The Phoenix

The Phoenix THE PHOENIX is the growth and evolution of REAL Radio.The radio station is the creation of Owner John The most ecectic variety of everything that rocks!

Check in here for all the information about everything happening on Southern Maryland's ONLY COMPLETE ROCK AND ALTERNATIVE radio station! Get weather, local news and entertainment info AS IT HAPPENS in Southern Maryland! For Information on Advertising or sponsorhips, please contact General Manager John Hunt at (240)577-0130. Tell all your friends about THE PHOENIX!! High school football, basketbal

l and more on the way! Listen for the coolest concert ticket and other contest giveaways! Broadcasting LIVE 24/7/365 from the Fat Boys Country Store Studios in Leonardtown with all of the best local music talent stopping by to play LIVE IN STUDIO! Listen for showtimes and details!


I am continuing to feel better each day after spending some time at John's Hopkins and learned about their big study while I was there.
Open your mind and join "John's House" today for the most powerful show that I have ever done about the REALITY of the last two years with Common Sense from 11am-1pm Eastern Time (8am-10am Pacific) on The Phoenix
Wanna know what we are going to talk about?
Here is a preview of the reality from Bill Maher who normally is on the far left..
Again, open your mind and join me LIVE on the show.
Free Speech, from a COMMON SENSE perspective!
As Robin Williams once said, "Wow, reality, what a concept!"
Listen LIVE at

Welcome to a new week!Is it NOVEMBER already?Today I will begin making the big announcements on everything that is going...

Welcome to a new week!
Is it NOVEMBER already?
Today I will begin making the big announcements on everything that is going on with I-News, The Phoenix and "John's House", LIVE on the show. There is so much happening and I appreciate the support of everyone who has been listening so far!
Today LIVE at "John's House" we have a ton to talk about!
Will the guy with mean tweets and small hands be running in 2024, and do you WANT him to?
What is going on with this guy named "Brandon" and why is everyone "cheering" for him?
Can a "Forward" third party survive?
Why is no one laughing at Dave Chapelle anymore?
Why does Aaron Rodgers all of a sudden think he is John Wick?
We've got the topics of the day, music, sports, entertainment and THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS coming between 10am-1pm Eastern Time (7am-10am Pacific) Monday-Friday, exclusively on The Phoenix!!
Bring your ideas and call in to be part of the show!!

"Open your mind and you're A** will follow"... George Clinton

Listen to John's Current Newscasts on I-News from 4am-10:30am Eastern (1am-7:30am Pacific) at
and on over 336 radio stations around the USA.
Listen to "John's House" live from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am Pacific) exclusively (for now😉) at

(Click the player to listen to the show)

Fridays are always crazy but, now that I've finished my I-News shift and "John's House" on The Phoenix it's time for a q...

Fridays are always crazy but, now that I've finished my I-News shift and "John's House" on The Phoenix it's time for a quick guitar lesson before heading to Catoctin High School to call their Homecoming game tonight vs Governor Thomas Johnson High School!!
After all these years, calling HS Football is still a big highlight in my week!! Kickoff is scheduled for 6:30pm Eastern and you can hear the call exclusively at

Happy Friday! "John's House" returns today on The Phoenix. Initially, I intended to take a short break from the show thi...

Happy Friday!
"John's House" returns today on The Phoenix. Initially, I intended to take a short break from the show this week, giving you "best of" shows from the recent past. However, we now are seeing more things that are not being seriously talking about as they are "politically inconvenient" to the current administration.
Can we make some Common Sense of any of this?
1) General Milley decides to defy the previous Commander and Chief (with no punishment)
2) There is now ACTUAL PROOF that Killary set up the entire "Russia Gate" scandal to smear the name of her opponent in the 2016 election. (And to draw attention away from her own email scandal) Will the Lawyer named make it to trial or will he get "Jeffrey Epsteined" and "not" kill himself in prison?
3) Over 10,000 illegal aliens are under a bridge in Texas over the last three days. 1.5 MILLION have been caught crossing the border since Jan 21st (That does not even count the MILLIONS that were NOT caught)
4) Hospitals are in worse shape than ever in trying to keep up with COVID patients. 18 months into the pandemic. If you have a heart attack or car accident, can you even get an ICU bed?
5) Under 600 Far Right "extremists" will have a rally in DC. Will we have another January 6th?
6) Do we need to spend ANOTHER $3.5 TRILLION on things that have nothing to do with "Infrastructure" all in one bill?
7) Are Vaccine Mandates constitutional?
😎 Without defending the prior administration, ARE WE BETTER OFF THAN WE WERE ON JANUARY 21st?
9) Oh, and there is some FOOTBALL!
There you go, plenty to talk about today. I'd love to hear your thoughts...Comment here or join me LIVE from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am Pacific) at

The Phoenix Radio brings you the most eclectic mix of rock radio and talk radio. Not the same 20 songs over and over and not the same "Far Right" or "Far Left" angle on every subject. It's time to Make America Rational Again! Join me in The Middle!

Happy Labor Day...That means labor for me as I am finishing my I-News shift and switching over to the LIVE version of "J...

Happy Labor Day...
That means labor for me as I am finishing my I-News shift and switching over to the LIVE version of "John's House on The Phoenix from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am Pacific)
The first hour is music based then from 11-1 ET we will be talking about the issues that affect all of us today from the CENTER and have some fun in the process!
Plus, YOU can call in and join the show to give your opinions on just about any subject rather than hiding behind your keyboard!
Listen LIVE to The Phoenix at
For I-News Updates 24/7/365 go to

I-News is here to provide quality news and sports programming to our affiliates, maintaining the highest journalistic standards, providing the facts in a truthful and timely manner. Contact us to find out how you can be an affiliate.

It's Monday and "John's House" returns from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am Pacific) on The Phoenix. Music fun for the first ...

It's Monday and "John's House" returns from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am Pacific) on The Phoenix. Music fun for the first hour then the more serious topics begin.
Today's topics include:
The Border Crisis
COVID Response
The Economy
and of course Afghanistan.

Is the honeymoon over?
Forgetting about the former President and just taking these issues with our CURRENT President, how do you HONESTLY think the last seven months have gone so far.
This is NOT a Trump vs Biden thing. Just how has THIS president done. You can leave your thoughts here or join me LIVE on The Phoenix. As a CENTERIST, right now I am seeing Biden attacked by BOTH the "right" and "left". How long will he stay President? Are you ready for "President Kamala"?

All thoughts are welcome here!
You can call in and join me LIVE at

It is a busy Wednesday as "John's House" returns to The Phoenix. The new schedule has me doing the show every Monday, We...

It is a busy Wednesday as "John's House" returns to The Phoenix.
The new schedule has me doing the show every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-1pm Eastern (7am-10am PT).
Today I will have a special tribute to a local musician, Evan Bliss who was taken nine years ago. The music lives on as I will feature his tunes from 10-11am. If you never got to see him live, you are in for a treat.
Then, starting at 11am, we attack the issues of the day from the centerist point of view. Just FACTS and COMMON SENSE. Open your mind and be part of the show! If you'd like to come out from behind your keyboards, you can call in and join the show LIVE!
Starting at 1pm, it's "Wedding Pro Radio" with Rich Leggitt and Abbie Hillis and a brand new "Phoenix Classic Album Of The Week" (on vinyl!) starts at 2pm featuring the first LP I ever bought with my own earned money, "Get The Knack" from 1979.(I also bought "The Cars" that day)
LIVE radio, the way it was meant to be done. Exclusively on The Phoenix at

Good Monday Morning!"John's House" returns today with so much to talk about from 10am-1pm ET (7am-10am PT) on The Phoeni...

Good Monday Morning!
"John's House" returns today with so much to talk about from 10am-1pm ET (7am-10am PT) on The Phoenix !!
The first hour is music based, but the second and third hours we discuss the major news, sports, entertainment and other topics of today. FROM THE CENTER!
Anyone wanna guess what the number one story today is???
It does not matter what side of the aisle you are on, both Republicans AND Democrats plus ALL of the news media (left-CNN/MSNBC and right-Fox/Newsmax) ALL realize what a horribly botched job the current administration has done on the quick withdrawl and the subsequent return of American troops to Afghanistan.
President Biden and his team completely misread their intelligence (or lack thereof) as the Taliban has completely taken over the country. We have spent over two TRILLION dollars over 20 years and lost almost 3,000 American lives and had over 21,000 troops injured battling the same Taliban that hit us almost 20 years ago (September 11, 2001) How can our allies ever trust the word of the USA again...Anyone remember Vietnam?
I'd LOVE to hear YOUR thoughts on the show today!!!
And the "Trump made me do it" excuse is bogus as that excuse has been used over and over since "Adam and Eve and the Apple" (The Devil Made Me Do It)
Join me LIVE today at

Today "John's House" returns on The Phoenix from 10am-1pm ET(7am-10am Pacific). This is a "common sense" look from the C...

Today "John's House" returns on The Phoenix from 10am-1pm ET
(7am-10am Pacific).
This is a "common sense" look from the CENTER about the topics that affect our lives today. The first hour will be music based as we slide to all talk in the second and third hours.
Today's main topics:
Hypocrisy In Today's Government
What Infrastructure REALLY Is
Voting Rights
Is A Balanced Budget Possible/Who Pays For All Of This
Why Cuomo Will Never Face Jail Time
The REAL COVID Numbers
Details On The Growth Of The I-News Radio Network
Music, Guitars, Sports and Funny Stuff Too!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I will bring the latest news updates from the ever growing I-News
at the top and bottom of each hour and will look forward to your phone calls LIVE! (Listen to get call in number)
Join me LIVE today EXCLUSIVELY at
Drop me a line on the website or here to let me know you're listening and I'll give you a big "shout out" on air!
I am also giving away a $25.00 gift certificate to the Phoenix Radio Gift Store so listen to hear how YOU can win!

As I have added a few talented members to the I-News team over the last few weeks, I can start to fully focus on my morn...

As I have added a few talented members to the I-News team over the last few weeks, I can start to fully focus on my morning news shift (5am-10:30am ET). These "newbies" have been doing a stellar job along with the rest of our newscasters!
Now that things have settled down after the changes in staff, the beginning my full ownership of the Network, website updates and my full health after the minor issues with swelling in my chest/heart muscles after the COVID vaccine, I am able to go back to doing the live talk show, "John's House" Starting Wednesday August 11th, from 10am-1pm Eastern (8am-11am Pacific) .
"John's House" will initially air every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The first hour will be music based with the "Most Eclectic Mix Of All That Rocks". The following two hours we will open the phone line and talk about the issues of the day in news, sports, politics, health and whatever else you like from a COMMON SENSE point of view.
Open your mind and join me for a refreshing take on the real topics of our lives.
Plus other awesome shows like, "Wedding Pro Radio" with Rich Leggitt and Abbie Hillis and the coolest "remake" show anywhere, covering songs redone by others by artists like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, David Bowie and more!
And yes, even the return of "The Friday Night Dance Party" and "The Classic Album Of The Week".
See The Website For Showtimes.
Listen LIVE at

A new John Mayer single is out with the full Album "Sob Rock" being released on the 16th. The cuts I have heard so far s...

A new John Mayer single is out with the full Album "Sob Rock" being released on the 16th. The cuts I have heard so far sound a little like 80's Toto meets Eric Clapton...
Here is the first track called "Last Train Home" (w/ Maren Morris) Your thoughts?

“Last Train Home” from John Mayer’s upcoming album ‘Sob Rock’ out now: Visit to learn more & pre-order ‘So...

Happy Monday! Special guests hit the airwaves with me on "John's House" today!At 12 Noon ET (9am PT) it's Fred LeBlanc o...

Happy Monday!
Special guests hit the airwaves with me on "John's House" today!
At 12 Noon ET (9am PT) it's Fred LeBlanc of Cowboy Mouth from New Orleans to talk about the state of the music and concert industry post COVID. Then at 1:00 ET it's Robyn Walensky to chat about media bias and other issues in today's news.
Let's get this week off to a great start!! ✌❤🥁🎤
Join me LIVE from Noon-3pm ET (9am-Noon PT) for "John's House"

Back to the LIVE show today! "John's House" hits the airwaves from 1-3pm ET (10-Noon PT) followed by "Wedding Pro Radio"...

Back to the LIVE show today! "John's House" hits the airwaves from 1-3pm ET (10-Noon PT) followed by "Wedding Pro Radio" with Rich Leggitt and Abbie Hillis starting at 3pm. Plus tons of "The Most Eclectic Mix Of All That Rocks" all throughout the day.
We have so much to chat about LIVE at

Good Monday Morning!As I am a week from my second "Heartaversary" it is time to start the week long celebration with a t...

Good Monday Morning!
As I am a week from my second "Heartaversary" it is time to start the week long celebration with a trip to Cleveland for one of the biggest weeks in my radio career!
I will not have a live show on The Phoenix today as I will be driving to do "John's House" LIVE shows from BOTH the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (Tomorrow from Noon-3pm ET/9am-Noon PT) AND the
Pro Football Hall of Fame (Wednesday from Noon-3pm/ 9am-Noon) with my Brother From Another Mother, Rich Leggitt.
Plus a report from my first pro sporting event since the pandemic started, as we will see the Portland Trail Blazers at Cleveland Cavaliers. Plus a BIG announcement regarding I-News on Friday!
Please click in and listen LIVE at

Halfway through the Work Week on "Women's Wednesday" with all lady musicians throughout the morning!Then, it's "John's H...

Halfway through the Work Week on "Women's Wednesday" with all lady musicians throughout the morning!
Then, it's "John's House" from Noon-3 ET LIVE followed by Rich Leggitt and Abbie Hillis and "Wedding Pro Radio" starting at 3pm.
They have such great ideas on planning YOUR wedding and today the show is about finding the right photographer and so much more!
On "John's House" we'll cover the verdict in the Derek Chauvin case, Freedom of Speech, Equality, Transplant Life, (it's National Donor Month with Donate Life America), Sports, music and so much more from the "Common Sense" perspective. NOT the far left or the ultra conservative right...In the MIDDLE, where the majority of our nation actually lives. NOT the LOUD fringes we seem to hear about daily.
Plus, News updates from I-News and Robyn Walensky at the top and bottom of each hour.
Join me for Common Sense Talk at the place that has The Most Eclectic Mix of All That Rocks!

So Happy It's Thursday!It will be an awesome day on The Phoenix with Triple Play Thursday (three in a row from your fave...

So Happy It's Thursday!
It will be an awesome day on The Phoenix with Triple Play Thursday (three in a row from your fave artists) until Noon ET.
Then it's the important topics of the day on "John's House" with the only "Common Sense" talk about Court Packing, Gun Violence, Education, Equality, Bloated Congressional Bills, The Transplant Life, The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, Entertainment and so much more! We don't shy away from the tougher subjects from Noon-3pm ET (9am-Noon PT)
So, get out from behind your keyboard and add your opinions to a REAL CENTERIST talk show. I'm looking to find the common ground while we dissect issues that actually matter! It's NOT the far right of Fox OR the liberal left of CNN/MSNBC.
You can be part of the show LIVE!
Oh, and I've gotten a copy of the brand new, PRINCE song just released by his estate! You'll hear it today as well!
Then at 3pm ET, it's the "comedy stylings" of The Chris Barnes Comedy Cavalcade as he talks about fun in advertizing!
Turn us on LIVE exclusively at

Today at "John's House" it will be "Two For Tuesday" with tons of music as the city is doing very LOUD work at the sidew...

Today at "John's House" it will be "Two For Tuesday" with tons of music as the city is doing very LOUD work at the sidewalk in front of my studio window. I will break in from time to time with updates whenever they take a break from the noise!
Robyn Walensky will have I-News Updates at the top and bottom of each hour and at 3pm ET it's "The Chris Barnes Comedy Cavalcade"
"John's House" LIVE will return tomorrow from Noon-3PM ET (9am-Noon PT) on The Phoenix at

Halfway through the work week and it's "Women's Wednesday" on The Phoenix with the most eclectic mix of Ladies That Rock...

Halfway through the work week and it's "Women's Wednesday" on The Phoenix with the most eclectic mix of Ladies That Rock from 9am-Noon ET followed by the "Common Sense" talk of "John's House from Noon-3pm ET.
We have so many topics to cover today with Gun Violence, equality, the border crisis, entertainment, sports, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame voting and MORE!!
At 3pm it's the entertaining and informative "Wedding Pro Radio" Episode 4 with Rich Leggitt.
Thanks to everyone who is listening all around the country as well as huge numbers throughout Maryland, as the analytics show me rising amounts of listeners every day! 📻❤🎙💪✌🎤
Join me today LIVE at

While I realize it's Monday, It is a bright sunny day here in Maryland. And we have so much to talk about today at "John...

While I realize it's Monday, It is a bright sunny day here in Maryland. And we have so much to talk about today at "John's House" on The Phoenix!
First, thanks to everyone who has tuned in at as last week we had more listeners than at any time since 2013! "John's House" topped any of its previous listener numbers on any platform for last year in just the last two weeks!
Second, with the help of an amazing team of talented, unbiased and professional newscasters, I-News continues to gain affiliates daily! Thanks to Chris Barnes, Robyn Walensky, Nikki Whaley-Barowski, Bill Bernardoni, Paul Kenneth Burns and Travis Hayer for their hard work and dedication in getting us here. I am go glad to have each of you on my team.
Third, Today on The Phoenix, "John's House" (Noon-3pm ET/9am-Noon PT) will be talking about equality, freedom of speech, COVID numbers (starting to rise again) gun violence/control, education, the NCAA Tournament/Sports, music, and so much more! And, I know it seems hard to believe, we do that from "The Center" with a "Common Sense" approach.
As I work toward national syndication of the show, new and positive things are happening here every day! This is even more proof that you should never give up and if it is something you want badly enough, you can get it done with or without anyone or anything that drags you down.
Fourth, Episode Two of The Phoenix Classic Album (on vinyl) of the Week hits the airwaves at 3pm ET (Noon PT) today with Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run" in it's entirety...
More great news/shows are coming this week, so turn us on and tell a few friends that The Phoenix is truly "the Most Eclectic Mix Of All That Rocks" with common sense talk! 🎙❤✌💪📻
It's perfectly clear sound, no "glitches".
Listen LIVE anywhere at

Today on The Phoenix it's "Women's Wednesday" as we play all songs by women lead singers until "John's House" starts at ...

Today on The Phoenix it's "Women's Wednesday" as we play all songs by women lead singers until "John's House" starts at Noon ET, (9am PT) and runs until 3pm (Noon PT). Then at 3pm ET give a listen to Rich Leggitt, on "Wedding Pro Radio".
"John's House" has so much to go over including immigration problems at the border, gun violence/control, COVID spikes (again?), equality, music, entertainment, transplant life and so much more...
Plus, check out the cool Phoenix merch on the website!
Want "Common Sense" talk and great music? 🎙✌😎📻❤
There is ONLY one place... it's at

This is from Wolf Van Halen's Instagram page as the Grammy Awards showed absolutely ZERO respect for his dad as he was o...

This is from Wolf Van Halen's Instagram page as the Grammy Awards showed absolutely ZERO respect for his dad as he was one of the greatest of all time.
Normally, when someone dies in the music industry, they are paid respects on the show.
I guess "Wet Ass Kitties" are allowed but, you are not included if you are an all star rocker!! No wonder The Grammys had the LOWEST RATINGS in their HISTORY!
The GRAMMYS asked me to play Eruption for the ‘In Memoriam’ section and I declined. I don’t think anyone could have lived up to what my father did for music but himself.
It was my understanding that there would be an ‘In Memoriam’ section where bits of songs were performed for legendary artists that had passed. I didn’t realize that they would only show Pop for 15 seconds in the middle of 4 full performances for others we had lost.
What hurt the most was that he wasn’t even mentioned when they talked about artists we lost in the beginning of the show. I know rock isn’t the most popular genre right now, (and the academy does seem a bit out of touch) but I think it’s impossible to ignore the legacy my father left on the instrument, the world of rock, and music in general. There will never be another innovator like him.
I’m not looking to start some kind of hate parade here, I just wanted to explain my side. I know Pop would probably just laugh it off and say “Ehh who gives a sh*t?” He was only about the music anyway. The rest didn’t matter.
I’d love to get the opportunity to speak with The Recording Academy not only about the legacy of my father, but the legacy of the Rock genre moving forward.
Thank you.

Welcome to the working week...The Phoenix rocks with great tunes all morning, then it's "John's House" with many new top...

Welcome to the working week...
The Phoenix rocks with great tunes all morning, then it's "John's House" with many new topics from Noon-3pm ET (9am-Noon PT).
Today at 3pm ET (Noon PT) begins a brand new feature as we introduce "The Phoenix Classic Album Of The Week". Episode one is Jeff Buckley's "Grace".
We will introduce the Monday feature vinyl (yes, from the vinyl!) and then play "Side One" in it's entirety followed by a little info on the artist while I flip the album over and then give you the complete "Side Two" without interruption!
Upcoming Albums include "Wings at The Speed Of Sound", Springsteen's "Born To Run/Greetings From Asbury Park", Rush's "2112" The Police's "Synchronicity", Bowie's "Alladin Sane", Lenny Kravitz "Let Love Rule" and many more until you have my top 52 Albums!
Clear sound, no glitches, and the most eclectic mix of all that rocks! Exclusively at

Happy Friday! The LIVE version of "John's House" has hit the airwaves!! Listen LIVE until 3pm ET (Noon PT) as we discuss...

Happy Friday!
The LIVE version of "John's House" has hit the airwaves!! Listen LIVE until 3pm ET (Noon PT) as we discuss COVID relief, when YOU will get YOUR checks, new gun laws, raising the minimum WAGE, cancel culture, transplant life, entertainment. sports and so much more!!
Let's have some fun! Listen anywhere at

Today edition "John's House" on The Phoenix will begin at it's initially scheduled time from 12 Noon ET (9am PT) to 3pm ...

Today edition "John's House" on The Phoenix will begin at it's initially scheduled time from 12 Noon ET (9am PT) to 3pm ET (Noon PT).
We will talk about the events of the day, get you news updates hopefully from a "Centerist' and "Common Sense" point of view. We'll have some fun and also talk about entertainment, sports and music on this, the one year anniversary of us being in a "Pandemic".
Are we ready to swing the doors open at 100% capacity and have life start heading back to "Normal" again?
At 3pm ET it's the fun second edition of the "Chris Barnes Comedy Cavalcade"
Thanks to everyone who has tuned in so far at
We've had no sound issues or glitches with this new platform! The instant analytics have shown listeners in at least Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West VA, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington and even Toronto Canada!
Everyone is welcome at "John's House" so join the discussion LIVE from Noon ET- 3pm ET!!

Today is a new day in the Heart Transplant Journey as I get my first post Heart Transplant procedures at the great Johns...

Today is a new day in the Heart Transplant Journey as I get my first post Heart Transplant procedures at the great Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore.
Thanks again for getting me this far to the amazing team at the University of Washington Hospital Center in Seattle.
Today it is a heart biopsy plus a right and left heart cath. This is the first time I have had all three done in the same day so, it should be interesting. This is also a big test for the heart and arteries as this has been the longest amount of time since the last biopsy (Sept 2020) and they are watching a small potential blockage to see if it will be an issue in the future.
On The Phoenix, it still is "Triple Play Thursday" plus, I am bringing back the "Heartaversary" show from the one year anniversary of the Transplant with many special guests from Noon-4pm ET (9am-1pm PT) I will be back LIVE tomorrow with "John's House!
Listen at

Today on The Phoenix we have much to talk about as "John's House" goes LIVE again from 11am-3pm ET (8am-Noon PT).Today w...

Today on The Phoenix we have much to talk about as "John's House" goes LIVE again from 11am-3pm ET (8am-Noon PT).
Today we will talk about "Cancel Culture"- Has it gone too far?
(Grease, Dr Seuss, Curious George, Mr. Potato Head and more...)
How many "Executive Orders" are too many? Raising the minimum wage. Equality for all. Will the same rules apply to NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo as other politicians? And we will look at these issues and so much more from THE CENTER view. Let's work together on finding the "Common Ground". Bringing you FACTS and not bias.
Plus, we'll have fun with sports, music, entertainment and more!
Oh, and there is a cool new merch store on the site where you can get exclusive Phoenix and other items!
Today's (Wednesday) Schedule:
7am-9am ET (4am-6am PT) "The Organic Buzz"
9am-10:00am ET (6am-7:15am PT) "The Sting Special"
10-10:40am ET (7-7:40am PT) Bowie Break
10:40-11am ET (7:40-8am PT) Book Interview with Robyn Walensky
11am-3pm ET (8am-Noon PT) "John's House LIVE"
3-4 pm ET (Noon-1pm PT) "Wedding Pro Radio w/ Rich Leggitt
4-6pm ET (1-3pm PT) "The Van Halen Special"
6-8pm ET (3-5pm PT) "The Organic Buzz"
Listen LIVE at
and then click the player at the top of the page to LISTEN LIVE!


Frederick, MD


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The Phoenix Story 2019

This radio station is the culmination of forty years of radio experience doing everything from part time DJ at a tiny AM radio station in Southern Maryland to managing radio “clusters” and finally ownership of a radio station on the South Coast of Oregon in 2015.

My death (yes, I died and was brought back TWICE) and later my Heart Transplant in May 2019, led to the rising once again of my most fun radio project, The Phoenix! We have a great team of announcers as well as my trademark “Most Eclectic Mix Of All That Rocks.” You can listen anytime, and anywhere as we are WORLDWIDE at

A Phone app and podcasting are coming soon. Plus, if YOU have an idea for your own show, please contact me now at [email protected]

More information will be coming soon so check in to get all the details!

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