JoJo’s Coaching

JoJo’s Coaching I’ve found a locally owned family space that puts inclusion first. 😍 All are welcome and should feel safe and seen.

This is a beautiful sentiment!!

This is a beautiful sentiment!!

On this , we want to celebrate all of the families who participated in the clinical trials so critical to the approval of the first-ever FDA-approved treatment for Rett syndrome. Your selfless sacrifice of time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears over the past decade has provided our community with so much hope - hope for a better life for our children and hope that even more treatments will soon cross the finish line.

We know that this is not a cure and that, like any drug or treatment, it will not be for every individual with Rett. But it is a FIRST for so many who have been waiting for so long. And we celebrate every single person who played a part in making sure that everyone who wants the chance to try it, now can.

So join us today in thanking those who fearlessly volunteered for the clinical trials: from Amanda, Em, & Katelin to Kira, Sara, & Siera; those who shared their story with us and the community or have kept their experience to themselves; and every individual who completed the study, to every individual who couldn't, teaching us valuable lessons to make it easier for the next child. Today and always, we celebrate you! We cannot express enough gratitude for the hope you've given to every family living with Rett now, and every family who will be diagnosed in the future. Thank you💜


This is so true!!!


Saying hi!

This is so true. One doesn’t have to go with the other. If there were true acceptance, inclusion, and just downright lov...

This is so true. One doesn’t have to go with the other.

If there were true acceptance, inclusion, and just downright love for one another.

We are all human and we all deserve better!!

My mental health issues aren't caused by me being Autistic.

They are caused by the way I was treated all my life because I'm different and don't fit the idea of conventional normality.

Despite the negativity I get, here I am, putting myself in harms way on social media, because people need to hear from Neurodivergent voices to learn about how we feel about being Different.



"Of course your child can join in with this event. All they need to do is not act autistic all over the place. Oh yes, and cope flawlessly with a system designed for all the other children. (Just make sure they don't struggle visibly though, otherwise we'll have to put consequences in place.)"

There are parallels for autistic adults too, of course (e.g. the workplace). And frankly... if this is your inclusion, I don't want it. -Chris
[Black text on white background, reading:
"If your ‘inclusion’ doesn’t allow us to be our authentic selves in the places we’re being included, then it’s not ‘inclusion’ at all.
It’s assimilation."]

As usual Cynthia Macluskie Insurance Solutions is helping the community!! Huge thanks from all of us !!

As usual Cynthia Macluskie Insurance Solutions is helping the community!!

Huge thanks from all of us !!

Learn, develop, and apply skills to effectively facilitate Animal Assisted Learning Program Chickens to Love. COURSE OVERVIEW This course is specifically designed from a neurodivergent and ani…

I relate to this so much. I went my whole life just being disappointed, depressed, and feeling less than. Now I am able ...

I relate to this so much.

I went my whole life just being disappointed, depressed, and feeling less than.

Now I am able to understand why I did what
I was the way I was.

I am now able to give myself a break and not sit in the madness that would ensue for disappointing people.

It’s sad to me that when people say they are for inclusion….. if inclusion satisfies their needs.

I am not cutting hair right now because of this exact thing that this young lady speaks about so often.

Along with “autistic burnout” my adhd, and ptsd, I am pretty proud of what I have been able to accomplish.

There is so much more to come from me.
Now that I am able to accept myself.
I will have to advocate for the world to accept me but I have amazing people like Summer Farrelly guiding the way!!

I also want to thank these other pages that
I am so very inspired and proud to be able to learn from.

This is only a few.

Thanks so much!

Joe James The Autistic Photographer
Neurodivergent Rebel
The Punk Rock Autistic


A Social hangover for me personally presents with the feeling of physically and mentally drained after socialising or navigating an environment that requires intense focus or conversation.

Feeling physically and mentally drained impacts on my ability to make decisions.

Also challenging my ability to manage my emotions in a rational way.

This sends me into a tail spin because I am unable to self regulate my emotions.

I start to feel anxious , my anxiety is heightened.

Sometimes I start to feel depressed and helpless.

So focused on completing the task that I ignore, the pre - warning signs

It takes all my mental strength to push through.

Worrying I will upset others and their plans.


Worrying I am letting everyone down.

It's a complexed balancing act for most autistics.

💛 Summer

*Please remember I do not speak for all autistics as we are all different and we all experience life differently* is a very interesting read. I relate...

This is a very interesting read.

I related to so many of the responses.

I received a request to ask this question of my Instagram community: Autistic adult would like advice on how to stop swearing, biting, hitting and lashing out during meltdowns. Already tried ripping up phone books and swear jars. Can’t use a punching bag. I have had so many people asking for the a...

I remember asking my client’s parents ”what are your child’s five foods?” They would look at me strange. Then name them ...

I remember asking my client’s parents
”what are your child’s five foods?”

They would look at me strange. Then name them and it was usually five.

The reason I asked… I need to know how their belly feels. As a hairdresser?
Yes, I needed to know if they were feeling pain, lethargic, or unsatisfied. It makes the biggest difference on how I did my work.

This is meeting people where they are at.

It was not to judge the parents or the client. It was to see my client as a fellow human being.

If we could all look past the ridiculousness of judging ”what should be” and just see what is. We are all truly beautiful souls that are just trying to be people. Which is no easy task. When the “expectations” are for us to be “standard”

The standard should be did I act like a person today? Cool, I am a human.
That is all!

Sending love and hugs from far away!
Missing you all everyday!

That feeling when you bite into an apple and it’s soft 🤢

(Seen at Served From Scratch)

(Text reads: here’s the problem with fruit: it’s inconsistent. Some apples are delicious, some taste bad. Sometimes blueberries are great, sometimes they are disgusting. You know what’s the same every time? Doritos)

This is so true….

This is so true….

I don't know about you, but I have always seen my children as just tiny people, with their own minds. They have their own experiences of the world, and as a parent, my job is to support and guide them through life.

Ok, there are some things where I will give a hard 'no' but if that happens, they know it is for a darn good reason.

And when it comes to food, who am I to tell them what they can eat? I hate it when I've heard people say 'just let them go hungry and they'll eat soon enough!' How would you like it if someone gave you a plate of food which made you feel sick to your stomach, and you were told you had to eat it, even if there were other things available? Otherwise you would just have to stay hungry? How would you feel about that person?

Just no!

We need to respect our children, and work with them. They are first and foremost human, even if they are young. We need to be their safe space.

This image is made by the lovely Laura the Neurodivergent Nurse as part of our !

(Image description for accessibility:
Text reads - 'Before saying 'Just let them go hungry' you could try considering that food withholding:
- may take away a sense of safety between parent and caregiver
- creates a power struggle between child and caregiver
- there are many people who simply can't just eat a food and will miss an opportunity for nourishment
- adults have the opportunity to choose something else to eat and children need this ability too.
Image is dotted with plates, cutlery, broccoli and blueberries!)

Mental Heart therapeutic play lab.Check this out!!! Micro school is where it is at!! (This would have been life changing...

Mental Heart therapeutic play lab.

Check this out!!!

Micro school is where it is at!!
(This would have been life changing for me as a child)

If you haven’t already checked out this business…. You are missing out.
The connections that this business is making between parents and their children is nothing short of astounding!!

I am sad that I will not there to enroll my little one! This opportunity is not going to last long!! I am sure that the spots are going FAST!

(I do not get paid to advertise this business nor did the owner even know I was going to post this.)

Please, do yourself, your children, and your children’s future self a favor and give them a call!! It could change your life!


Phoenix, AZ



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