Little gift surprise to my beautiful wifey
Little gift surprise to my beautiful wifey
God is over everything I have forgiven Nneoma and Adanna my sisters in-law
God is over everything I have forgiven Nneoma and Adanna my sisters in-law
God bless my father in-law as he unites I and my husband again… peace at last
God bless my father in-law as he unites I and my husband again… peace at last
My husband got the sh0ck advice of his l!fe from my father inlaw for peace to be rest0red back in my marr!age
My husband got the sh0ck advice of his l!fe from my father inlaw for peace to be rest0red back in my marr!age
I don’t think my father in-law his Justice is fair
I don’t think my father in-law his Justice is fair
My father in-law couldn’t control his emotions as he tear up
In the village with my father inlaw and mother inlaw what they said it’s obvious and unacceptable to me
On my way to the village to see my father inlaw as are my about to leave
The truth is I’m ready to leave my márriage and my husband most share what ever we made together 60/40
The truth is I’m ready to leave my márriage and my husband most share what ever we made together 60/40
En0ugh of the humil!ation I hà ve bèèn patient and I can’t it anymorè
En0ugh of the humil!ation I hà ve bèèn patient and I can’t it anymorè
Joy withdraw my 2.8 million naira from account she most refund my money
Joy withdraw my 2.8 million naira from account
My sister couldn’t hold herself on what I’m facing in my márriage
My sister couldn’t hold herself on what I’m facing in my márriage
What a l!fe you for all0wing y0ur f@mily to take ádvant@ge of your m@rriagé..,,, what a sh@meléss m@n
What a l!fe you for all0wing y0ur f@mily to take ádvant@ge of your m@rriagé..,,, what a sh@meléss m@n
It’s obvious that Nneoma my sister in-law is ev!l and sweéar nevèr to see me happy in my márriage
It’s obvious that Nneoma my sister in-law is ev!l and sweéar nevèr to see me happy in my márriage
I don’t like the fact my sister disrèspèct my hùsband
I couldn’t hold my self to tèarup the moment I begged my husband eldest sister for pèacè
I couldn’t hold my self to tèarup the moment I begged my husband eldest sister for pèacè
The woman of God gave prophecy about what is happening in my márriage
The woman of God gave prophecy about what is happening in my márriage
He g0t the sh0ck of his l!fe
He g0t the sh0ck of his l!fe
He cán’t c0n!inue d!srespéct!ng mé and my fámily… Uoness D0 the néedful and sétmé frée
He cán’t c0n!inue d!srespéct!ng mé and my fámily… Uoness D0 the néedful and sétmé frée
What my sister in-law did
What my sister in-law did