Journalist Joseph Kollie online platform.

Journalist Joseph Kollie online platform. I am a Liberian Journalist and the youngest news caster in margibi county.


The National Election Commission (NEC) hosts a regional training in two of Liberia 15 counties under the theme: community taking ownership of the NEC civil and voter Education campaign Activities for the 2023 presidential and Legislative Elections.

The training was organized by the National Election Commission with supports from Irish Aid, UNDP, Sweden Government amongst other partners.

Speaking with ECOWAS radio correspondent in margibi on Friday, the Director for civil and voter Education at the National Elections Commission, Mr. Paul N. Wreh Wilson Lauded the National Election Commission with Implementing partners for the support, and urged them to continue supporting the process.

He stated, that the country will soon go to election, and the national Election Commission with partners are working very hard to help educate staffs ahead of the October 10 pulls.

The training brought together the disable community, youths, head magistrates, partners and other organizations.

According to Mr. Wilson, over 80 participants from four counties in Liberia including, Upper Montserrado, Margibi, Sinoe, Grand Bassa and Bomi counties participated in the two days training, which he stated that the participants acquired new knowledge.

Mr. Paul Wilson disclosed that the participants should inform and educate people in their communities, conduct series of civil Education outreaches, Educate people Living with disabilities, market women, motorcyclists amongst others.

He further called on Liberians to have peaceful and fair election and Avoid violence during campaign process.

For his part, the Executive Director for the Liberia United Disable society, Mr. Joseph Kortu Lauded the National Election Commission and its Implementing partners for the Level of support, and education.

He said, the training was Educative, and encouraged his colleagues to educate others acquired different knowledge that will help make the election peaceful and fair.


Fam, we apologized for not sending in stories on the page due to some reasons. Thanks for your patients. We appreciate


The christian Association of the Blind appeals to President George Weah to fulfilled his promised doing his tour in margibi county.

It can be recalled doing the president visit to Margibi as part of his county tour promised people Living with disabilities to pay the sum of twenty three thousand United States dollars.

The money is intended for the construction of a skill training institution that will provide basic skills knowledge to disable people in margibi county.

Speaking with ECOWAS radio contributor on Tuesday, the head of the CAB president in margibi county, John Kpaklah disclosed since the president made his promised they are yet to receive the money pledged, despite the time shown for the money to be given passed.

He stated that some of the members have accused him of receiving the money and have not use it for its intended purpose.

John used the medium to appealed to the president to fulfill his promised doing his county tour in margibi.

Hon. Victoria Duncan thanks for the hard work.

Hon. Victoria Duncan thanks for the hard work.

Hon. Victoria Duncan, representative hopeful of electoral district number four distributions and donations still continu...

Hon. Victoria Duncan, representative hopeful of electoral district number four distributions and donations still continue.

A representative hopeful of electoral district number four, Hon. Victoria Duncan distribution, donations, and contributi...

A representative hopeful of electoral district number four, Hon. Victoria Duncan distribution, donations, and contributions to the peace and Loving citizens of district number four. That's not all, but just few. Her work are uncountable. Thanks Leader.


Workshop for 🏍️ motorcyclists at the Giddings Academy high school in kakata city, margibi county.

Theme: educating motorcyclists on traffic rules and various traffic signs.

Behind the camera: Joseph Kollie. ECOWAS radio correspondent in margibi county. And news caster at radio kakata.


The Next senator of Margibi county comes 2023 Hon. Nathaniel F McGill.

Sir, I like to appreciate you for the hard work you are giving to the peace and Loving people of Margibi county.

Thanks for road connectivity from City view to the Gibi district.

Commission Obediah Miler Lugar appreciated you for the level of supports interms of providing finance for Development in the Gibi area.

Thanks again Hon. McGill

Joseph kollie


Woman arrested after decomposing body of her husband was found at their Mombasa home.

Kenya police have arrested a 28 year old woman identified as Winnie Anyango over the murder of her 55 year old husband, Becca Mwamburi, in Likoni, Mombasa.

Journalist Joseph kollie online platform keep following

The Legislature from the houses at the Capitol Building preparing signature to postpone the national cencus to January 2...

The Legislature from the houses at the Capitol Building preparing signature to postpone the national cencus to January 2023.

Journalist Joseph kollie online platform.


Fire outbreak occured in the Mandingo Quarter community in kakata city.

Month old child died in the house when the house was burning. Sad news in kakata city again.

Currently, LEC is off in the entire city.

We are appealing with tears to the government of Liberia to atleast provide one fire truck in our city.


Accountant at work


Radio Joy Africa celebrated their twelve years anniversary at Booker Washington Institute chapter service hall.

Congratulations to manager Patrick kollie for his many contributions and knowledge that he impacted in few personalities that were present on the program including Ben Believe Togbah .

Ben Believe Togbah, I like to say thanks for the initial contribution to radio joy Africa.

The peace and loving citizens of margibi extends their appreciations to u for identifying financially with the station that brought you up. And makes u adequant, smart and mature.

Congratulations comrade.

Keep following Journalist Joseph kollie online platform.




Fire outbreak occured along the b**g mine road in kakata city, margibi county.

More updates are coming up in subsequent time


Booker Washington Institute over the weekend signed the final resolution with the university of Liberia.

The minister of sports encouraged students in Liberia to take this opportunity very serious.

Minister Wilson noted that the university of Liberia should continue advocating for technical institution in Liberia to have more access to obtaining Associate degree and ASC degree.

The sports minister appreciated the university of Liberia for their tireless supports and kind gesture.

The sports minister congratulates few students who participated in the first entrance of the Associate degree program and ASC for their smartness.

He Lamented out of three hundred students who took the entrance only eleven were successful including one female.

Minister Wilson narrated his first story when he was playing for mighty Barrole the past 23 years.

The sports minister told the students of BWI and other institutions students that is better to be among the quality students then being among Quantity students.

Journalist Joseph kollie online platform.


Real Madrid VS Barcelona.

Your prediction: please if your prediction is successful, you will be awarded 150MB or 30 min.

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Manchester United vs Newcastle United today.

You see life

You see life


Breaking News

The government of Liberia today suspended NPA communication Director Marcus Scott.

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25KG Rice arrived at the Freeport in Monrovia.

The rice arrived today at the Freeport in Monrovia.
Many thanks to the Liberian government for their effort.

Happy pre birthday to one of the best accountant on Booker Washington Institute campus. I wish u peace, joy, happiness, ...

Happy pre birthday to one of the best accountant on Booker Washington Institute campus. I wish u peace, joy, happiness, prosperity and unity.

Manchester United fans left Ethiad stadium when the game was 4:0 in the first half. The past four seasons Manchester Uni...

Manchester United fans left Ethiad stadium when the game was 4:0 in the first half.

The past four seasons Manchester United find it difficult to win Manchester city at Ethiad.

Keep following Journalist Joseph Kollie online platform for more informations.


The District League finally climax at the Nancy Doe sport stadium in kakata.

The current champion district three defeated District two in penalty.
District three had won the League two times. The boys of district three also promised their supporters that the team will always make them Joyful.

Great Game in the English premier league today.

Great Game in the English premier league today.


Manchester city vs Manchester United

Time: 1:00pm

Manchester Debut.


New 14th Road

Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00





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