GHOSTFRIEND "Connect 2 Source"



Sur fond de drame shakespearien revisitĂ© dans les quartiers ‘chauds’ de Marseille, le rĂ©alisateur Jean-Bernard Marlin s’offre un mĂ©lange...

Ladies, gents and Ghostfriends đŸ–€We are so proud to finally be able to share what Krister Linder has been crafting in sec...

Ladies, gents and Ghostfriends đŸ–€

We are so proud to finally be able to share what Krister Linder has been crafting in secret this last year, and present to you his soundtrack for French director Jean-Bernard's epic feature film "SALEM."

As your composer, he'd love for you to approach this work in its entirety, as an album. Because just like the movie, the soundtrack starts in everyday life, only to drastically deepen over time..

Each title depicts the soul of a scene in the film, and is an intentionally placed piece of a puzzle.

Let us also assure you that all the music is NON-AI, and instead human, rare & authentically flawed.

Hope you like it.
(Album link below in the Comments.)

In a darkening world on the brink of extinction I do the only thing I know:   Sing in the face of death songs of eternal...

In a darkening world
on the brink of extinction
I do the only thing I know:
Sing in the face of death
songs of eternal life. đŸ–€


On the 11th of August K joined forces with friends Amit Sen and producer / DJ 'I Awake' to perform a personal interpretation of Louis Armstrong's timeless so...


Tarik Saleh’s “Cairo Conspiracy,” which is representing Sweden in the Oscar race, has become France’s biggest (non-English) foreign-language hit since B**g Joon Ho’s &

"Älskade Jordlingar, musikĂ€lskare och speciellt vinyl-vurmare:  Har förstĂ„tt att det idag Ă€r vinylskivans dag! Och dĂ„ Ă€r...

"Älskade Jordlingar, musikĂ€lskare och speciellt vinyl-vurmare:
Har förstÄtt att det idag Àr vinylskivans dag! Och dÄ Àr det ju passande att göra er med en skivtallrik uppmÀrksamma pÄ att mitt album "Across the Never" finns tillgÀngligt i ett frodigt dubbelutvik med tvÄ svarta vinyler av högsta och tyngsta kvalitet. Minns inte pÄ rak arm hur mycket var och en av kakorna vÀger, men minns att jag hos skivfabriken valde mesta möjliga gram och bÀsta kvalitet pÄ precis allt (sÄklart). Inget annat anstÄr en superkuf och lustnörd.
Hoppas den smakar" đŸ–€


Of all the holidays, the Midwinter Solstice may in some ways be the most magical one. Besides being celebrated in innume...

Of all the holidays, the Midwinter Solstice may in some ways be the most magical one. Besides being celebrated in innumerable traditions, transcending both geographical and cultural barriers, it also happens to symbolize something far greater than the darkest night of the year.

On this auspicious day magicians and shamans from all over the world contemplate the very rebirth of the divine, deathless and ineffable Light.

Whoever you are and wherever you may find yourself;
whatever your struggles, trials and tribulations - Happy Solstice! May the Light be reborn strong in you. And may your mind and heart be transparent enough to let it shine through. đŸ–€

We perceive existence through the five senses. Without them, we'd be like blank brains in black boxes. All our perceptio...

We perceive existence through the five senses. Without them, we'd be like blank brains in black boxes. All our perception of reality relies on these five sense portals into our consciousness. They constantly report on everything we encounter. But the perhaps most vital of these senses may also be the one we least credit: smell.

In the natural and animal realm, smell is no small thing. Innumerable lifeforms rely heavily on smell to understand their surroundings, avert dangers, remember where they've been, track a suitable mate etc.

Besides informing us on factual data, smell can also be a mysterious and intuitive sense, revealing things to us that we have no language for, and yet somehow know deep within our soul.

I'm not gonna go on at length about the strangeness that might occur from living in an era where we've gotten used to constantly masking and altering our true scent with all kinds of industrially mass produced and branded products. And I'm gonna leave to the imagination the problems that might arise from bringing someone home with us, perhaps from a smokey bar or club, without having had a chance to pick up on their scent.

But in magick a certain auspicious, scented oil has a most sacred role. It's one of the most pristine and holy things on one's altar and in one's workings.

When British television broadcasted the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II, the one part that wasn't shown on TV and was strictly kept away from the public, was her anointment with the holy oil. Why? Because this is beyond the pomp and formalities of ritualistic glamour, and operates in the realm of the sacred.

The old recipe for the holy oil dates all the way back to the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament. It's attributed to Moses himself. But since then, variants and simplifications have emerged. And as with all things magickal, there's no right or wrong way... as long as it works.

And over the years I've noticed that the modern, revised way of making the holy oil doesn't really work for me. Instead of making it from the original plants and spices, the newer variants use a mix of essential oils instead. And this results in a more concentrated potion, which sure smells lovely and is quicker to make. But it also tends to get so strong that it burns the skin and leaves a hot rash lasting for days.

So almost immediately after moving to the country, I set out to explore one of the old ways of making the oil. It's not the only old way, of course, but a variant based on the original plants and spices that takes at least six months to make. đŸ–€

★ Please note that none of the above, nor anything in my previous posts, is intended for meddling with the free Will of others, manipulating the fate of the world or the conjuring of spirits. All magick mentioned here is solemnly for the purpose of shifting ones own consciousness and nothing else. ★........................................................................................

Even after crafting, purification and consecration, the wood you've chosen for your wand has its own properties. Never f...

Even after crafting, purification and consecration, the wood you've chosen for your wand has its own properties. Never forget that a tree is not merely a "material;" it's a living, breathing, growing, evolving thing. Some wouldn't even hesitate to call it a being. Indigenous cultures all over the world attribute spirits and deity's to plants. They reach for the Sun, has offspring and even provide essential oxygen for the rest of the ecosystem that we live off.

Plant life is the basis for our life. And this is not "New Age" at all. On the contrary, it's not even ancient wisdom - it's science. Trees had to come before we could live here. They make life for every breathing thing possible. We simply wouldn't exist without their generous contribution to the life supporting space ship we've come to call our home.

And I'm not coming from a "save the planet" angle here. What I aim to underline is the living, spirited being-aspect of trees, and how this is taken into consideration when crafting ones wand.
It's not just a "material."

Now, just like any other breeds or races, trees come in all different temperaments, characters and qualities. The vegetable queendom is an endless matrix of personalities and energies just like the oceans are brimming with strange beings and curious lifeforms for which we haven't even names for.

Some trees and woods may have lots of esoteric stuff written about them. Others not so much. But whatever the case, the most important thing when choosing the wood for one's wand is to feel affectionately drawn to it. Or empowered by it. Or that it somehow crosses our path in a way that obviously presents itself as an offering.

To sense this requires some gut feeling. Again: true magick is far more intuitive than intellectual.

In Britain there's a family who's been wand makers for 16 generations(!) Let that sink in a bit. There's a British family, today consisting of two brothers, who's been making wands for magicians for SIXTEEN GENERATIONS.

What does that even look like?
"Well, I make wands. And my parents made a living making wands. And their parents before them made a living making wands. And their parents before them..." and so on for sixteen whole generations. Incredible.

And when asked how they do it, the brothers explain how they walk in the forests on certain nights of the year, and the trees themselves let them know which branches to take, at what dates they'll be ready for the taking, and what their properties and powers will be. Sometimes the trees even give instructions on what the future owner of the wand should be like.

I must admit that for my own wand I haven't spoken to the trees personally. But I have at times been gifted woods for pieces that have come to me in strange and beautiful ways.

This picture will be the last in this little series about my summer's wand crafting. Because for now, this faithful and loyal instrument deserves to enjoy the peace and quiet away from social media.
Thanks for now. Peace, Love and Spirit đŸ–€

★ Please note that none of the above, nor anything in my previous posts, is intended for meddling with the free Will of others, manipulating the fate of the world or the conjuring of spirits. All magick mentioned here is solemnly for the purpose of shifting ones own consciousness and nothing else. ★

Once the instrument is carefully crafted, purified and all unwanted influences have been removed, it’s time to consecrat...

Once the instrument is carefully crafted, purified and all unwanted influences have been removed, it’s time to consecrate it.

Consecration is in essence the process of marrying the tool with its intended purpose. It charges the object with whatever energy it’s supposed to wield. It bestows upon the tool the vocation and power that will from now on be its office and area of expertise.

Again, depending on the object itself and the culture and tradition, there are innumerable ways to consecrate ones ritual tools. But in this case, just like the purification, it’s done with a specific choice of incense bath, combined with a focused intention, and carefully chosen words spoken out loud.

Every word is repeated with intense presence and massaged into the object until every atom in it has “heard” the vibrations of ones voiced intent.

After consecration the object is swept in a protective cloth and stored away to shield it from unwanted ambient energies. To preserve its power and purpose, it’s from now on only exposed at times when it makes sense.

Both purification and consecration can be repeated and reinforced whenever needed. The need for this may be intuitive or scheduled, depending on what works best for the owner.

Some make sure to cleanse and consecrate before or after each use. Some do both. But routinely, full moon is a great time to unwrap and take some extra care of one’s instruments. đŸ–€

★ Please note that none of the above or in my previous posts is intended for meddling with the free Will of others, manipulation of the fate of the world or conjuring of spirits. All magick mentioned here is solemnly for the purpose of shifting ones own consciousness and nothing else. ★

When we wash ourselves we don't just remove physical dirt. Often we also cleanse to reset the vibe. It's not just a phys...

When we wash ourselves we don't just remove physical dirt. Often we also cleanse to reset the vibe. It's not just a physical purification, but an energetic one as well. We don't just remove toxins from the surface layers of our skin, but also rinse away any unwanted influences from our aura.

Anyone who's taken a shower or bath just to reset their mood, let go of the old and prepare for the new knows this to be true. And how is this energy reset done? Simply by "ritualizing" ones Will and intent; i.e. combining a symbolic action with an intended purpose.

In the same way, purification of ones ritual instruments is not so much about removing physical dirt. The purging of unwanted influences and reset of energy is vitally important, whether the instruments are bought or self made.

Perhaps they've been traveling the world in a box, changing hands when crossing country borders, sitting on some shelf in a busy postal office before finally reaching your mailbox.

Or you may have listened to the news on the radio while crafting your wand, and perhaps had an unrelated conversation with someone on the phone while letting your hands carve that very vibe into your piece of wood.

Did you know that nowadays science can even retrieve bits of conversations from a piece of wood from an old table that people used to sit around and chat? If spoken words can be stored in an old table, what else is then "remembered" by the wood?

Some of us may at some point have entered a room where an argument just took place before our arrival. And even if it's now quiet and all the guests have left, we still sense the heavy weight and dense vibe in the air. Without knowing why, we probably intuitively walk right over to open a window and let in some fresh air.

Depending on the tool itself, and the tradition and season, there are innumerable ways to purify ones ritual instruments. But in this case it's done with a series of incense baths over hot charcoal, combined with calm presence, focused concentration and specific intent.

Besides having done ones best to remain calm and focused while crafting the tool, the purification is the next important step to prepare the instrument for future use.

And even if the world still dismisses esoteric matters as fancy fantasies, the modern magician takes spiritual hygiene just as seriously as physical cleanliness. If not more. Because if dirt first gets to gather in the upper realms, it's sure to trickle down into the lower... đŸ–€


★ Premieres in Swedish cinemas today. A documentary about the dark marriage of the (so called) defense industry, artificial intelligence and the foot soldiers in between. Directed by David Herdies and Georg Götmark. Music by Krister Linder. đŸ–€

When possible, crafting ones own ritual tools is far superior to buying them in a store or ordering them online. When ma...

When possible, crafting ones own ritual tools is far superior to buying them in a store or ordering them online. When making your own tools, they truly become an extension of yourself.

In a way, it also turns the magician into the midwife of his/her own instruments; seeing their potential, bringing them forth from the dross, transforming, refining and birthing them into this world and truly becoming their master.

With intentional focus and hands-on contact the object is massaged into form and charged with the intent, love and spirit of its maker. Its potency and power grows one touch at a time.

The process is a loving but quiet dialogue between master and servant, resulting in a deeper bond than anything bought from a shop can offer. đŸ–€

The modern magician isn't crippled by dependency upon stuff and gear. He/she knows that the Source and Force is within, ...

The modern magician isn't crippled by dependency upon stuff and gear. He/she knows that the Source and Force is within, and can thus cause any desired change by mere virtue of focused intent.

But sometimes the use of instruments can help setting the vibe, focus the Force and thus boost the effects when 'ritualizing' our intent. This way instruments may actually add potency and power to the workings at hand.

For example, why is it that when we intend to change our life in some pivotal way - like conquering a change of habits, causing a shift in attitude or set a new direction for our future - why then do we often swear this in a New Years resolution? Why isn't any old Tuesday just as good?

Some may definitely have the power to quit smoking or drinking on a Tuesday, but often we need the extra significance of that special date, that special place, that special moment in order to add a kind of sacredness and power to our decision.

Some of us may not even take a Tuesday's promise seriously, whereas we wouldn't drop the ball as easily on something vowed on a special eve. So we often save these big trigger moments for auspicious dates. Because deep down we know that we need that extra little drama to boost the power behind our intent.

And it's the same thing with gear and paraphernalia in modern magick: we dress up for the occasion, maybe choose a perfect phase of the moon for our work, pick the right herbs to burn as incense and wield the appropriate tools to represent our intent.

In the Western Esoteric Tradition the wand generally represents ones Will power. This Will may be expressed and manifest as anything from a raw and untamed flame of passion, to a refined and sublime drive and fuel to our conscious intent, or even the sacred fire of ones highest, divine calling. All this and anything in between.

This summer I got my hands on a piece of 6.000 years old Irish Bog Oak. Time to make a wand. đŸ–€

(Please note that in this little musing, magick is deliberately  spelled with a "k" to set it apart from the sleight of ...

(Please note that in this little musing, magick is deliberately spelled with a "k" to set it apart from the sleight of hand stage magic of illusionists.)

★ One of the widespread definitions of magick, established by the late and infamous magician Aleister Crowley, is that it’s ”the science and art to cause changes to occur in conformity with ones Will.” And the brilliant occultist Dion Fortune added that these changes didn’t need to occur in the exterior, but that it sufficed to cause changes in consciousness* in conformity with ones Will. This means that every single trick we do to deliberately shift our mood, change our vibe, create art, write a song, get a job, manifest a house, please a spouse, make intentional babies etc. falls into the category of magick.

Now, I'm no particular fan of Crowley's. Instead I find myself resonating more with other, contemporary practitioners. And today's modern occultists divide magick into subcategories such as Low Magick and High Magick, where the former includes anything we do to affect our life situation, like getting stuff or attracting fortunate circumstances to get ahead in the world or even just survive the day. And the latter, High Magick, is solemnly concerned with working on oneself, with the ultimate goal of conscious* union with Source/Divinity.

So, at a closer look, these definitions render pretty much every act we do with deliberation and purpose as acts of magick.
Now, some of us may read this and think that the only magick we personally care for is being a Light of Love in this mad world. And I absolutely agree. But the tricky thing is that we cannot deliberately choose* to function as a Light of Love unless we’ve acquired reasonable insight into our dark side; what Jung would call the Shadow.

Being willfully stable as Light and Love is no fluffy, rosy petaled thing. Becoming a true “Light Worker” requires a whole lot of facing ones own blind spots and darkness. And pretending like ones sh*t don’t stink simply won’t cut it. I know because I used to do that for years. I did everything to deny the darkness within. And it didn’t get me anywhere closer to Truth. Only when I got willing to actually WORK with my crap could I begin to grapple with how to better choose* Light and serve* Love. Doing my own inner shadow work was the only way to understand not only the darkness within myself, but also (to some degree) the darkness in “others.”

And this work* is ongoing. It’s never done. Wise ones pay constant attention. Even the most elevated masters stay vigilant 'til their very last breath, lest they slack off and slip down the slope in an almost weightless fall from grace...

Photo of Krister Linder by Isabella Hondo

"...The minute one begins to walk a magical path and starts to interact and influence the 'tuning fork of the universe,'...

"...The minute one begins to walk a magical path and starts to interact and influence the 'tuning fork of the universe,' one takes on the responsibility of justice/karma. Why? Because a magical action has consequence, and you bear responsibility for that. It is also important to understand that when you step properly onto a magical path, fate and cause and effect come into very sharp, fast focus..." đŸ–€
Quote from The Magical Knowledge Trilogy
by Josephine McCarthy / TaDehent Books

Yummy grit and grease straight outta Casa La Kuf kitchen. Unleash the weekend ♄

Yummy grit and grease straight outta Casa La Kuf kitchen.
Unleash the weekend ♄

Moist's track "Hearts Burn Slow" cut, mixed and fried by Krister Linder at Casa La Kuf, VĂ€rmland / Sweden. Preorder the 180 vinyl edition with remixes from T...


New York, NY


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