Citizen Doug Productions

Citizen Doug Productions Sound services for your project! Video, Film, Radio,Music. Location, Broadcast and Post. Emmy winnin

Citizen Doug Productions provides turnkey sound design, location recording, mixing and post sound services for Film, Video, Radio, Theatre, Music, Television and Events as well as digital mastering and editing services .

About six months ago, I got to do a cool podcast. About 53 minutes in, during the Q&A, the knowledge gets dropped about ...

About six months ago, I got to do a cool podcast. About 53 minutes in, during the Q&A, the knowledge gets dropped about the value of podcasting.

Thanks to James Willis for the referral to mix in Austin when The Pivot Podcast met All The Smoke during AfroTech 2023. Doug Robertson and Citizen Doug Productions provided PA, Lectrosonics wireless, and recording for this live audience podcast with multicamera video. The event was catered by Trill....

The new rig finally got its first townhall today

The new rig finally got its first townhall today

Revisiting a Megolomedia moment. Might have been my first gig with them.

Revisiting a Megolomedia moment. Might have been my first gig with them.

The 100th episode is always a milestone, even though it was my first and all I did was the mansion scenes. Doug Robertson was the sound mixer for the Shipping Wars Season 7 episode 20 "Marc and Jenn's Munsters Mission" by Megalomedia on A&E Originals.It was great working with Butch Patrick and Pat P...

I got a sticker

I got a sticker

Christopher S. Johnson-FilmEditor reminded me that he recommended me for HRH Charles III documentary titled Harmony. Had...

Christopher S. Johnson-FilmEditor reminded me that he recommended me for HRH Charles III documentary titled Harmony. Had an amazing adventure in Kinder LA recording the harvest of sustainably farmed grains. Thanks Chris for sharing work that makes a difference.

Location Sound Services in Kinder, LA provided by Citizen Doug Productions. The subject was Kurt Unkel of Cajun Grains a farmer of sustainably raised rice on his family’s land in Kinder, LA. I cannot recommend his grains more highly and encourage contact with this model of American farming. Thanks...

Douglas Robertson of Citizen Doug Productions demonstrates the connection of a studiologic SL MIXFACE to a Sound Devices 888. This video is a right out of the box example of just how easy, and cheap it is to use this controller with the 8 series. The opposite of an expert demonstration, this is only...

Field repair (see illustration)

Field repair (see illustration)

New OrcaBags 32 build

New OrcaBags 32 build

The MTP60 is a leap forward for the legendary line of Wisycom transmitters. Wide band transmission range 470-1500 MHz, built in 32 bit timecode audio recorder, and super quiet preamp that goes from instrument to line level with 48V phantom. And the implementation of Bluetooth real time control of ke...


Bench testing and programming for an upcoming big webcast


Excited to reveal the new combo available now. lol!


Doug Robertson shared a post on Instagram: "Excited to reveal the new combo available now. lol! ". Follow their account to see 1765 posts.


First self made timecode cable for and Not an easy build. And not very available retail. But it works!

Webcasting today on my newish   enabled rig.

Webcasting today on my newish enabled rig.

We have 20 Listen Technologies LR 400 and LR 500 belt clip receivers with a 16 slot charging case. Transmitters include Comteck BST-75, Listen Technologies LT 800 and Listen Technologies LT 700. We have 10 LA 166 Neck Loops with several forms of headset mics, headphones, earphones and and earbuds. T...

Working on the website. The last couple of years had an effect on how stuff came out. This series for Champion Energy by...

Working on the website. The last couple of years had an effect on how stuff came out. This series for Champion Energy by Moffett Productions had to wait for fans to return to the stands. I'm glad I remembered to look back a bit because Bregman is great to work with. I got to swing his bat. I was amazed that even a nerd like me could tell that was a very nice batt.

On a bright, crisp winter day, I got to record Alex Bregman running around my childhood neighborhood of the The Heights, Houston, Texas. Moffett Productions was the creative for this Champion Energ…


Houston, TX


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