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Matthew Acton News Matthew Acton News is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the information for the awakening of humanity

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Here is a presentation recorded last week in Queensland Australia by a retired doctor with  30 years experience as a med...

Here is a presentation recorded last week in Queensland Australia by a retired doctor with 30 years experience as a medical practitioner.

Revealing Covid - A presentation made by a retired medical doctor with 30 years experience as a medical practitioner. 1. The Origins of the Covid Virus 2. The PCR Test 3. The Epidemiology of Covid 19

  is a website that everyone of you should have bookmarked & at your fingertips! Lifesaving information for those intere...

is a website that everyone of you should have bookmarked & at your fingertips! Lifesaving information for those interested in the truth!

World famous trial laywer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says he, and dozens of laywers worldwide, have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity.

COVID beats the Flu per Cha-Ching and Nano-tech FactorsThis latest from Dr. Robert Young highlights the cessation of flu...

COVID beats the Flu per Cha-Ching and Nano-tech Factors

This latest from Dr. Robert Young highlights the cessation of flu diagnoses and treatments once the COVID project got rolling, all such immediately replaced by COVID diagnoses and "COVID deaths."

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Yeadon's statements that "the jab is for the depopulation of billions of people" is mentioned and that the vaxes are filled with "graphene nano-materials" - ie: self-replicating Morgellons fibers that bond to human neuro-anatomy - is confirmed.

article notes -

Dr. Young does not specifically mention that COVID immediately "beat out the flu" by Medicaid bribing doctors, hospitals and clinics to the tune of $9k and more for COVID diagnoses (based on bogus PCR tests) nor the yet more shocking "CARE Act" bribery whereby cash-starved states can fill their coffers by creating draconian COVID policies.

Like, try $306,000 PER "COVID CASE" in Alaska, $235,000 PER CASE in Iowa and $380,000 PER CASE in Minnesota! Look up your own state's Corona Crimes Budget Incentive Package at

And, the international COVID bribery landscape is similar, with financial payouts coming thru the WHO and World Bank to health ministries, calibrated to national wage levels.

Finally, Dr. Young's article confirms that COVID vax formulas " all their variants - AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc - contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nano-particles. Those who have been inoculated with these toxic nano-particles are at risk for systemic radioactive and chemical poisoning leading to decompensated acidosis of interstitial fluids of the Interstitium causing pathological blood coagulation or blood clots and death by suffocation."

We seem to be living in a world that is upside down where right is wrong and wrong is right. We are shocked when we hear and see good people prosecuted and bad people appear getting away with lying, stealing and even murder. No Flu to Catch? The CDC Flu statistics have disappeared completely and end...

This is Matthew Acton News I am a private News provider,and I contribute to the awakening of humanity

This is Matthew Acton News I am a private News provider,and I contribute to the awakening of humanity




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