Mendy Pellin

Mendy Pellin Mendy Pellin Media produces short films, commercials and music videos. We are the best of Hollywood Just ask us how.

Mendy Pellin is famous for creating out-of-the-box contemporary films. As a comedian and entertainer, his vision, humor and ideas are the backbone of our media group. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and many other media outlets. Mendy Pellin Media produces the video content for Jewbellish. We've worked with many celebrities that include Larry King and Michael

Strahan. Our work has ranged from Israeli music videos to Costco commercials. The talented team behind Mendy Pellin Media can breath new life into your brand, cause, organization or band.

PLEASE SHARE! Due to the sudden nature and deployment scale, a lot of reservists lack bulletproof vests, helmets and oth...

PLEASE SHARE! Due to the sudden nature and deployment scale, a lot of reservists lack bulletproof vests, helmets and other essentials.

I know and vouch for the team of Israelis getting the supplies to help our brothers and sisters be all they can be in defending our homeland. All funds will go directly for needed supplies.

Paypal: [email protected]

If you'd like to donate supplies directly or want to send a non-profit wire, please message me.

(Right now vests, helmets and mobile chargers are in biggest demand)


Jews go to a comedy festival. All ready to analyze.

Jews go to a comedy festival. All ready to analyze.

It's never too late!Follow my stories... Marching soon

It's never too late!

Follow my stories... Marching soon

Sylvia Ivry was my neighbor. And like a good neighbor, Sylvia was always there. Her positive energy was contagious. An e...

Sylvia Ivry was my neighbor. And like a good neighbor, Sylvia was always there. Her positive energy was contagious. An energy that could melt any problem, big or small. An energy (with a little help from instant coffee) that watched over so many people that entered her life.

Energy is the Neshama. Which means she is a very special soul!

As a child she would drive me every Motzei Shabbos to buy a lottery ticket. During the drive her optimism would lead me to believe we already won. And we had big plans for after we cashed in our winning ticket. Every week.

In reality, having Sylvia in my life was like winning the lottery. She was more than a neighbor. She was a best friend. She was there during my hardest struggles and a cheerleader for any successes - big or small. She always saw the best in me. And eventually my wife and children - who loved "Savta Sylvia."

I use myself as an example for many other people in our community that she brought so much light to. She didn't make grand or loud gestures. She just helped when she saw a need. And encouraged so many people to live their fullest.

She opened her house to countless guests - especially from France and Israel. She helped Bikur Cholim, Lubavitch Women's organizations and many others. She often visited nursing homes to cheer up the elderly (some elderly were younger than her.)

But most of all she loved bringing simcha, joy!

I remember many melavei malka's she hosted in her home with the likes of Yitzchak Bitton and Rabbi Yitzi Horowitz who would dance and play music till late at night. She was always involved, pushing people to keep going and dance. Her energy!

During her struggles in the last few months, she wasn't comfortable having people help her. She was only comfortable giving.

Today, Crown Heights lost a special neighbor.

But I'm comforted knowing that her Neshama is still here cheering us on to live with joy. Sylvia will always be here.

A REAL Chasidic comedian has a kosher banana AND a smart banana. 🤫📸 .giant

A REAL Chasidic comedian has a kosher banana AND a smart banana. 🤫

📸 .giant

What do you think about 's cover choice this week?

What do you think about 's cover choice this week?

My little guy is now a man!To enter his right of passage, I handed my son a jar of pickles to open. He couldn't do it. A...

My little guy is now a man!

To enter his right of passage, I handed my son a jar of pickles to open. He couldn't do it. After struggling for a while, he asked one of his friends for help.

And that marked the milestone of Yosef stepping into being a man. Being able to ask for help is a sign of maturity.

We already know a pickle-jar-opener. We already know people to help us get through this road bump. Just ask.

Today is my birthday. Before reading this... Let's see if u can figure out1) what these two pics have in common and2) wh...

Today is my birthday. Before reading this... Let's see if u can figure out
1) what these two pics have in common and
2) what it has to do with my bday

A: I just found out that it's also .soliani's bday. Over the years a soliani has gone to war with my Nikes... winning the battle for closet real estate. Today, my sneakers are waaaaay outnumbered by you! So I have an issue with you!

But we are partners in making my wife happy... So I guess we're cool. Many blessings to you (and me) for success in our partnership!!

(Note: This is not a paid ad)


It's Purim time!

It's Purim time!

Mendy Pellin is an American Chabad comedian who was born in Denver, Colorado. He spent his formative years engaging in playful antics in Crown Heights, Brook...

The Rebbes Army - bidding fairwell to one of our own today. A mother of 13.We are not a physical army. We're a spiritual...

The Rebbes Army - bidding fairwell to one of our own today. A mother of 13.

We are not a physical army. We're a spiritual army. And her spirit is alive and well. So it's definitely not a goodbye.
But 😢!

Meet my dealer

Meet my dealer

Finally home! It was an honor to take .levy to the kotel for the first time. He faught a battle and won as a hero. I fel...

Finally home! It was an honor to take .levy to the kotel for the first time. He faught a battle and won as a hero. I felt his intense emotion when he first saw the . And he thanked Hashem for his freedom. 1967 vibes!

When mama is out of town... 😬

When mama is out of town... 😬

For the millionth time, I'm a Macabee!!! Why is everyone asking me for gifts this morning??!!

For the millionth time, I'm a Macabee!!! Why is everyone asking me for gifts this morning??!!

Still waiting for your Black Friday packages?Did you order a coffee table you don't want for 50% off a price you don't k...

Still waiting for your Black Friday packages?

Did you order a coffee table you don't want for 50% off a price you don't know?

You're the perfect customer for this new book you don't need.

That includes a forward you won't read.

By one of my favorite artists

forward by Mendy Pellin

Just in time for Chanukah.


I'm greatful for Kedem Tea Biscuits (and her sister, coffee)

I'm greatful for Kedem Tea Biscuits (and her sister, coffee)

"If you hit your sister one more time, no screen time!" "Don't walk away! We're not finished taking pictures!" "If you s...

"If you hit your sister one more time, no screen time!" "Don't walk away! We're not finished taking pictures!" "If you smile there will be extra screen time!" "Hide the lolly behind your back!"

Hope you also enjoyed your Tishrei vacation 😉


Pro-tip: Use your Pesach hotel key as a segula to afford a Pesach hotel next year.

Pro-tip: Use your Pesach hotel key as a segula to afford a Pesach hotel next year.

Yay!  started making men's clothes!

Yay! started making men's clothes!


It's a subject most guys don't feel comfortable talking about. But we've had this problem for thousands of years. What's your solution?


1122 S. Robertson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA


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