Jeanne's Journal

Jeanne's Journal New Hampshire happenings put into national & global context .

GAVIN NEWSOM & STACY ABRAMS. Let's give people a positive choice, not just a block-Trump vote. Biden is a pillar of the ...

GAVIN NEWSOM & STACY ABRAMS. Let's give people a positive choice, not just a block-Trump vote. Biden is a pillar of the nation whose team has revived our country, supported minorities, tamped down inflation despite corporate profiteering, and kept our economy strong. But he'll become ever more embarrassingly decrepit if he doesn't retire. , , ,

ABC's "The View" talker Joy Behar floated a fantasy of a Gavin Newsom-Stacy Abrams 2024 presidential ticket on Tuesday, predicting that it would be a good ticket as long as the former president is not in prison.

IN CROYDON, NH THEY CLOSED THE POLICE DEPT. & TRIED TO FIRE ALL THE TEACHERS. What do they have planned for your town? G...

IN CROYDON, NH THEY CLOSED THE POLICE DEPT. & TRIED TO FIRE ALL THE TEACHERS. What do they have planned for your town? GSM 9-Minute News Source: What's Really Happening in NH via

We all love New Hampshire. But how many realize that the state has been targeted for takeover? Behind the harmless homesteaders and the crypto hackers lured ...


RICHMOND — A local religious organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center deems a hate group runs one of more than 800 educational programs approved for New Hampshire’s school voucher


THE BUDGET MESS THEY'RE LEAVING US. NH has a full tank of fiscal gas, but we're headed down a rocky slope. The next administration -- and NH residents -- are not in for a smooth ride. More:

CAN WE TAMP DOWN THE ANGER? Will we deploy our ape coping behaviors or end up like rat colonies that collapse despite mo...

CAN WE TAMP DOWN THE ANGER? Will we deploy our ape coping behaviors or end up like rat colonies that collapse despite more than adequate resources? Read in "Saving Humankind-ness: How to keep cockroaches and computers from inheriting the Earth":

Promo for the Libertarian National Convention, starting May 23rd.

Promo for the Libertarian National Convention, starting May 23rd.

94 NEW HAMPSHIRE POLITICIANS joined the Hazlitt Coalition, hoping to receive funding from its libertarian "Young Americans for Liberty" PAC. This is the promotion for the national Libertarian Party convention, starting next Thursday. The Young Americans PAC is an offshoot of Libertarian Ron Paul's campaign for President back in 2012. His son Rand is a strong supporter of Donald Trump.


Explore this post and more from the newhampshire community


In our state the divisive dark money is being funneled through Texas-based Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). Last cycle they invested tens of thousand dollars to unseat moderate Republicans like Brodie Deshaies from Wolfeboro.

What can you do about the millions to NH coming from Texas Young Americans for Liberty and other groups to buy the legis...

What can you do about the millions to NH coming from Texas Young Americans for Liberty and other groups to buy the legislature and turn NH into a Free Stater Libertarian Homeland? Read this month's newsletter:

LAST SATURDAY AT THE NH LIBERTY FORUM they handed out this book to every attendee. On page 127 it explains that unfetter...

LAST SATURDAY AT THE NH LIBERTY FORUM they handed out this book to every attendee. On page 127 it explains that unfettered libertarian capitalism collapses into totalitarianism. Thank you so much! It's so helpful to have you explaining that to your members. I hope now that they will stop trying to dismantle democracy to turn NH into their Libertarian Homeland.😊


Thanks so much for your help in accurately reporting on anti-democracy extremists running for office in our towns and state. These include members of groups trying to: limit election participation, thwart rule-of-law, encourage rule by dictatorship or theocracy, or dismantle the institutions of demo...

MURDER IS JUST A SIDESHOW in the Free Staters attempted takeover of New Hampshire. (They helped a family move in to Berl...

MURDER IS JUST A SIDESHOW in the Free Staters attempted takeover of New Hampshire. (They helped a family move in to Berlin. The man murdered his wife days later.) What they want to do to the rest of us is privatize our parks, schools, ski hills, town services and anything else a commercial company doesn't profit from. Also, remove clean and water regs. And more. Watch it here:

94 NH legislators work for Koch Industries instead of the people of NH. They dominate the national group  being trained ...

94 NH legislators work for Koch Industries instead of the people of NH. They dominate the national group being trained to sell dismantling of environmental protection, public education & other institutions of democracy as "liberty." Can you find your state rep here?
NH Kevin Avard State Senate
NH Kimberly Abare State House
NH Keith Ammon State House
NH Aidan Ankarberg State House
NH Judy Aron State House
NH Cyril Aures State House
NH Glenn Bailey State House
NH Harry Bean State House
NH Michael Belcher State House
NH Lex Berezhny State House
NH Ross Berry State House
NH Steven Bogert State House
NH Richard Brown State House
NH Jose Cambrils State House
NH Barbara Comtois State House
NH James Connor State House
NH Travis Corcoran State House
NH Glenn Cordelli State House
NH Matthew Coulon State House
NH Leah Cushman State House
NH Ron Dunn State House
NH Jess Edwards State House
NH Keith Erf State House
NH Oliver Ford State House
NH Jason Gerhard State House
NH Michael Granger State House
NH Jeffrey Greeson State House
NH Gerry Griffin State House
NH Tina Harley State House
NH Mike Harrington State House
NH Juliet Harvey-Bolia State House
NH JR Hoell State House
NH Dan Hynes State House
NH Thomas Kaczynski State House
NH Diane Kelley State House
NH Stephen Kennedy State House
NH Catherine Kenny State House
NH James Kofalt State House
NH Erica Layon State House
NH Alicia Lekas State House
NH Tony Lekas State House
NH John Lewicke State House
NH David Love State House
NH Tom Mannion State House
NH Nikki McCarter State House
NH Carol McGuire State House
NH Dan McGuire State House
NH Mark McLean State House
NH Kristin Noble State House
NH Jeanine Notter State House
NH Jason Osborne State House
NH Sandra Panek State House
NH Diane Pauer State House
NH Kristine Perez State House
NH Katy Peternel State House
NH Emily Phillips State House
NH Brandon Phinney State House
NH Tony Piemonte State House
NH Tom Ploszaj State House
NH Yury Polozov State House
NH Daniel Popovici-Muller State House
NH Susan Porcelli State House
NH Keith Murphy State Senate
NH Lisa Post State House
NH Kelley Potenza State House
NH John Potucek State House
NH Andrew Prout State House
NH Jim Qualey State House
NH Arlene Quaratiello State House
NH Andrew Renzullo State House
NH Laurie Sanborn State House
NH Matthew Santonastaso State House
NH Brian Seaworth State House
NH Alvin See State House
NH John Sellers State House
NH Shane Sirois State House
NH Lisa Smart State House
NH Julius Soti State House
NH James Spillane State House
NH James Summers State House
NH Jeffrey Tenczar State House
NH Paul Terry State House
NH David Testerman State House
NH Dick Thackston State House
NH Chris True State House
NH Paul Tudor State House
NH Len Turcotte State House
NH Jordan Ulery State House
NH Kevin Verville State House
NH Michael Vose State House
NH Scott Wallace State House
NH Robert Wherry State House
NH Clayton Wood State House
NH Josh Yokela State House

KEENE, NEXT SAT FEB 24 11AM: We had a great conversation today at the Peterborough Toadstool. If you didn't make it, I h...

KEENE, NEXT SAT FEB 24 11AM: We had a great conversation today at the Peterborough Toadstool. If you didn't make it, I hope you'll join me at the Keene Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Emerald St. Meanwhile, you might also want to sign up for a free online course called Money, Markets and Morals at EdX. It will guide you in choosing the kind of economy that would create the society you want. The one I talk about is the one in which Money is ruling... and making the public think that they are putting Markets in control.

WHY I'M AMBIVALENT ABOUT THE TRANS MOVEMENT. When I was little, I wanted to be a boy. I had 3 brothers. The only TV show...

WHY I'M AMBIVALENT ABOUT THE TRANS MOVEMENT. When I was little, I wanted to be a boy. I had 3 brothers. The only TV show starring a woman was ditzy 'I Love Lucy." When I told my mother I wanted to be an astronaut, she replied I couldn't because I was a girl. She said my only choices were to be a secretary, a nurse, or a teacher. Why would I want to be a girl whose only purpose was to wear white gloves and scratchy petticoats and cheerlead my brothers? When they played army, I pretended to be a dog like RinTinTin since there were no roles for girls.

If I had grown up with people telling me that I should go ahead and become a boy, I might well have chosen to. Yet my desire had nothing to do with not being attracted to men or not wanting to have children. I would have lost the opportunity to have the family that is my greatest joy. That is why I am very ambivalent about the message being sent to our children. This article describes people who've made that decision and regret it:

Trans activists have pushed an ideological extremism by pressing for an unproven treatment orthodoxy.

DEEP FAKE CALLS ASKING PEOPLE NOT TO VOTE, that give out Kathy Sullivan's personal cell number! (She's former head of NH...

DEEP FAKE CALLS ASKING PEOPLE NOT TO VOTE, that give out Kathy Sullivan's personal cell number! (She's former head of NH Republican Party who founded the Lincoln Project and supports the NH write-in Biden campaign.) Law enforcement is investigating election interference, a federal crime.

Former NHDP chair's cell number released in fake robocall. Plus: SEA/SEIU 1984 says, vote your conscience; voters have 43 choices Tuesday.

WED JAN 10, 1;30-3PM ETWED, JAN 10, 1:30-3PM, Amer. Society of Journalists & AuthorsIS AI A TOOL, A COLLABORATOR, A COMP...

WED JAN 10, 1;30-3PM ET
WED, JAN 10, 1:30-3PM, Amer. Society of Journalists & Authors

IS AI A TOOL, A COLLABORATOR, A COMPETITOR OR THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE OF HUMANITY? I join the panel discussing how can individuals, professionals, relate to systems so powerful and expansive? Can those outside Big Tech have any control over their direction and use? We'll be talking about this and more.

ASJA is hosting a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on journalists, content providers, and authors. Our panel of experts will discuss what AI is, how it works and whether writers and researchers can use the tools effectively to brainstorm, research, and outline new ideas.


Ranked choice voting, which asks voters to rank multiple candidates in order of preference, has seen its profile steadily expand since 2016.

FINALLY, A MAJOR NEWSPAPER STATES THE OBVIOUS. If you want to read about what your state can do to protect against a DC ...

FINALLY, A MAJOR NEWSPAPER STATES THE OBVIOUS. If you want to read about what your state can do to protect against a DC dictatorship, look at last month's newsletter: after you read this in the Washington Post:

There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. So why is everyone behaving like normal?

NH COURT DECISION WINNERS & LOSERS. Taxpayers, renters, parents and students will be affected in different ways by recen...

NH COURT DECISION WINNERS & LOSERS. Taxpayers, renters, parents and students will be affected in different ways by recent court decisions on education $ and fairness. Meanwhile, libertarians are still attacking the basic concept that communities have a say in what children learn and that everyone should contribute to the costs of a democratic republic. Read this month's newsletter from Granite State Matters:

Dramatic changes to education funding and taxation were decided three days before Thanksgiving. Read how they will affect you and your town in this month's GSM newsletter.

NEITHER THE UNION LEADER NOR THE CONCORD MONITOR would print a letter-to-the-editor about the public, published plan by ...

NEITHER THE UNION LEADER NOR THE CONCORD MONITOR would print a letter-to-the-editor about the public, published plan by the Heritage Foundation for "unitary executive", aka dictatorship. If you haven't read Granite State Matters' November newsletter, here is the video version, a must watch:

PDS DEBT is offering free debt analysis to our viewers just for completing the quick and easy debt assessment at | Project 202...

"This is excellent - but terrifying." Trump's team is writing the Heritage Foundation's plan for the next admin: use the...

"This is excellent - but terrifying." Trump's team is writing the Heritage Foundation's plan for the next admin: use the military inside the US and usurp fiscal control from Congress. All while replacing civil servants with 10's of thousands of loyalists brought to DC to "drain the swamp." Imagine what will happen to files, offices, and equipment.

CAN NH SURVIVE A DC DICTATORSHIP? Have you read about the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 plan for turning the US into a dictatorship? If not, you need to read this month's GSM newsletter. Article 1 is how to protect NH; Article 2 describes the plan.

My book "New Hampshire: Battleground in the Fight to Dismantle Democracy" is now available in paperback. https://www.ama...

My book "New Hampshire: Battleground in the Fight to Dismantle Democracy" is now available in paperback.

New Hampshire: BATTLEGROUND IN THE FIGHT TO DISMANTLE DEMOCRACY is now available in paperback. It explains why almost half of the 235 candidate endorsed by the Make Liberty Win PAC live in this tiny state. And what "Make Liberty Win" really means for you and your loved ones.


“I am honored to announce that I have been named one of the recipients of the first "50 under 50" award from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."


IN CASE YOU DON'T BELIEVE that Free Staters are trying to get rid of all laws, the following was posted by Free State NH Rep Jason Gerhard [Merrimack 25] on Twitter/X yesterday:
"The Office of Legislative Services has received your request to draft legislation, RELATIVE TO sunsetting all legislative acts on a sliding scale based on the vote count when passed by the general court. Your request is now LSR 24-2740."

INFLATION DRIVEN BY EXCESSIVE PROFITS? from the Wall St. Journal, folks.

INFLATION DRIVEN BY EXCESSIVE PROFITS? from the Wall St. Journal, folks.

Economists think some companies may have been raising prices faster than their costs have increased, making it harder for inflation to fall.


Peterborough, NH


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Tear down the walls around wealth!

The American Dream requires each generation to pay it forward to the next. My parents’ generation funded research in computers and Internet that I built 3 companies on. They funded roads that made oil barons billionaires and a patent system that fertilized pharmaceutical giants. But instead of paying it forward, a greedy few are paying lobbyist lackeys to build a wall around wealth and shut our kids out. I want to tear down that wall!

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