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President George M. Weah's touchdown in Maryland County, speaks to citizens in Harper District.


Hon Jimmy Smith serving as keynote speaker at the upstairs academy school graduation program.located in Johnsonville.

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Hon Otto Jarteh a representative candidate in district 3 Montserrado county, community engagement.

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House Speaker Dr. Bohfal Chambers speaks to the press in Pleebo Sodoken District, Maryland County


House Speaker Dr. Bohfal Chambers arrives in Pleebo Sodoken District, Maryland County


Build up to the arrival of speaker Bohfal Chambers in Pleebo Sodoken District, Maryland County


Unity Party Rescue 2 Jeremiah K. Koung and Senator James P. Biney arrive in Harper City, Maryland County


Hon PAPEE Sumo district 5 representative candidate Montserrado county speak to the press.

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I own no copyright to songs or noise at the ba


Senatorial candidate Jennifer arrives in Maryland County for campaign


CDC senatorial candidate and Maryland County Senator Hon J. Gbleh-Bo Brown arrives in Harper District, Maryland County


Speaker Chamber's supporters parade streets of Pleebo City, prior to Speaker Chambers's arrival


Hon P. Mike Jurry, Harper District Representative New Mary Go-Round project in Harper City, Maryland County nearing completion!!


Continuation of Former City Mayor and PUP Representative Candidate in Harper District Hon Ellen Blessing Howe Tweh launches campaign in Harper, Maryland County


From our Grand Gedeh County Correspondent.

September 1,2023

Residents of ploe-Joesohn in Gboe-ploe administrative district are calling on the Government for the rehabilitation of roads in their area.

Speaking to our station, Mr Sam R. Neewary, a town chief of ploe- Joeson said, the local authority and other aspirants of the county should try to decentralize developments within the county.

He disclosed that, the elementary school within the town lacks teaching staff, something he sees will lead to difficulties in the future to come and will lead to the perpetual closure of the institution in about two years to come.

The plow Joesohn town chief also lamented that, the lack of safe drinking water, roads connectivity, and town hall among others are major impediments that the people of the villages are faced with.

He also alleged that, since 2005 elections; none of the lawmakers of Grand Gedeh, have reached out to them after being elected; but they are only concerned about the people during elections and want the people to re-vote them in office comes, October 10, 2023.

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from our Grand Gedeh County Correspondent.

August 31, 2023

Grand Gedeh Journalist Association -GGeJA has during over host a press conference.

During the press conference the interim president Mr. Lincoin Nyanrue appreciates his fellow Journalists for the confidence reposed in him to lead the Association for a one year in leadership.

Speaking to Journalists at the press conference, GGeJA acting boss reaffirmed his commitment in promoting cordial working relationship amongst Journalists across the county.

He however congratulated Journalist Anthony Teno Flahn for been nominated as acting vice president to him and called for collaborative work to enhance the smooth operation of the entity.

According to Journalists Flahn , he was nominated as acting Vice president during an emergency meeting held year by on Tuesday, on May 16, 2023 by members of the organization who overwhelmingly extended the interim leadership tenure to August 2, 2023.

He furthered that , "There will be a reaffirmation of GGeJA membership through purchasing the membership form.

Lincoln Nyanrue also disclosed that, only people with membership form will be eligible to vote his or her favorite candidates both physically and online.

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Live from Harper Maryland County, CDC Candidates in the County re-unite!


Music Union for the Reelection of President Weah, Sen. -bo Brown, and P. Mike Jurry in collaboration with the Harper Fish Women parade Harper general streets


The CLASS Reloaded joins The Punch FM fan club to launch a fundraising drive in support of Punch FM, as it gears up to hit the airwaves this December. A special program to bring on a representative of Punch FM's local fan club and another representative of Punch FM's diaspora group will take place next week. We're targeting 20K for a big start effective January 2023. This is a citizen's initiative. Make an effort, make a contribution. Orange money- 0777207274, Lonestar money- 0886637388, +16024104554 cashapp and Zelle number. Numbers to call to be a part of the fan club, both local and diaspora 0777459545 and +16024104554. Call now!


T N I N A 65th Gratution ceremony




T N I N A 65th Gratution ceremony.


TNIMA 65th Gratution ceremony.


Unity Party SG speaks on Issues of National concern


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By Staff Writer

President Weah join world leaders to Debate Global Issues at UNGA, Urging UN Not to Deviate From Its Goals.

New York, USA - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has been rallying the United Nations to redouble efforts in tackling critical issues confronting the world and its peoples, pledging Liberia's commitment to working with the august body in finding amicable solutions to global challenges.

President Weah acknowledged the humongous and complex nature of the challenges the world faced, which he said will require immediate collective global actions with the United Nations at the center of the search for solutions.

Addressing the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Thursday, September 22, 2022, Dr. Weah noted this year’s Assembly was taking place at a difficult time in the world, as countries are recovering from the scourge of COVID-19, and also facing other challenges such as the war in Ukraine and climate change which is having devastating effects on our environment.

“Just as the Ukrainian people are enduring the harsh impact of this unwarranted military incursion, the rest of the world is feeling the harsh consequences of the economic downturn caused by disruptions in global supply chains, food insecurity, and rising prices of basic goods and services,” the President reflected.

He noted that the theme of this year's Assembly, “A Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions to Interlocking Challenges”, is both appropriate and meaningful in reminding leaders about the current state of the world, while also providing the space for reflection on the multiple challenges that confront mankind today.

He named the health and socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the devastating effects of climate change, environmental concerns, poverty reduction, food insecurity, and gender inequality as core challenges facing the world.

President Weah reminded the UN that the challenges confronting the world today will require immediate collective global actions with the United Nations at the center of the search for solutions.

President Weah urged the august body to give special consideration to the needs of developing countries, particularly, the Least Developed Countries in line with the Doha Program of Action for Least Developed Countries for the Decade, 2022-2031.

He pledged Liberia's preparedness and commitment to protecting the planet, promoting peace, preventing conflicts, ensuring sustainable financing, and boosting partnerships.

“This commitment is reflected in the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development which embodies the expression of our shared determination to achieve peace, prosperity, and national development; address extreme poverty, inequalities, regional disparities, infrastructure deficits, climate change, and equitable distribution of our national wealth,” the President stressed.

Liberian Youth Employment

In the Speech which lasted about 15 minutes, President Weah provided an update on Liberia’s youthful population of more than 60 percent, and the efforts his Government has initiated to address their plights through rehabilitation and empowerment program.

He spoke of the Socio-Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged Youth Project of 2019 and 2021, which preceded the subsequent launch of a 13-Million United States Dollars National Fund Drive for the rehabilitation and empowerment of at-risk youth in Liberia.

Women Empowerment

As Liberia’s Feminist-in-Chief, the President informed the UNGA that women empowerment and the promotion of gender equality remain key priorities of his Government.

“Women do not only comprise almost half of our country’s population, but they also play important roles at all levels of our society and must be given equally deserved attention, support, and a place at the leadership and governance tables in our society,” the Liberian Leader asserted further.

“To this end,” he stressed, “we have developed the legal framework, including the ratification of regional and international instruments to address gender inequalities which are being carried out as a result of socio-cultural perceptions, practices, and stereotypes that support male dominance and the subordination of women.”

He told the august body how the Government, together with UN partners, is implementing the EU Spotlight Initiative to end violence and harmful traditional practices against women and girls and promote their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

“Furthermore, the Government of Liberia is currently implementing a 50-Million United States Dollars ECOWAS-funded project to enhance the capacity of female entrepreneurs,” he said.
Climate Change

On climate change, President Weah said his Government is taking action through the formulation of new policy frameworks and strategic interventions to address the impacts of climate change and protect the environment.


District-6, Paynessville





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