
ProResource ProResource specializes in personal branding for technology CEOs and leaders. Raise your profile in

ProResource offers executive branding services for CEOs and leaders who want a dynamic and engaging social media presence that allows people to see the depth of their expertise, builds trust, and creates opportunities for quality conversations. Our Social Velocity methodology helps you optimize your LinkedIn presence:

Findability - make it easier for people to find you on LinkedIn and Google. Fir

st Impressions - impress the people who come to your LinkedIn profile. Relevance - align your LinkedIn presence with your business goals and initiatives. Know, Like, Trust - create an environment where people feel like they know who you are, like you, and can trust you. Thought Leadership – blog posts and videos share your industry knowledge and insights. Conversations - get conversations started with the people who matter to you. Combined, these critical components of your online presence deliver higher visibility, make your thought leadership more visible, and get the right people to engage. The result is that you impress people, maintain mindshare, and start building trusted business relationships.

Preparing to raise your next round? We've got you covered! You know investors will be checking you out on LinkedIn, so m...

Preparing to raise your next round? We've got you covered!

You know investors will be checking you out on LinkedIn, so make your presence - and your team's - as strong as possible.

Here are 5 best practices -

For more, join us for our webinar on June 27:
Optimize LinkedIn for SaaS Fundraising

It’s hard to calculate the ROI of CEOs being active on LinkedIn.There's broad consensus that it's valuable. But defining...

It’s hard to calculate the ROI of CEOs being active on LinkedIn.

There's broad consensus that it's valuable. But defining ROI is more difficult.

We realized that the ROI comes from different places, depending on what stage of your company’s growth you are in.

We broke down the journey into 10 stages and roughed out some ways of estimating ROI for each stage.

Take a look and let us know what you think.

I love this quote! It beautifully captures the critical role personal branding plays for founders in the early stages of...

I love this quote! It beautifully captures the critical role personal branding plays for founders in the early stages of a business.

Personal branding is not just about visibility; it's a strategic asset that when managed well, helps founders cut through the noise and establish credibility and trust with many stakeholders.

Establishing a strong founder's brand is akin to laying a robust foundation for your business's market presence, enhancing both reach and resonance right from the start.

If you're gearing up for fundraising, get your LinkedIn presence - and your leadership team's - in shape first. Join us ...

If you're gearing up for fundraising, get your LinkedIn presence - and your leadership team's - in shape first. Join us next month and discover proven strategies to make your LinkedIn profile a magnet for investors.

Event details:-
Thursday, June 27, 2024
12:00 PM Eastern / 9:00 AM Pacific

Sign up at

Does your high school student have a LinkedIn profile? A strong presence on LinkedIn will give them an advantage in gett...

Does your high school student have a LinkedIn profile? A strong presence on LinkedIn will give them an advantage in getting into college, landing the best internships, and finding quality part-time jobs. Tips and more at

What does an excellent COO LinkedIn profile look like? Here are some of our top picks:Annie Tsai's profile stands at the...

What does an excellent COO LinkedIn profile look like? Here are some of our top picks:

Annie Tsai's profile stands at the crossroads of operations, investment, and community building, engaging her 6K+ followers with a blend of professional insights and personal passions.

Henry Hund’s LinkedIn profile educates and engages with insights into the benefits of Aptible’s platform. His approachable narrative and resourceful links make complex topics accessible, reflecting a COO committed to transparency and education.

Vidya Murthy’s adventures in securing medical devices come alive on her LinkedIn. From articles to video interviews, her profile is a rich resource for anyone interested in the intersection of healthcare and technology.

For more examples of COOs who are relentless in their pursuit of excellence, go to the full list here:

Imagine a tool so powerful that it shapes your first impressions, controls your digital footprint, and connects you with...

Imagine a tool so powerful that it shapes your first impressions, controls your digital footprint, and connects you with key stakeholders globally. That's LinkedIn. Here's why CEOs need to build their brand right here.

Transform Your LinkedIn in 30 Minutes!Whether you're job searching, networking, or just looking to improve your online p...

Transform Your LinkedIn in 30 Minutes!

Whether you're job searching, networking, or just looking to improve your online presence, our LinkedIn Profile Glow Up webinar is just what you need.

Join Ann Marie Beebout for a session packed with actionable advice that you can apply immediately.

🗓️ Tuesday, May 21, 2024
🕖 2:30 PM Eastern / 11:30 AM Pacific

This is a golden opportunity for your company, friends, and family to shine on LinkedIn. Don’t miss out!

Sign up now at

As your company has grown, do you feel a little like you're in an ivory tower? People don't always understand where you ...

As your company has grown, do you feel a little like you're in an ivory tower? People don't always understand where you are coming from.
They see your status, but they don't see you as a human. Fixing this is one of the most powerful reasons to use social media as a leader.

Check out this week's blog post - it's all about why you might want to use LinkedIn to bring out your human side. And how to do it well.

Read the full article now for insights and actionable strategies, including a formula of what to post about.

For Chief Revenue Officers and VPs of Sales, LinkedIn is where the magic happens. These sales leaders set an example for...

For Chief Revenue Officers and VPs of Sales, LinkedIn is where the magic happens.

These sales leaders set an example for everyone on their team - they share the company's value proposition, showcase their journey, celebrate successes, and share the wisdom that only comes from real-world experience.

Take a quick look at the pros who are absolutely nailing it:

✅ Mark Kosoglow over at Catalyst Software isn’t just talking sales; he's living it, sharing killer insights and playbooks that have hooked 47K followers. His journey from teen to sales guru? Absolutely inspiring.

✅ Jaimie Buss is redefining sales leadership on LinkedIn. From her deep dives into evolving sales teams to her powerful leadership philosophy, she’s the mentor you wish you had.

✅ And Sam Alkharrat? He’s blending strategy with soul, showcasing his impactful journey in sales and beyond. His engagement with innovation and leadership is the content we’re all here for.

Craving a blueprint for LinkedIn success as a sales leader? Start carving out your own standout path.

Learn from these leaders and others like them here:

The stories you tell on LinkedIn reveal what drives you and what matters to your brand. Are you sharing these three impa...

The stories you tell on LinkedIn reveal what drives you and what matters to your brand. Are you sharing these three impactful stories on your profile?

For more LinkedIn tips, head to

The right LinkedIn strategies can make fundraising easier. Curious about how that works? Join us on June 27 at 12:00 PM ...

The right LinkedIn strategies can make fundraising easier. Curious about how that works? Join us on June 27 at 12:00 PM Eastern time where we'll reveal how to leverage LinkedIn for your fundraising efforts.

You can register for this webinar at

What sets apart the LinkedIn profiles of standout CMOs like these? Aruna Ravichandran uses her LinkedIn profile to share...

What sets apart the LinkedIn profiles of standout CMOs like these?

Aruna Ravichandran uses her LinkedIn profile to share her marketing philosophy, support for women in STEM, and travels, effectively combining professional roles and personal interests to engage her 22,000+ followers.

Denise Vu Broady uses her LinkedIn profile to share her inspiring journey as a refugee turned tech leader, highlighting her contributions to workplace software, AI governance, and board roles, alongside media appearances that underscore her active leadership and recognition in the tech industry.

Jacqueline Woods' LinkedIn profile combines professional accolades and personal insights, highlighting her leadership at Teradata and on boards, enriched by awards and thoughtful reflections.

These visionary marketers go beyond listing achievements; they craft compelling narratives around their leadership, impact, and the accolades that have marked their careers.

It's the perfect blend of showcasing professional prowess, engaging with the community, advocating for meaningful causes, and personal storytelling that brings their unique journeys to life.

For more excellent CMO profiles, visit

The CEO's personal brand is a key driver of company reputation and market value. If you're not using yours strategically...

The CEO's personal brand is a key driver of company reputation and market value. If you're not using yours strategically, you're missing opportunities.

Know someone whose LinkedIn profile needs help?Send them the link to this LinkedIn Live with LinkedIn expert Ann Marie B...

Know someone whose LinkedIn profile needs help?

Send them the link to this LinkedIn Live with LinkedIn expert Ann Marie Beebout.

She will be sharing 5 simple ways to boost your profile’s impact. These tips are so easy to do that they can be done by the time the Live is over.

Event details:
📆 Tuesday, May 21, 2024
🕒 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT

Attendees will leave with a professional and engaging LinkedIn profile that tells their unique story. Perfect for professionals at all levels!

You're at the forefront of innovation and setting trends. But does your LinkedIn showcase the dynamic culture and breakt...

You're at the forefront of innovation and setting trends. But does your LinkedIn showcase the dynamic culture and breakthroughs you're driving?

If you're struggling to keep your online presence as energetic as your company, we can help.

Imagine a service that transforms your achievements and insights into compelling LinkedIn content, effortlessly:

🎯 Efficient Monthly Check-ins to grasp your ongoing achievements.
🎯 Tailored Content Creation that speaks in your true leadership tone.
🎯 Optimal Post Scheduling for peak engagement.

Let's bridge the gap between your real-world achievements and your LinkedIn presence.

Connect with us at

As the leader of your company, your presence on LinkedIn can open doors and draw more eyes to your business. Is your Lin...

As the leader of your company, your presence on LinkedIn can open doors and draw more eyes to your business. Is your LinkedIn strategy built around these four critical tactics?

Are you in the SaaS industry looking to impress potential investors?LinkedIn can be your secret weapon, making you more ...

Are you in the SaaS industry looking to impress potential investors?

LinkedIn can be your secret weapon, making you more findable and educating investors about your business.

Join our upcoming webinar where we'll reveal how to leverage LinkedIn for your fundraising efforts.

Thursday, June 27
12pm ET / 9am PT

Sign up at

Beyond the metrics, a founder's brand drives real-world change and outcomes. It's not about how many 'likes' you get; it...

Beyond the metrics, a founder's brand drives real-world change and outcomes. It's not about how many 'likes' you get; it's about the change you effect. Founders, let's shift the focus!

Gone are the days of 'just being online.' For CEOs, it's about owning your space on LinkedIn with a powerful persona tha...

Gone are the days of 'just being online.' For CEOs, it's about owning your space on LinkedIn with a powerful persona that speaks volumes. Check out how other SaaS CEOs do it and elevate your game!

Be the CEO everyone wants to connect with on LinkedIn. Our free branding guide is your roadmap to higher visibility and ...

Be the CEO everyone wants to connect with on LinkedIn. Our free branding guide is your roadmap to higher visibility and establishing thought leadership. Secure more meetings, gain leverage, and grow your business faster.

Grab your copy at

Who really knows their way around LinkedIn? CMOs and marketing execs, of course!The CMOs and Marketing VPs on our radar ...

Who really knows their way around LinkedIn?

CMOs and marketing execs, of course!

The CMOs and Marketing VPs on our radar are nothing short of LinkedIn wizards. Peek into their profiles and it’s like a mini masterclass in making yourself unmissable and driving real results.

Here's a glimpse into our top picks for 2024:

✅ Dara Treseder: Captivating audiences with her dynamic LinkedIn presence, Dara stands out as a top influencer, sharing personal insights alongside her impressive achievements, including being named #1 in the 50 Most Influential CMOs by Forbes.

✅ Darryl Praill: Darryl pairs a strong visual brand with honest, insightful content, showcasing his journey and impact in marketing with a fresh approach that includes engaging video content for his 18K followers.

✅ Kady Srinivasan: Kady blends professional achievements with personal reflections, highlighting her significant role in three IPOs and offering valuable insights into the marketing world to her 5K followers.

Get more inspirations from the full list. These CMOs are setting the bar sky-high, and there's so much we can learn from them. Check it all out here:

LinkedIn is the go-to for SaaS CEOs who want to network with and communicate with all of their stakeholders.Normally, we...

LinkedIn is the go-to for SaaS CEOs who want to network with and communicate with all of their stakeholders.

Normally, we focus on mid-size SaaS companies. We study what they are doing and look for ways to help the CEOs get the very most out of their LinkedIn presence.

This month, for a change, we took a look at how the CEOs of the largest SaaS companies are using LinkedIn.

We analyzed the posts they made over a three-month period, and categorized them by type.

See what we found out in this article! 👇

Q1 is flying by! Don't let the year slip by without leveling up your LinkedIn game. We've got the inside scoop on buildi...

Q1 is flying by! Don't let the year slip by without leveling up your LinkedIn game. We've got the inside scoop on building a powerful brand, boosting engagement, and what's hot in posts. Don't miss out on making this year your best yet!

Sign up now at

COOs on LinkedIn, like Rose Bentley, Touraj Parang, and Rhian Thompson, are showcasing how operational leadership is abo...

COOs on LinkedIn, like Rose Bentley, Touraj Parang, and Rhian Thompson, are showcasing how operational leadership is about more than just processes—it's about building culture.

From highlighting team achievements to sharing key learnings, the way they use LinkedIn is a playbook on creating environments where innovation thrives.

Draw inspirations from these COOs - check out our Excellent LinkedIn COO Profiles at

LinkedIn can do so much more for you than most SaaS CEOs realize. Want the secret sauce? Our free ebook is packed with t...

LinkedIn can do so much more for you than most SaaS CEOs realize. Want the secret sauce? Our free ebook is packed with tips on how to use LinkedIn as a CEO to make a greater impact.

Download your copy now at

CEOs have transformed LinkedIn into their digital powerhouse as they navigate the fast-paced business world.With each po...

CEOs have transformed LinkedIn into their digital powerhouse as they navigate the fast-paced business world.

With each post, share, and comment, these CEOs are shaping industries and inspiring teams. Their LinkedIn profiles? A masterclass in leadership branding.

We search high and low to bring you the crème de la crème of CEO LinkedIn profiles for 2024. Here’s a sneak peek at the leaders who are absolutely crushing it:

✅ Curtis Northcutt from Cleanlab. His story is not just inspiring; it’s actionable. From rural Kentucky to AI pioneer, he's using LinkedIn to turn heads and open minds. His profile is a playbook on using personal narratives to drive engagement.

✅ Anastasia Volkova, PhD of Regrow Ag isn’t just growing crops; she’s growing connections. Her profile is a blend of personal advocacy and professional wizardry, proving that leaders can wear their causes on their sleeves and still mean business.

✅ Over at CollateralEdge, Joe Beard is blending finance with finesse. His journey from West Point to venture capital isn’t just a story; it’s a strategy session, showing how varied experiences can enrich your leadership and your LinkedIn.

Curious who else is leading the digital charge? Check out our full 2024 list to see how these LinkedIn savvy CEOs are redefining leadership one post at a time.👇

Congratulations to our CEO, Judy Schramm for the LinkedIn's Top Personal Branding Voice award!

Congratulations to our CEO, Judy Schramm for the LinkedIn's
Top Personal Branding Voice award!


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Our Story

ProResource offers executive branding services and coaching for CEOs and executives who want a dynamic and engaging social media presence that allows people to see the depth of their expertise, builds trust, and creates opportunities for quality conversations.

Our SocialVelocity methodology provides:

Power Profile – a carefully crafted LinkedIn profile that impresses people and creates opportunities to engage.

Social Action Plan - the specific steps you need to take to achieve your goals in social media.