Blue Tent

Blue Tent In-depth reporting on progressive organizations and the Democratic Party to help build a left-of-cent

Youngkin's 'purge' stripped nearly 3,400 LEGAL Virginia voters from the rolls. 🚫😡 We can't let this stand!  Donate TODAY...

Youngkin's 'purge' stripped nearly 3,400 LEGAL Virginia voters from the rolls. 🚫😡

We can't let this stand! Donate TODAY to support voter mobilization efforts in Virginia.

Grassroots Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts WORK, and with same-day registration in VA, every door knock counts.

Republicans have a narrow hold on the Virginia House and are hoping to flip the Senate. If they succeed, the GOP will have trifecta control they could exploit to overturn the results of the 2024 presidential election in the state.

We can't let this happen. Donate and then spread the word.


Breaking News: Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House! Apparently, nothing says 'leadership' like trying to overthrow ...

Breaking News: Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House! Apparently, nothing says 'leadership' like trying to overthrow an election.

Our democracy deserves leaders who respect it. Let's kick out the extremists and restore some much-needed sanity to the House.

Support and let's make Congress a place of reason and progress! 🏛️🗳️

🏛️🎙️ House Speaker Search Chronicles: The GOP's Comedy of Errors Continues! 🎙️🏛️Friends grab your popcorn because the GO...

🏛️🎙️ House Speaker Search Chronicles: The GOP's Comedy of Errors Continues! 🎙️🏛️

Friends grab your popcorn because the GOP is on its fourth attempt to pick a House Speaker!

At this point, we're convinced they're auditioning for a reality TV show. Who will it be this time? Tune in next episode to find out! 🤷‍♂️😂

🎪🤡🇺🇸 Ready to pack up the circus in Congress and  ? 🇺🇸🎪 We are!Prioritize the needs of the American people and say goodb...

🎪🤡🇺🇸 Ready to pack up the circus in Congress and ? 🇺🇸🎪

We are!

Prioritize the needs of the American people and say goodbye to these ineffective extremists. Your donations will fuel our mission to flip the House in 2024 and build local infrastructure for lasting change.

The early voting numbers in   show promise for Democrats, but we can't let up now! Your support can be the game-changer ...

The early voting numbers in show promise for Democrats, but we can't let up now! Your support can be the game-changer in ensuring we .

Donate TODAY: Your contribution will fuel grassroots efforts by CASA in Action and New Virginia Majority to mobilize voters. Every dollar brings us closer to victory.

Former Speaker John Boehner once said of Rep. Jordan:  ”I just never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart ...

Former Speaker John Boehner once said of Rep. Jordan:

”I just never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart ― never building anything, never putting anything together.”

This from a member of his own party! And, yet, he's up for Speaker of the House.

Just another day at the circus.

Just never-ending chaos within the GOP. How can they govern when they can't get themselves organized? Answer: they can't...

Just never-ending chaos within the GOP. How can they govern when they can't get themselves organized?

Answer: they can't.

We can win the House back. Click through to learn more and to find out how you can help.


Scalise helped spread The Big Election Lie. He also once described himself as “David Duke without the baggage.”

Let that sink in, and then head over to our website to learn about our strategy to .


Looking to support voter turnout in the ? Donate to . They have a stellar track record of increasing turnout among people of color, young people, and single women. Their GOTV push will go right up to election day.

We need leadership but certain bad actors are committed to stirring up drama.Time to recast this story and select leader...

We need leadership but certain bad actors are committed to stirring up drama.

Time to recast this story and select leaders who are committed to building a true . We can do it by winning just five seats in 2024.

Let’s Take It Back.The U.S. House is controlled by extremists. But we can push them out by winning just five seats in 2024. The key to victory — and to holding swing districts over time — is catalyzing higher turnout among Americans who too often aren’t heard in elections. Donate Engage Vote...

We are just over a month away from election day in Virginia. EVERY door knock counts. Making sure funds get into the han...

We are just over a month away from election day in Virginia. EVERY door knock counts. Making sure funds get into the hands of GOTV superstars New Virginia Majority & CASA in Action is key to making Virginia blue. Donate today.

Early in-person voting is underway in Virginia. Help   by donating to two key GOTV groups: New Virginia Majority and CAS...

Early in-person voting is underway in Virginia. Help by donating to two key GOTV groups: New Virginia Majority and CASA in Action.

To help Democrats hold the Senate and flip back the House, Blue Tent recommends donating to New Virginia Majority and CASA in Action, two leading voter mobilization working in the state. Each has detailed and sophisticated electoral plans focused on turning out voters in key legislative districts.

There's a better way for   to fight for control of Congress — laser-focused investments in organizing and   in congressi...

There's a better way for to fight for control of Congress — laser-focused investments in organizing and in congressional districts. We have created a new way for donors to support work:

There's a better way to fight for control of Congress — laser-focused investments in organizing and GOTV in congressional districts. Blue Tent has created a new way for donors to support work.

The idea that America is now frozen into a 50-50 nation has become conventional wisdom in many circles. In fact, though,...

The idea that America is now frozen into a 50-50 nation has become conventional wisdom in many circles. In fact, though, a large swath of the electorate is up for grabs and a realignment in favor of either party is possible.

Talk of building infrastructure has become ubiquitous in the progressive world, especially since 2016. But what exactly ...

Talk of building infrastructure has become ubiquitous in the progressive world, especially since 2016. But what exactly are we talking about when we use the term infrastructure? Here's a rundown of the types of organizations under this rubric.

Signs are growing of a major Democratic turnaround in three key states that put Trump in the White House. But much work ...

Signs are growing of a major Democratic turnaround in three key states that put Trump in the White House. But much work still needs to be done to improve messaging and organizing.

Signs are growing of a major Democratic turnaround in three key states that put Trump in the White House. But much work still needs to be done to improve progressive messaging and organizing.

Donors need to step up for the most important election of 2023. Here's how to do that.

Donors need to step up for the most important election of 2023. Here's how to do that.

Funding is urgently needed for voter turnout efforts to secure a liberal majority of judges on the court. The good news: Donors have great options for investing in high-impact GOTV work in the state.

Democratic donors should give to win Senate races in ways that also bolster organizing capacity.

Democratic donors should give to win Senate races in ways that also bolster organizing capacity.

Democratic donors will likely give over a billion dollars to help keep control of the Senate. It's essential that some of these funds also go to build up organizing infrastructure in key states.

Blue Tent strongly recommends donating to Rural Democracy Initiative, the leading organization investing in progressive ...

Blue Tent strongly recommends donating to Rural Democracy Initiative, the leading organization investing in progressive organizing in rural areas and laying out a policy agenda for parts of the country that are too often neglected.

Blue Tent strongly recommends donating to RDI, the leading organization investing in progressive organizing in rural areas and laying out a policy agenda for parts of the country that are too often neglected.

What would it look like for Democrats to break through today's political deadlock to dominate presidential elections for...

What would it look like for Democrats to break through today's political deadlock to dominate presidential elections for years to come? In the latest in our blog series, we look at which states could flip next.

What would it look like for Democrats to break through today's political deadlock to dominate presidential elections for years to come? In the latest in our blog series, we look at which states could flip next.

The Wisconsin state supreme court majority is up for grabs in less than three months. The stakes? Voting rights, gerryma...

The Wisconsin state supreme court majority is up for grabs in less than three months. The stakes? Voting rights, gerrymandering, abortion access and more. Here's the state of play and what donors can do right now.

The state’s supreme court majority is up for grabs in less than three months. The stakes? Voting rights, gerrymandering, abortion and more. Here's the state of play and what donors can do right now.

Big changes are needed in how Democrats and progressives donate money — and how candidates and electoral groups do their...

Big changes are needed in how Democrats and progressives donate money — and how candidates and electoral groups do their fundraising. Our post-election survey sheds light on the work ahead.


A report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy looks at how MacKenzie Scott’s gifts have transformed recipient organizations. Mike Scutari looks at some of the key strengths and downsides to her approach.

The Georgia Runoff is fast approaching.Remember: Georgia is only in play because organizers there have done things diffe...

The Georgia Runoff is fast approaching.

Remember: Georgia is only in play because organizers there have done things differently and better. Now they are asking us to support their successful model in yet another high-stakes election. We shouldn’t let them down.

Donate today:

Georgia is only in play because organizers there have done things differently and better. But many groups on the ground in Georgia don’t have the money they need to go all out to get 2 million people to the polls. They are asking us to support their successful model in yet another high-stakes elec...

Here's a rundown of how Blue Tent candidates did and how much we raised for each — along with some reflections on how we...

Here's a rundown of how Blue Tent candidates did and how much we raised for each — along with some reflections on how we could have done better and lessons learned from a surprising election cycle.

A rundown of how Blue Tent candidates did and how much we raised for each — along with some reflections on how we could have done better and lessons learned from a surprising election cycle.

Today is Election Day! No matter what happens, Democratic donors should focus on supporting national policy groups, whic...

Today is Election Day! No matter what happens, Democratic donors should focus on supporting national policy groups, which will play a critical role in pushing back against GOP attacks on the federal safety net and key regulations — as well as working to finagle whatever wins are possible with a divided government and fully implement legislation passed since 2021.

We recommend donors support the Roosevelt Institute, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Economic Policy Institute, Public Citizen, Project On Government Oversight, and the Center for Progressive Reform.

These organizations focus on the often overlooked, nitty-gritty workings of the legislative and executive branches. Because they can play this inside game, they are critical defenders of our values in the nation’s capital.

With Democrats likely to find themselves playing defense in Washington, boosting Beltway policy groups will become even more important. Meanwhile, investing in grassroots organizing and judicial fights will also be key.

Whatever happens tomorrow, investing in Democratic grassroots organizing should remain a top priority. Donors should con...

Whatever happens tomorrow, investing in Democratic grassroots organizing should remain a top priority. Donors should continue to support our highly recommended grassroots groups, such as Community Change Action, Midwest Academy, and National Domestic Workers

With Democrats likely to find themselves playing defense in Washington, boosting Beltway policy groups will become even more important. Meanwhile, investing in grassroots organizing and judicial fights will also be key.

There's still time to help fuel last-minute Democratic voter mobilization, especially in key states.Consider this: If Re...

There's still time to help fuel last-minute Democratic voter mobilization, especially in key states.

Consider this: If Republicans win the governorships of Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, along with other key posts like attorney general and secretary of state, the odds of a constitutional crisis in 2024 will skyrocket.

Races in all three of these states are as close as it gets. Just a few thousand votes in any of each of them could decide the outcomes.

Every little bit helps. Donate today.

Races in all three of these states are as close as it gets. Just a few thousand votes in any of each of them could decide the outcomes.

A new report from ClimateWorks Foundation shows a 25% increase in overall philanthropic funding for climate change mitig...

A new report from ClimateWorks Foundation shows a 25% increase in overall philanthropic funding for climate change mitigation between 2020 and 2021. It’s a welcome development, but the momentum must continue. Michael Kavate reports:

A new report from ClimateWorks Foundation shows a 25% increase in overall philanthropic funding for climate change mitigation between 2020 and 2021. It’s a welcome development, but the momentum must continue.

Black voters may decide the election. Here's where to give to mobilize them. We recommend donating to three organization...

Black voters may decide the election. Here's where to give to mobilize them. We recommend donating to three organizations working to mobilize Black voters. Click through to donate to all three.


During the 2016 election, which Trump won by some 80,000 votes spread over three states, many thousands of Black voters in those states stayed home. “In Michigan and, especially, Wisconsin, if Black turnout had held at its 2012 levels, Clinton would have captured those states’ electoral votes,” stated one analysis.

Lesson learned. In 2020, grassroots organizers — and the donors behind them — made a historic push to mobilize the Black vote, helping eject Trump from office and win control of the Senate.

Turning out Black voters will again be decisive this year. And, right now, organizing groups are in the field in key battleground states working to do exactly that. Many of these groups are staffed by the same battle-tested veterans who helped put Democrats over the top in 2020. Nearly all need more cash in these final days.

We won’t get a chance to do this election over, with so much at stake. Imagine how we’d feel reading post-mortems later this fall that echo 2016 analyses, about how poor Black turnout doomed the Democrats — in part because GOTV groups couldn’t raise enough money?

This is a moment for donors to stretch the budget and leave no stone unturned.

Turning out Black voters could make all the difference in this election. And, right now, organizing groups are in the field in key battleground states working to do exactly that. We are recommending three organizations that are doing this work. NOW is the time for donors to stretch the budget and le...

Give today and support last-minute GOTV work in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Races in all three states are as close a...

Give today and support last-minute GOTV work in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

Races in all three states are as close as it gets. Just a few thousand votes in any of each of them could decide the outcomes.

If Dems lose just one seat in the Wisconsin State Senate and five in the State Assembly, Republicans there will have a v...

If Dems lose just one seat in the Wisconsin State Senate and five in the State Assembly, Republicans there will have a veto-proof supermajority. Help make sure that doesn't happen by supporting LuAnn Bird for Assembly with your vote and donations.

Are we doing all we can to help defeat the most dangerous political party of the past 150 years?  If your answer is “no,...

Are we doing all we can to help defeat the most dangerous political party of the past 150 years? If your answer is “no,” it’s not too late to make donations that can still have an impact in key races and states.

North Carolina is a purple state where Democrats are fighting to make deeper inroads. We have identified five candidates...

North Carolina is a purple state where Democrats are fighting to make deeper inroads. We have identified five candidates in close legislative races who we believe could benefit from last-minute financial support. Donate today.

North Carolina is a purple state where Democrats are fighting to make deeper inroads. Blue Tent has identified five candidates in close legislative races who we believe could benefit from last-minute financial support.

Want to help Dems win in Georgia? Prioritize supporting efforts to get voters to the polls and donate to the Movement Vo...

Want to help Dems win in Georgia?

Prioritize supporting efforts to get voters to the polls and donate to the Movement Voter Project Georgia Fund.

And support our slate of national GOTV groups, all of which are working in Georgia.

Donors should prioritize supporting efforts in Georgia to get Democratic voters to the polls. We also recommend supporting Bee Nguyen, who is running for secretary of state.

Republicans in Wisconsin are hoping to expand the ability of the Secretary of State to supervise elections. Incumbent La...

Republicans in Wisconsin are hoping to expand the ability of the Secretary of State to supervise elections. Incumbent La Follette is hoping to keep the office powerless, but if a Republican wins it there’s a chance for the GOP to entrench its control over the Wisconsin electoral machinery.

We consider giving to Doug Lafollette a high priority.

Republicans in Wisconsin are hoping to expand the ability of the Secretary of State to supervise elections. La Follette is hoping to keep the office powerless, but if a Republican wins it there’s a chance for the GOP to entrench its control over the Wisconsin electoral machinery. We consider givin...

Support the Democratic Party of Wisconsin today and help Democrats in a state that is hugely important in national polit...

Support the Democratic Party of Wisconsin today and help Democrats in a state that is hugely important in national politics.

This Wisconsin state party is widely seen as an outstanding example of how a Democratic state party SHOULD operate. Give today and help Democrats win both this year's election and future elections in this closely divided state.

With campaigns barreling into the final weeks of the election, here are our top recommendations for helping Democrats in...

With campaigns barreling into the final weeks of the election, here are our top recommendations for helping Democrats in Michigan get over the finish line.

We believe   is this year’s single most important electoral battleground. Small donors have multiple high-impact giving ...

We believe is this year’s single most important electoral battleground. Small donors have multiple high-impact giving opportunities in the state during these final weeks. We’ve identified a limited number of recommendations:

The midterm election is in its final weeks. What should Democratic donors do with barely a month left? Simple: ramp up g...

The midterm election is in its final weeks. What should Democratic donors do with barely a month left?

Simple: ramp up giving to groups working to turn out voters in the most important, winnable races.

We recommend four organizing groups you can support NOW to make a difference in November:

Community Change Action
Movement Labs
Care in Action US
Working America

Click through to give to any or all of them:


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