacrifice. There is no memorial to these brav...

This made my day … some very kind words about my new Stock Picker’s Corner newsletter on Substack … come check us out ..

This made my day … some very kind words about my new Stock Picker’s Corner newsletter on Substack … come check us out ..

Words cannot express how delighted I am to have William Patalon III, truly investment newsletter industry royalty, now writing on Substack


XF5U-1 mock-up. This creation from Vought was a development of the V-173 "Flying Pancake". It was a more thorough approach to the "all-wing" design than the V-173, and was more representative of what a serving flying disc would have looked like. These aircraft used large wingtip propellers that rotated against the direction of wingtip vortices, canceling out this drag. The huge propellers were driven by two 1,350 hp radial engines buried in the wings.


Wow …

Before sunrise …

Before sunrise …

On June 3, an alignment of six planets—Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—will be visible shortly before sunrise from dark, high vantage points with minimal light pollution. This rare event requires optical aids to view all planets. Stargazers will have an incredible opportunity


The Paris gun, created by Germany in WWI, is one of the craziest artillery pieces ever made. Its 37-meter-long barrel had to be supported to stop it bending, and it had enough range to hit Paris from over 120 km away. The shells would take 3 minutes to reach Paris, and on the way would reach an altitude of 40 km, making them the highest-reaching man-made objects at the time.


The Lippisch P.13 was a Coal Powered Interceptor. The choice of fuel for the ramjet engine was another critical consideration. Given the resource constraints faced by Germany towards the end of the war, Lippisch explored alternative fuels that could be produced domestically.

One such fuel was coal dust, which was abundant and could be utilised in the ramjet’s combustion process. The use of coal dust required significant adaptations in the engine design to ensure efficient mixing and combustion, further showcasing Lippisch’s innovative approach to engineering challenges.



The XB-70 Valkyrie was built and designed to pe*****te Russian airspace they got so terrified of it they built their own version. 👇

Was gonna laugh. But then ….

Was gonna laugh. But then ….

Credit: Dan Piraro Bizarro Comics

The Wright Brothers … very cool

The Wright Brothers … very cool

125 years ago today, Wilbur Wright wrote a letter to the Smithsonian. In the letter, he affirmed his belief that human flight was possible, declared his intent to pursue research in the field, and asked for publications on the subject.


Any pilot, or ground crew, knows the importance making sure that each item on a checklist is properly attended to. Unfortunately as professional as a one wishes to be, we are all vulnerable to one basic and unavoidable truth…that no matter how experienced, and how attentive we are, mistakes can, a...


“Splash the Zeros.”

From “The Final Countdown.”

Love that flick … I remember a trailer for it: “Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 … but this time, it will be different.”

Who else dug this flick?


Watch now | This Longtime AAPL Expert Predicts What That Future Will Be

In less than two weeks,   will detail its   strategy. Here’s what to expect.

In less than two weeks, will detail its strategy. Here’s what to expect.

Watch now | This Longtime AAPL Expert Predicts What That Future Will Be

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Lincoln R Proctor, David G. Zeiler, Nanc...

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Lincoln R Proctor, David G. Zeiler, Nancy Kohn & Crozier Media

If you love hero tales … this is a great one.

If you love hero tales … this is a great one.

A Hero's Story ... And a Song .. To Honor the Day


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